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Look at the picture. It’s a nice    1   . In the picture you can see a teacher’s     2  on his desk. It’s a Chinese book. There are fifty desks and fifty chairs in the room. There is also a big blackboard. You can see a girl and    3   boys.
The girl’s    4   is Julia. She is thirteen. The boy with the football is Tom. He likes playing    5  . The other boy is Tony. They    6   the same coats and they are the same age. They look the same. I    7   they are twins. Tom is a    8   boy. A book is in his hand. You    9   see the teacher.   10   is the teacher? He is taking the picture.
A.aren’tB.can’tC.doesn’tD.be not



科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Please give kids a break. The request(要求) came after an online survey about  31  activities between classes. Some schools only   32  students to play in the corridors (走廊) during the ten-minute breaks, while   33  even make students do homework in the classroom. About this problem, different people have   34  ideas.
70% of parents in the survey said their children were not allowed to play   35  during breaks. Teachers should know children are 36  to be active, so education shouldn’t run  37   the laws(规律) of nature. “ It   38 that the playground is useless,” said one of the parents.      Some parents agreed to   39  the school did. “ Games during breaks will make children too excited to listen to the teacher   40  in class.” Schools had their own reasons   41    this. Teachers were facing lots of responsibility(责任) over school  42 . Some schools stopped activities   43  children were injured (受伤)during breaks.   44  didn’t want to do so,   but there was no better   45  to solve the problem.
A.teachers’B.children’s C.kid’sD.people’s
A.makeB.letC.allow D.have
A.otherB.anotherC.othersD.the other
A.outsideB.insideC.upstairs D.downstairs
A.afraidB.born C.similarD.able
A.after B.toC.withD.against
A.beforeB.whileC.so D.because


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Hello! I have four classmates. Do you want to know what they  56  ? Let me tell you.
Wang Lin is the capital of the basketball team. He is tall and he is   57  medium build. He has short straight hair. Wang Lin is very popular in my class.
Mary is thin and she is   58   heavy. She has short curly blond hair. She is good –looking but she is a little bit quiet.
Xu Quian loves   59  jokes. She is short and a little heavy. She has beautiful long black hair. She never stops talking.
Mike is a good student. He is very tall. He has curly brown hair. He   60  reading and playing chess.
Which one of them do you like best, could you tell me?
A.looks likeB.look likeC.look atD.looks at
A.littleB.kindC.kind ofD.lots of
A.to talkB.sayingC.tellingD.to speak


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Recently,a solar powered(太阳能动力的)plane took to the sky for the first time. It had passed an important test on the way to travel around the world.
The plane took off from an airport in Switzerland(瑞士)at 45km an hour. It slowly rose above the fields and into the sky.
“There has never been an airplane of that kind that could fly — never an airplane so big, so light, using so little energy,” said Bertrand Piccard, a leader of the project.
During the 90-minute flight, the plane did several turns. It climbed nearly 1.6km above the countryside.
Engineers plan to test a night flight before July. Then they will use the results of the tests to build a second plane. They plan to travel around the world in that plane in 2012.
The plane flies at 70 km an hour. That is faster than a bike and slower than a car. Piccard and pilot Andre Borschberg will take the plane around the world. The pilots will keep the plane in the air for up to five days at a time.
“We want to fly it day and night with no fuel (燃料),” Piccard said
小题1:How long did the first flight of the solar powered plane last?
A.45 minutesB.60 minutesC.70 minutesD.90 minutes
小题2:What’s the most special about the plane?
A.It uses no fuelB.It’s the fastest plane
C.It can fly highestD.It’s the heaviest plane
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage ?
A The plane goes much faster than a car
B The plane took off at a speed of 45km an hour
C Engineers plan to test a night flight before July
D The plane will fly in the air or up to five days at a time
小题4:Which column(栏目)of a newspaper may the passage come from?
A.Food and HealthB.Scientist and Technology
C.Culture and CommunicationD.Sports and Entertainment


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Who wants to carry a bulky bag to school? No children. Nobody wants one shoulder to be lower than the other, and paining(疼痛)too. In India, most of us would look at the reduction(减少)of textbooks as a way out. But in a country like America, there are always more choices. A company called goReader has created a "school bag" which is the size of a laptop computer(笔记本电脑), weighing about 2.5 kg. The goReader has a color screen and can "hold" all the textbooks that a student may need, says a report in ’The Asian Age’ newspaper.
The company plans to work closely with the publishers(出版商) of textbooks so that these books can be supplied on the Internet. All the students will have to do is to download(下载) their textbooks. Making notes and marking important parts of a lesson can be done just as lots of students have done on their textbooks before.
At present, the plan is being tested out in a university. Richard Katzmann, the owner of the company is having his creation tested at Chicago’s DePaul University, where he studied. Does that mean it is goodbye to the new paper, and the smell of the black ink?
小题1:What does the underlined word “bulky” in the first line mean?
A.lightB.smallC.big and heavyD.old
小题2:What would Indians do to solve(解决)the problem?
A.They would reduce the textbooks.B.They would tell the parents to help students.
C.They would tell the teachers to help students.D.They would take students to school by bus.
小题3: The writer may think that Americans have a ________ way to solve the problem.
A.more stupidB.worseC.betterD.quicker
小题4:The goReader may be a machine ________.
A.that can work as a teacherB.that can be used as textbooks
C.that can cheat studentsD.that can hurt students
小题5:When the new machine is used, it is possible that ________.
A.students might study harder
B.students might study at home
C.students might not need teachers
D.students might study without paper textbooks


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It was yearbook day and we were given an hour to sign each other’s yearbooks in the cafeteria. I was president of the class and I played sports. When I sat down at a table, people started to come over to get their yearbooks signed and to sign __36__.
Among them, a weak boy with ugly teeth and thick glasses kept shaking. I had seen him around, and I knew he was always laughed at. He seemed __37__ of himself, and was so pale that it __38__ us to look at him.
He came up and asked me nervously, “Can you sign this?” I took his yearbook but I didn’t know __39__ to write. I saw that there was the name “Ricky Sanders” written on the front of it. So I wrote:

I put down the yearbook and turned around to get some signatures from some of my friends when I __40__ my yearbook was gone. I saw that Ricky had sat down with my yearbook. “What are you doing?” I asked him. He looked up calmly(平静地) and __41__said “Sign!”
My friends broke into a loud laugh, and I saw that he was carefully frying to put a signature in my yearbook. He hadn’t even finished the “R” yet. I thought for a while and __42__ to let him sign.
It took him nearly five minutes to sign and when I got my yearbook back, there was a very shaky “RICKY”. He hugged(紧抱) his yearbook and __43__. I couldn’t help but smile back at him.
In that moment, my __44__ changed completely.
I gave him a high five and suddenly everyone at my table wanted his signature. He was asked politely to write in their yearbooks and the signature __45__ of his yearbook were filled up. He was smiling so big that it lit up the whole room.
I changed school the next year, and I never saw Ricky again. However, I will never forget the day that he became the most __46__ guy in school. Whenever I’m __47__, I still look back at that yearbook.
小题7:decided                 B. meant               C. began                 D. prepared


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

                                     Britain Today
British people like good food, and more than half of them go to a restaurant every month. Fast food is also very popular— 30% of all adults have a hamburger every three months, but
46% have fish and chips!
British people don’t do a lot of sports. Only 17% of people go swimming every week, about 9% go cycling and 8% play golf—and only 6% of people play football( but 32% go to watch it ).
Cinema and TV
Films are very popular in Britain, and about 60% of people between 15 and 24 go to the cinema every month. At home, men watch TV for about three hours every day — two quarters more than women.
British people love going on holiday, and have 56 million holidays every year. Most of these holidays aren’t in the UK—27% are in Spain,10% are in the USA, and 9% are in France. Maybe this is because the weather in Britain isn’t very good!
小题1:Which food could be more popular among British adults, a hamburger or fish and chips?
A.A hamburger.B.Fish and chips.
小题2:Those who are interested in movies are ____.
C.old peopleD.young people
小题3:How long do British women spend watching TV every day?
A.Three hours.B.Three hours and a half
C.Two hoursD.Two hours and a half
小题4:British people’s favorite country for a holiday is ____.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Six Chinese Characters
Dear students,  our country has a long history.  Chinese characters usually have more than one meaning and some of them are particularly loved by Chinese people.  Here are the top six lucky ones.  Please note we use "pinyin" here because "pinyin" is the Chinese spelling system for the characters. For example, "fu" is the "pinyin" for good luck in Chinese.  "pinyin" "fu" is only the phonic   (语音的 )  part of the character and if you want to know the meaning of good luck "fu",  you must read the Chinese character福 because "fu" also represents  (代表)  other Chinese characters that sound the same.
1.福  "fu" means blessing,  good fortune,  good luck. Chinese character福 "fu" is one of the most popular ones used during Chinese New Year. It is often displayed upside down on the front door of a house or an apartment.  The upside down福"fu" means good luck comes since the character for upside down in Chinese sounds the same as the character for "come".
2.禄 "Iu" means prosperity.
It is used to mean official's salary(薪水 ) in feudal (封建的 ) China.
3. 寿 "shou" means longevity.
Chinese character寿  "shou" also means life,  age or birthday.
4.喜 "xi" is happiness.
The doubled character喜 "xi" means double happiness. It is usually displayed everywhere at Chinese weddings.
5.财  "cai" is wealth or money.
Chinese often say "money can make a ghost turn a millstone". It is to say money really can do a lot of things. But, still-money can’t buy everything.
6.和  "he" means harmomous.
People's harmony is an important part of Chinese culture. When you have harmomous
relations with others,   things will be a lot easier for you.
小题1: What does the word "character" mean in this passage?
小题2:We use              to show how to read the Chinese characters.
小题3: What does the upside down福  "fu" mean?
A. It means coming .
B. It means that good luck comes .
C.It means good fortune.
D.It means that "fu" is upside down.
小题4:Which sentence is right according to the passage?
A.Money is a ghost.
B.Money can buy everything.
C.Money is everything.
D.Money isn’t everything.
小题5: After reading the passage,  can we say that sound "he" only means harmony?
A.No, we can't.B.Yes, we can.
C.I know several words read as "he".D.Yes, you can.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Travel in New York
Public transport
Traffic is quite convenient in New York. The bus is cheap and the subway is common. What’s more, you can take both the bus and the subway with the same transit card. If you have something urgent to do. You’d better take a taxi because that’s fast.
There are a lot of hotels in New York. The Plaza Hotel is the best and the most expensive one. If you want to pay less for your stay, there are many smaller hotels. The YMCA near Central Park is suitable for young people.
Eating out
Restaurants provide good service in New York. You don’t have to eat at McDonald’s every day and you can try different kinds of food from many countries. You can also enjoy tasty Chinese food in Chinatown.
Shopping in New York is fun. You can see big shops everywhere in this modern city. Stores are open seven days a week, but be careful when you look at the prices because you have to pay taxes on everything you buy. That means you have to pay an extra fee which in New York city is eight percent of the purchase price.
Places to visits
There are too many places to visit in New York—Times Square, the Empire State Building, and, the Statue of Liberty.
小题1:If you decide to buy a book $10 in New York, you should pay a total of how much after tax?
小题2:“The Plaza Hotel” here is the name of a __________
小题3:You can eat the delicious Chinese food ____________
A.at McDonald’sB.in PiazaC.in Chinatown.D.in YMCA
小题4:Which of the following is NOT in New York?
A.Central Park.B.The Empire State Building.
C.Times SquareD.The White House.
小题5:How many types of transportation are mentioned in the passage?

