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5.                   students who join the English club is 20.(  )
A.A number ofB.The number ofC.A n amount ofD.The amount of

分析 有20个学生参加英语俱乐部.

解答 答案:B,考查名词所有格.句意"有20个学生参加英语俱乐部."the amount of表示…数量,一般后面加群体性的集合名词;A number of一些、若干,一般后面加群体性的可数名词;an amount of 相当数量的、一些,指某个物体的多少,后面要接不可数名词,The number of+可数名词+单数动词(动词必须为单数,因为number作主语,是不可数名词),表示"…数量,数额."根据题干____students who join the English club is 20.可知有20个学生参加英语俱乐部.故选B.

点评 理解各个选项的含义,根据具体内容作答.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.I like P.E.best.Because my P.E.teacher is veryfriendly(friend) to us.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.A week ago,Columbus Middle School asked the parents of their school to choose a sport for their child to play.Here's some information about the sports.
Sports 1:Basketball
   We expect that this will be the most popular of the four sports.So students should sign up (报名) as soon as possible.Students will take a private bus to and from Kwun Tong Sports Park.Each student will have to pay﹩10 each time for the cost of the bus.There will be four basketball courts available for our use with one teacher watching over each game.
Sports 2:Gym
We will use St.Peter's Park.There are two reasons for choosing this park.First,it is not very busy and crowded before 6:00 p.m.Second,it has lots of trees with plenty of shade.Students must bring along two bottles of water to prevent from being thirsty.All the activities here are free.And there will be a teacher on duty for each activity.
Sports 3:Hiking
Hiking (远足)will be at Kowloon Peak.The activity will start at 2:30 p.m.and finish 90 minutes later.There will be 15 students in each group.And three teachers will be with the students.This sport will cost﹩75 per hour.Students should take plenty of water and sunglasses.
Sports 4:Swimming
   The Kowloon City Swimming Centr e is a 10-minute walk from our school.Four teachers will go to the pool and watch the students from the poolside.We will only be able to use the pool for one hour (2:45 p.m.to 3:45 p.m.).Only students skillful at swimming can take up this activity.The pool will have two lifeguards on watch.Girls must wear swimming suits.The cost is﹩15 per visit.

61.The students of Columbus Middle School shouldB.
A.sign up as soon as possible                      
B.choose a sport to play
C.ask their parents to play a sport                  
D.pay money for each sport
62.According to this passage,Dwill probably have the most students.
63.One of the reasons for choosing St.Peter's Park is thatA.
A.There is a lot of shade there      
B.all the activities there are cheap
C.the park is very busy before 6:00 p.m.
D.there aren't many people after 6:00 p.m.there.
64.A student need to payCif he goes swimming three times a week..
65.From the passage,we know thatA.
A.students are able to take part in one of the four activities.
B.students will take a free bus to and from Kwun Tong Sports Park.
C.students should take plenty of water and sunglasses at St.Peter's Park.
D.students can take a 10-minute walk to the Kowloon City Swimming from home.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Duolingo-Learn Languages for Free on the App.play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.duolingo&hl     Learning a foreign language doesn't mean endless exams.It can be fun!Duolingo helps you learn new words and grammar in creative ways.There are online lessons,games and interesting exercises.For example,you can put words in the right order to make a sentence to improve your vocabulary.You can also try translation practice.Other Duolingo users can rate (评级) these translations and pick out the best one.Operating system:Android 2.3or above(7.7MB )  IOS 6.1.4or above(10.5MB)Win7/8/10(9MB)Suibianzou gives you no chance to get lost!app.mi.com/detail/42452So many apps can help you when you get lost.But Suibianzou does something new.Are you hungry?Simply touch the"restaurant"button (按钮) and hold your phone in different directions.The app will show you all the nearby choices on a street map.The app will give you the directions and time it takes to get there.Choose one and touch the green button.The app will mark the way on the map and lead you there.You can find almost everything nearby,like toilets,tourist spots,hotels and cinemas.Operating system:Android 4.0or above (4.6MB)    IOS 7.0or above (5.7MB)Douban FM--Enjoy your favorite music anytime,anywhere for just 10RMB/month!http://douban.fm/Almost every smart phone has a music app.But Douban FM will surprise you!It doesn't have a playlist.Songs just keep playing one by one.You don't know what the next song will be.You can use the"heart"and"trash"buttons.They mark the songs you like and don't like.The"heart"button stores songs to the list of your favorites.Touch it anytime you want to listen to those songs.Operating system:Android 4.0or above(10.74MB) IOS 6.1.4or above(17.6MB) Win7/8/9 (11.73MB)
56.Duolingo is aD app.
57.On Duolinggo,you may do the following EXCEPTA.
A.taking exams       
B.playing games
C.having online lessons  
D.doing translation practice
58.Which is the correct order of steps when you want to find a place for dinner on Suibianzou?B
A.Touch the green button---hold the phone in different directions---touch"restaurant"
B.Touch"restaurant"---hold the phone in different directions---touch the green button
C.Hold the phone in different directions---touch the green button---touch"restaurant"
D.Touch"restaurant"---touch the green button---hold the phone in different directions
59.The"trash"button on Douban FMC.
A.stores the songs you like   
B.plays a song for you at any time
C.marks the songs you don't like
D.creates a playlist of your favorite songs
60.According to the passage,we know that these three appsD.
A.are all free apps      
B.all have a user-rating system
C.cost 10RMB per month    
D.are all available for Android system.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

You helped to makeitpossible for me to have Lucky.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

Please cut out the paperin the shape ofa tiger.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

Excellent!Iagree withyou.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Are"Basics"Enough for Students?
An American education expert says many schools are spending too much time teaching the-basics‖-reading,math and writing.That might be different from what educators have been saying in America.But U.S.Education Secretary John King says children really need a well-rounded(全面的)education that includes music and the arts.
King spoke about his own education when explaining why schools need to teach more than math,reading and writing.His parents died when he was young.He said things in his house were frightening.It was his teacher in Grades Four,Five and Six-Mr.Osterweil-who helped him escape from his difficult life at home.Each day in Mr.Osterweil's class,students would read a newspaper.The teacher took him and his classmates to the theater,the zoos and famous museums.
"Those were powerful,life-changing experiences,‖King says.After he graduated from Harvard University,he took charge of New York State public schools from 2011-2015.-I'm alive today,I'm doing the work that I do today because I had Mr.Osterweil during that period of my life,‖King says.-Students need to connect their studies to things that matter to them,such as music,if they want to become a thinker.‖
A 2013report by UNESCO(联合国教科文组织),says world needs people to be able to solve new and unusual problems now.It says arts can help students find those answers.In the report,UNESCO says teaching the arts in China,South Korea and Japan is different from that in many western countries.-The educators in those three countries pay more attention on joyful experiences and children's interests,‖the report says.-In the West,educators are more likely to connect the arts to reading,writing and math."
Comparing countries is hard because they have different ways to define success.For example some people may think getting high marks in exams is success,while others may hold different views.A 2014survey by the Program for International Student Assessment tried to compare how well countries teach children how to solve problems.It found Singapore,South Korea,Japan,and China with the highest scores.Singapore was the top one with a score of 562out of 1,000.The average(平均的) score was 500.The United States had a score of 508,one point behind Germany.
So it may be worth rethinking what we should focus on in our class.The-basics‖is not the only part of education.
53.We can learn from the passage thatD.
A.King's family life was warm and happy
B.King's teacher focused on-basics‖more
C.educators in the West teach music for joy
D.arts can help studentssolvenew problems
54.The word"define"in Paragraph 6probably means-C"
A.get the pleasure of         B.make full use of
C.give the meaning of        D.take the place of
55.The writer probably agrees thatA.
A.students need more than"basics"to learn
B.getting high marks in exams is success
C.education depends a lot on the hobbies
D.we need more time to learn"basics"


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

I lost mybaseball.Imust  find it.

