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She doesn’t want to do it .We have to find _____to do it.
A.somebody elseB.else anybodyC.else somebodyD.nobody else

试题分析:本题考查的是else修饰不定代词,位于其后,故将BC排除,而又根据She doesn’t want to do it,说明要找别人来做这一件事,故选答案为A

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

There are many shops on ________ side of the street.
A.bothB.everyC.eachD.each of


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题



科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

----Are you going to buy a camera?
-----Yes. But there are so many kinds that I can’t decide __________ to buy.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空 (每题2分,共10分)
小题1:                 (tomato)  are  my  favourite  vegetable.
小题2:There are two                (library)  in  our  school.
小题3:Coke is                (health) drink.
小题4:Mary can’t              (play) the piano.
小题5:She speaks                   (China) very well.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:I forgot ______ (tell) Lucy about this news. She doesn’t know about it.
小题2:It’s important for you to eat a ______ (balance) diet.
小题3:Chinese Kongfu is popular in many ______(west) countries.
小题4:The Spring Festival is a Chinese ______(tradition) festival.
小题5:Eating a lot of vegetables ______(help) you to keep in good health.
小题6:Rose’s mother wants her ______ (play) the piano every day.
小题7:I’m worried because my mother is ______ (stress) out.
小题8:--- What are you doing this Sunday?    --- I’m going bike ______ (ride).
小题9:I have a ______ (stomach). I should see a doctor.
小题10:I don’t have ______(many) money. So I can’t buy it.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--- What’s ________ name?
---________name’s Nick.
A.my; MyB.your; YourC.his; HisD.her; His


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Do you like animals? Do you want to keep animals? Yes, many people like animals and want to keep a lovely animal as a p_____ . It's a pity that they don't have a suitable place to keep them. However, keeping fish may be the best choice.
Why keep them?
People keep dogs and cats because they enjoy their friendship. Fish can not be friendly, but they have beautiful shapes and colors. It's a pleasure to watch as they swim i_____   their tank(水槽)。
What do they need?
First of all, the fish need a suitable (合适的) tank, and you must fill the tank w_____  suitable water. It is also good for t_____  to have a few water plants in the tank to keep the water pure (纯净)。 Putting a few snails (蜗牛) in the tank is a good i_____  . They will keep it c_____  
What about feeding them?
There are many kinds of fish food t_____   you can get in the shops. Most are suitable for all kinds of fish. You should feed your fish only o_____   a day. It is important not to give them  t_____   much food. Just give them as much as they can e_____   up in about 15 minutes. This will keep them healthy.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

61. Liu Shishi and Hu Ge are my ____________61_____ .( 偶像,英雄)
62. Is Hobo Eddie’s _________62_____ ?( 主人)
63. My cousin often goes to Reading Club ________63_________.(放学后)
64. The girl often ____64_____ (学习) late at night.
65. He is a ____65____(成员) of the Reading Club.
A: Do you have any h______66____?
B: Yes , I love p_____67___ football , listening to music .I am also good at s_____68____. I am like a fish in the water.
A: Do you e____69_______ playing computer games ?
B: No, I don’t . I don’t want to wear g____70____ when I am 12 years old .

