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(翻译)pass on_______


科目:初中英语 来源:11-12学年甘肃省兰州市第四十三中学九年级下学期月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Top student Liu Weijian had a problem recently. The 14-year-old from Xiamen used to get marks of over 110 points (out of 120 points) on his math tests. But during last semester’s final exams, his math score was only 90 points.
“I didn’t know what happened,” said Liu, who kept feeling nervous and frustrated about math during the following month.
Like Liu, many of us experience setbacks (挫折) in life. ②你会怎样应对这些挫折呢? Would you just let them be and give up?
Liu chose to face his problem. His parents and teacher also gave him help. After some hard work, he now gets marks between 100 and 110 points on his math tests. “Don’t be afraid of setbacks,” he said. “You will beat them.”
Guo Xingjuan in Shenzhen also has a story to tell. The 15-year-old girl is not good at doing sit-ups (仰卧起坐), ③which is necessary for the coming high school P.E. entrance test (体育中考). One has to do at least 35 sit-ups in a minute to pass the test. However, she could only do 20.
Feeling worried, Guo decided to do something. She did sit-ups for half an hour every day after school. Now, after a month, she can do 30 sit-ups a minute. “I finally found what made me slow through practice, and then I improved the skill little by little,” said Guo. “I believe next month I will be able to do 40!”
The underlined phrase “little by little” means “_____________” in Chinese.
What did both Liu Weijian and Guo Xingjuan do when they met with setbacks?


科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年湖北省丹江口市九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

Your teenage years should be the most exciting and enjoyable years in your life. Here is some advice ??? ??? how you can get the most during the time.

Be Happy?

You are young and full of energy. (72) There are lots of things you don’t have to worry about. You don’t need to worry about where to get your meals, where to sleep at night, or how to make money. During the time without a lot of worries, you should try your best to be happy every day.

Be Healthy?

As a teenager, you will experience many changes in your body. So during the time you should learn to take care of yourself. Keep yourself clean and eat the right kinds of food. (73) What you are doing now will help you keep healthy in the future.

Be Wise?

Keep close contact (接触) with your parents and other older people. You may have ten thousand questions as you come into this new stage of life. This is the time when you actually need your parents’ guidance (指导) and support.?

Choose Your Friends?

The friends you make will have a great ??? ??? on your teenage life. Choosing the right friends will save you a lot of trouble and sadness in the future.

Think over the above advice and try to enjoy your teenage years. As these years pass, you can prepare yourself for a good future.


1. _____________???????????????? ______________


2. ________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________


4.How many suggestions are given to teenagers in this passage?

?? ________________________________________________

5.Why should teenagers choose right friends according to the passage?

Because _________________________________________________________.



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏姜堰溱潼第二中学初三二模英语卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


What’s going to happen in the future? Here are some things that scientists say is most likely to happen 10 to 30 years from now.

1. Digital money

We used to pay with cash(现金)for everything we bought. In fact, we are already using one type of digital money, when we swipe(刷)our bus pass or use a credit card(信用卡)to shop online.

You have to admit that using a card is much easier than searching your pocket for change. It is also _________ than _________a lot of cash with you. You needn’t worry about your cash being stolen. People in Sweden completely stopped using cash last year and the US might be next.

2. Bionic(仿生的)eye

(1)People who are blind may have a chance to get their sight back---by wearing bionic eyes. A blind eye can no longer sense light, but a bionic eye can use a camera to “see” the environment and send data into the brain.

Although the bionic eye that’s out now only allow patients to see lights and unclear shapes, a high resolution(高清的)version could be just a few years away.

3. Self-driving car

Unlike a human driver, a self-driving car won’t be distracted (分神)by a phone call, the radio or something outside the window. Sensors(探测器)and cameras on the car would allow it to keep strictly to the rules of the road and keep a safe distance from other cars. This would greatly reduce the number of road accidents. Many vehicle companies are now planning self-driving cars. By 2040, driverless vehicles will be the main vehicles on the road.

1.在文中空白处填上适当的单词______________   ________________


3.回答问题What would allow a car to keep strictly to the rules of the road?   ___________________________________________________________________________

4.在文中找出的同义句In the past, we spent with cash on the things we bought.   ___________________________________________________________________________




科目:初中英语 来源:11-12学年甘肃省兰州市九年级下学期月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Top student Liu Weijian had a problem recently. The 14-year-old from Xiamen used to get marks of over 110 points (out of 120 points) on his math tests. ①But during last semester’s final exams, his math score was only 90 points.

    “I didn’t know what happened,” said Liu, who kept feeling nervous and frustrated about math during the following month.

    Like Liu, many of us experience setbacks (挫折) in life. ②你会怎样应对这些挫折呢? Would you just let them be and give up?

    Liu chose to face his problem. His parents and teacher also gave him help. After some hard work, he now gets marks between 100 and 110 points on his math tests. “Don’t be afraid of setbacks,” he said. “You will beat them.”

    Guo Xingjuan in Shenzhen also has a story to tell. The 15-year-old girl is not good at doing sit-ups (仰卧起坐), ③which is necessary for the coming high school P.E. entrance test (体育中考). One has to do at least 35 sit-ups in a minute to pass the test. However, she could only do 20.

    Feeling worried, Guo decided to do something. She did sit-ups for half an hour every day after school. Now, after a month, she can do 30 sit-ups a minute. “I finally found what made me slow through practice, and then I improved the skill little by little,” said Guo. “I believe next month I will be able to do 40!”









    The underlined phrase “little by little” means “_____________” in Chinese.


    What did both Liu Weijian and Guo Xingjuan do when they met with setbacks?



