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Good morning, everyone! _________________________________________

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科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版9上Unit2 Grammar 1 随堂测试 题型:单项填空

--The colours of the dress ______ her very well.

--Yes, red __ her characteristics.

A. suit; matches B. match; suits C. suit; suits D. match; matches


科目:初中英语 来源:新疆乌鲁木齐市2017届中考四模英语试卷 题型:句型转换

1.Robert used to take a bus work. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ Robert _______ to take a bus to work.

2.I don’t think he can finish the task in two days. (改为反意疑问句)

I don’t think he can finish the task in two days,_______ _______?

3.Urumqi Subway Line One will be finished in one year. (对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ will Urumqi Subway Line One be finished?

4.We had an amusing experience this afternoon.(改为感叹句)

______ ______ amusing experience we had this afternoon!

5.I heard that he was singing in the next door yesterday. ( 改为简单句)

I heard ______ _______in the next door yesterday


科目:初中英语 来源:新疆乌鲁木齐市2017届中考四模英语试卷 题型:单项填空

If Peter ______, please ask him to leave a _________.

A. come; notice B. comes; message C. come; sentence D. comes; information


科目:初中英语 来源:新疆乌鲁木齐市2017届中考四模英语试卷 题型:单项填空

_____ teacher and _____ writer is going to give us a lecture next week.

A. The; the B. The; / C. A; a D. A; /


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级上英语同步练习1Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister单元检测 题型:七选五

Holly and Maria are talking about what a good friend is like.

H:Maria,1. ?

M:I think a good friend is good at sports.

H:You mean he or she is athletic?

M:Yes, and 2..He or she often makes me laugh.

H:Anything else?

M:Er,I think3.

H:I don’t agree with you.I like to have friends4.

M:Do you think a good friend should be popular at school?


A.who are different from me

B.a good friend likes to do the same things as me

C.that’s not very important to me

D.what is a good friend like

E.he or she is funny

F.she is good at reading

G.what else do you like about a friend


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级上英语同步练习1Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister单元检测 题型:单项填空

Her grandfather lives a simple life _____________ he has much money.

A. because B. so C. though D. if


科目:初中英语 来源:山西农业大学附属中学2016-2017学年七年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

There lived a king(国王). He was healthy and had lots of money. All the people in his country were afraid of him. But he thought he wasn’t healthy, so he was not happy all day. So he went to see a doctor.

The doctors in his country couldn’t cure(治疗) him, so the king was angry(生气的) with them. One day two great doctors from another country came to see him. The king said to them, “If you can cure me and make me happy, I’ll give you a lot of money.”

The first doctor looked over(检查) the king. He didn’t find anything wrong with him. “Oh, King, you are very well, ” said the doctor, “You think you are unhealthy and that makes you unhappy.” Hearing it, the king was angry and killed the doctor.

The other doctor knew that, so he said “King, you’ll be all right if you find a happy person and wear his shoes.” The king was happy to hear this, and he gave the doctor lots of money.

The king asked hundreds of people if they were happy. All of them said they were sometimes happy and sometimes unhappy. At last he met a beggar(乞丐) who said he was always happy.

“Give me your shoes quickly,” said the king, “and I’ll make you have lots of money.” The beggar said, “Sorry, I never wear shoes.”

1.Why didn’t the king feel happy all the time?

A. Because he thought he would die(死) soon.

B. Because no one in the country loved him.

C. Because he thought he wasn’t healthy.

2.After the first doctor looked over the king, he .

A. found the king wasn’t healthy

B. found the king was healthy

C. found a bag of money

3.What did the king do with the first doctor?

A. He killed him. B. He made him leave the country.

C. He gave him a lot of money.

4.The second doctor asked the king .

A. to forget his illness(疾病)

B. to talk with his friends

C. to find a happy person

5.The king didn’t get the beggar’s shoes because .

A. the beggar didn’t want to give him his shoes

B. the beggar lost his shoes

C. the beggar never wore shoes


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版九年级上册英语 Unit 3 Teenage problems-Reading 同步练习 题型:单项填空

Usually I got homework.

A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too

