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twenty volunteer attend whole beside

(1)The in Rio Olympics were from all over the world.
(2)He spent the morning in going over lessons..
(3)I sat the window of the train, watching the trees past the window.
(4)We're all looking forward to the sports meeting.
(5)Lu Xun is one of the most famous writers of the century.

(3)介词填写。句意:“我坐在火车的窗户边,看着窗外的树。”根据后半句“watching the trees past the window看着窗外经过的树”可以推断出是坐在窗边。故填beside。
(4)固定短语。句意:“我们都期盼着参加运动会。”look forward to doing sth.期盼做某事。故填attending。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Mo Yan, a well-known Chinese writer, won the Nobel Prize for literature(文学) in 2012. He was also the first Chinese writer who got this prize in history. When he was interviewed, he said he was only a normal person who could tell stories. He especially thanked his mother. He thought his mother had a strong influence(影响) on him.

Mo Yan was born in a poor family in China’s rural area(农村地区). When he was young, he was a little bit shy because he thought he wasn’t good-looking. His classmates often played jokes on his look. That made him very upset. His mother encouraged him to face the fact bravely. She told him not to look down on(看不起) himself. She said it didn’t matter if a person didn’t have a good look and it was important to work hard and never give up. She hoped that his son would be a useful person in society(社会).

Mo Yan didn’t let her mother down. He worked hard at writing.. He wrote many famous novels. Such as Hong Gao Liang(《红高粱》) and Wa (《娃》). His success tells us a truth, “Nobody can beat you unless you beat yourself.” Hold on to your dream and your dream will come true in the end.

1Mo Yan is a famous .


2Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize .

A.in 2012B.last yearC.in 2013D.last month

3Why did Mo Yan feel upset when he was a little boy?

A.Because he was poor.

B.Because he couldn’t tell stories.

C.Because his classmates often laughed at his look.

D.Because he didn’t work hard.

4What is the most important for a person according to the passage?

A.Working hard.B.Money.C.A good job.D.A good look.

5What can we learn from the story?

A.Mo Yan’s classmates were friendly to him.

B.Mo Yan was born in rich family.

C.Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for peace.

D.Mo Yan’s mother helped him a lot.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

I study English to tapes.
This kind of paper very .
I to like tests.
My life changed a lot in the last years.
Parents not be too strict teenagers.
Students should to do their homework.
If I you. I study harder.
Don't talk aloud .
He be running catch a bus.
He has to stay at home the bad weather.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 We are talking about our dream jobs . Jack and Hob are going to high school now . Jack wants to be an engineer . He is going to build roads , bridges and sand houses . Hob is interested in math and science , but he is going to study medicine. He wants to be a doctor .

Kate is good atmusic . She wants to be an artist . She is going to sing and dance for people . Joan wants to be a woman pilot . She says , “I am going to fly into space. ” “What do you want to be , Alice ?” Joan asks me . “ Oh , I want to be a teacher . When I grow up , I am going to teach in the poor countryside .”

Each of them is doing his or her best at school . I am sure they will do something good for our country .

1How many students are mentioned(提及) in the passage ?


2Who wants to be an artist ?


3What is Hob interested in?


4What does Joan want to be ?

A.An astronaut.B.A teacher.C.A doctor.

5Where does Alice want to teach?

A.On a farm.B.In the poor countryside.C.At home.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


I volunteer in an after-school reading program. I help young children learn how to read. My favorite part is to see a little child feel excited when he or she learns a new word.

Victoria, 13

Sometimes I do things for my neighbors and ask them to give me some money or clothes. Then I can give these money and clothes to the unlucky people.

Mandy, 10

1Victoria is a volunteer to help _______.

A.animalsB.young kidsC.old people

2Why does Mandy ask her neighbors to give her money or clothes?

A.Because she is too poor.

B.Because she decides to buy something.

C.Because she wants to help those unlucky people.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Alice is only 6 years old. She comes from the USA. She is very brave and smart.

Alice woke up at 4 o’clock last Sunday morning. Suddenly, she smelled something strange. She looked around and found that the kitchen was on fire. Her parents were still sleeping. She went to wake them up as quickly as she could. Then, she made a phone call to the fire station. At that time, the smoke became thicker and thicker and they could only stay in the bedroom. Her father tried hard to take some wet towels (毛巾) out of the washroom. And then he asked Alice and her mother to cover their mouths and noses with the wet towels, lie down on the floor and wait for the firefighters (消防员). Several minutes later, the firefighters arrived. They put out the fire in time.

“My daughter did what I taught her. She kept calm (平静的) and was brave when she found the fire. She saved the lives of our family. She is really great. We’re proud of her,” said Alice’s father. Now, Alice is heroine (女英雄) in many people’s heart.

1How old is Alice?


2What were her parents doing when Alice found the fire?


3Where could the girl’s family only stay when the smoke became thicker and thicker?


4Did the firefighters put out the fire?


5Why were Alice’s parents proud of her?



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1关心,在意 _______________

2代替;替换 ____________

3确保,查明 ___________


5参与,发挥作用 ___________



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

I Hainan Island twice.
Last night I to bedmy parents got home..
Xiao Mei is!She is always the first to come and the last to leave.
With the help of the Chinese people,anew and modern railway in Kenya several months ago.
my friends I enjoy reading Chinese poems.We share our feelings every week.
I can't understand football at this moment.
Don't ,and you'll succeed one day.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Everyone has a dream, and SO does Matthew Hessburg from North Carolina(北卡罗来纳州)USA. Although he has Down syndrome (唐氏综合症)Matthew always dreamed of becoming a chef(厨师). After years of hard work, he has made his dream come true.

As a kid, Matthew used to spend hours making different dishes and eating them together with his three brothers. Every year, they visited their grandparents in the village and stayed there for some days. They enjoyed having barbecues (户外烧烤) outdoors together.

Thanks to his sweet childhood memories and strong interest in food, Matthew decided to go to Western Carolina University to study restaurant management.(管理) While he was there, Matthew developed his cooking skills. The experience encouraged him to set up his own barbecue company. As he says,“Good food, good people, together we're better!"

1Where is Matthew from?


2What did Matthew always dream of?


3Did he and his brothers enjoy having barbecues outdoors together?


4What did Matthew decide to do?


5What is your dream?(联系自我,用动词不定式结构回答)


