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【题目】 新年快到了,同学们一定有很多想法。请介绍新的一年里你在学习、健康、家务劳动、旅游等方面的计划,并针对自身的不足之处,说说你打算怎么做。

要求: 1.语言表达准确,语意通顺、连贯。2.书写工整、规范。3.文中不得出现真实姓名和真实地名。4.词数:不少于60个单词。

参考词汇:study hard, read, healthy food, exercise, help, chores, travel



The new year is coming. I have a new plan for the New Year. I am going to study hard and get good grades. I am going to read more books and practice spoken English more. As for health, I am going to eat healthy food. I am also going to do more exercise. I want to help my mom to do more chores at home. I will cook meals on weekends. I love traveling. I am going summer camping if possible. But I am too shy and too quiet to be good at conversations, so I am going to make more friends this year.


题干解读:该题目是话题作文,介绍新的一年里你在学习、健康、家务劳动、旅游等方面的计划,并针对自身的不足之处,说说你打算怎么做。本文时态主要是一般将来时(be going to/will do sth.)。仔细阅读,提出提示要点:在学习、健康、家务劳动、旅游等方面的计划,并针对自身的不足之处,说说你打算怎么做。根据要点提示,列出提纲 语言表达准确,语意通顺、连贯、书写工整、规范。写完以后,注意检查,看看有无单词拼写和语法错误等。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Fears are something we all have. You need to face your fears and to get over them. However, it's easier said than d. Running away from your fears doesn't make them leave. It just makes them b than ever. We're never going to be completely fearless of everything we do, but we can at l be more fearless and confident.
What are the fears that scare(吓唬) you much? Check w they are and get them out in the open. Are they things like height or snakes? Are you a to talk to girls or boys? Are you so shy that you are fearing to say the wrong things? These are common fears that i your daily lives.
Before you can f them, you need to learn more about what makes you fearful of these situations. Communicating your fear is one way. Other people may be able to realize your anxiety(焦虑) b they know something you don't.It could be from past experience, something that you could never forget and has made you fearful since then.
To face fears, you have to believe in something. It's a very healthy way of letting you feel as if nothing can go w. When you feel that way, you may be able to think differently about your f. You will be able to believe that everything will be okay. Everything does end up being okay.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

The seasons in Australia are not like ours. When it is winter in china, it is summer there. June, July and August are the winter months; September, October and November are spring, the summer is in January, February and December, and March, April and May are the autumn months.
A very large part of this country has no rain at all. The east coast (海岸地区) has rain all year, and there are no dry months there. The southeast winds blows (吹) here all the year. They bring rain from the sea. There is not much rain on the west side. The southeastern part of Australia has summer rain from the southeast winds. They only blow here in summer.
The southwestern part of Australia has winter rain. The west winds blow over the southwest in winter only. In the north of Australia, there is no rain in winter. The rain comes in summer. The northwest winds bring it.
(1)Is it summer or winter in August in Australia?(不超过3个词)

(2)Which part of Australia has the most rain? (不超过3个词)

(3)Why does the rain come in summer in the north of Australia? (不超过5个词)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A. come true B. leave C. healthier D. catch E. slowly F. sleepy

(1)Hurry up, or you won't the early bus.
(2)If you put your heart into your study, I'm sure your dream will soon.
(3)The more exercise you take, the you will be.
(4)Don't the baby alone at home.
(5)I'm really after 12 hours' work.
(6)Can you speak , I can't follow you.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)Everyone knows that morning exercises (bring) us health.
(2)The children (teach) to skate last year and now they can skate very well.
(3)What (happen) to your friend this afternoon? She looked unhappy.
(4)—What should I do, doctor?
(keep) healthy,you should take more exercise.
(5)The couple (talk) about something important. You'd better leave them alone.
(6)I can't find her because I (forget) where she lives.
(7)Attention, please. We don't allow (skate) here.
(8)Detective Lu promised to the victim that he (catch) the robber in the near future.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

You're thirsty and you get yourself a glass of water. Do you ever1how old that water really is? The glass of water that you're2may have fallen from the sky as rain only last week. However, water itself has been around pretty much as3as the earth has! In fact, 4oceans, seas and rivers cover 70%of the earth, there is a 5 supply(供给)of water, which keeps on moving round the earth. This is6of what's known as the water cycle. The sun heats up water and it turns into clouds, which are7from water vapor(水蒸气).When the clouds become8, the water falls back onto the earth as rain. Of course, clean water is absolutely essential for good health. The amount of safe drinking water has gone up around the world, but9one billion humans are still in great need10clean, drinkable water.
(1)A.decide B.wonder C.discover D.suggest
(2)A.feeling B.making C.eating D.drinking
(3)A.soon B.early C.far D.long
(4)A.unless B.until C.although D.otherwise
(5)A.limited B.slim C.narrow D.lasting
(6)A.except B.because C.plenty D.instead
(7)A.risen B.raised C.formed D.found
(8)A.strong B.complete C.heavy D.broad
(9)A.mostly B.nearly C.specially D.hardly
(10)A.to B.for C.of D.at


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Giving a Hand

Jaime, a new immigrant(移民)of the USA, was going to watch his daughter's first show in a school play. His daughter, Carol, was five years old. She was a student at the local public school. Carol did not have a very big role in the school play. She was just playing a rain cloud in a play about the drought in California. Carol had just one line. Her line was, "I am sad enough to cry about how dry the state is."

Jaime and his wife made sure to arrive early so that they could get a good seat to watch the show. They found seats in the front row. Before the show began, the schoolmaster made an introductory speech. The speech was about how hard the students and teachers worked together to make the play possible. At the end of the speech, the schoolmaster said, "Let's give the school staff a hand".

Jaime, whose English was not very good, stood up when the schoolmaster said this. He knew that when people said "to give someone a hand" they meant they needed help. Jaime always wanted to help, especially at his daughter's school. Jaime thought maybe they needed help backstage.

Jaime's wife put her arm in front of her husband. "Where are you going?" she asked in a low voice. "They need a hand," Jaime replied. His wife explained that "to give someone a hand" could also mean to applaud(鼓掌)someone. When you applaud someone you clap your hands(拍手)after their performance. You are not supposed to stand up and try to help others. "They don't need help. They just want us to clap," Jaime's wife explained. Jaime felt a little embarrassed. He sat back down and began clapping along with the rest of the audience.

Jaime thought to himself that someone needed to give the English language a hand. How could one phrase mean two different things? He meant the English language needed help.

1Why did Jaime and his wife arrive at the play early?

A.To talk to other parents.B.To wish their daughter good luck.

C.To get good seats to watch the show.D.To listen to the speech of the schoolmaster.

2Jaime thought "giving someone a hand" meant __________.

A.helping someoneB.clapping your hands

C.holding someone's handD.giving your hand to someone

3What can we learn from the passage?

A.Jaime stood up to applaud.B.Jaime is a warm-hearted man.

C.Jaime was better at English than his wife.D.Jaime's daughter played an important role in the show.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Have you heard of Tivoli Gardens? Tivoli is a famous amusement park in,Copenhagen, the capital city of Denmark. It is one of the oldest amusement parks in Europe and maybe in the world. It began to open in 1843, and it is still very popular.

Why is Tivoli so popular? The most important is that it is a beautiful place to visit. In some ways, it is more like a big garden than an amusement park. There is a small lake in Tivoli. And you can enjoy many trees and colorful flowers everywhere. Tivoli is specially beautiful at night because there are thousands of lights in the trees.

What can you do in Tivoli? Many people go to Tivoli for the rides. The Golden Tower is their favorite ride. It's very exciting. The tower is as high as a very tall building. When you take this ride, you go in a small car straight up to the top of the tower. At the top you have the chance to enjoy the beautiful city of Copenhagen for a few seconds. Then the car drops, and you fall with it. It is a very scary but funny ride.

Another thing you can do in Tivoli is enjoying the shows. There are free shows and concerts in Tivoli every day. At the Peacock Theater, you can watch the actors perform silent theater. In the show, the actors move and do things, but they don't speak. You have to think about what they are doing to understand the show.

1Where is Tivoli Gardens?


2When did Tivoli Gardens begin to open?


3What's the most important reason for Tivoli so popular?


4Which activity is very scary but exciting in Tivoli Gardens?


5What can you do at the Peacock Theater?



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



Shenzhen _________________________________ a modern city.


That big flood _________________ a lot of houses and trees.


When the birds heard the gunshot, they flew away_____________________________.


You will feel cool _________________________


Winter days _______________________ snow.

