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I am a student in China now. My name is Kelly Smith. I live with my parents, two sisters and a brother in Beijing. My parents teach English in No. 6 Middle School. I study in the same school. I am happy here, because I like my new school and the classmates. They are very kind to me. They like to play with me because I look different from them. I have blue eyes and long blond hair. They often say I look like a doll (洋娃娃). Also I speak English well, so lots of students like to talk with me to improve (提高) their English.
小题1:How many people are there in Kelly’s family?
A. three B. five C. six
小题2:Kelly’s parents are _______.
A. doctors B. teachers C. farmers
小题3:Why does Kelly like her new school?
A. Because it is very big.
B. Because it is very beautiful
C. Because the classmates are kind to her.
小题4:What color are Kelly’s eyes?
A. blonde B. black C. blue
小题5:Why do students like to talk with Kelly?
A. Because Kelly is a beautiful girl.
B. Because Kelly’s English is very good.
C. Because Kelly is very interesting.


小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“I live with my parents, two sisters and a brother in Beijing.”理解可知。
小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“My parents teach English in No. 6 Middle School.”理解可知。
小题3:细节理解题,根据文中语句“I study in the same school. I am happy here, because I like my new school and the classmates. They are very kind to me.”理解可知。
小题4:细节理解题,根据文中语句“I have blue eyes and long blond hair.”理解可知。
小题5:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Also I speak English well, so lots of students like to talk with me to improve (提高) their English.”理解可知。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Microblogging(微博) is sweeping across the world. You Can express your ideas on any topic on it. Of course, you might also make comments(评论) on others' microblogs.
The following is Tonv's microblog at Enviroboard and its comments.
Subject: Eco-Friendly Transportation
Saturday 9th June 8:05 am " 
Hi everyone! My name's Tony. I'm doing a project about greener ways to travel. I want to know if anyone has any good ideas. Thanks for your help!                
                                                                  Comments [4]
I think people should do more things online from home. Why pollute the air by driving your car to the supermarket, when you can order your weekly shopping on the Internet~ You can also book holidays as well.                    
                                               Posted by Billy on June 1 lth 7:36 am
I try to use public transportation whenever I can. I take the bus to college and walk home. When my mum wants to give me a lift, I always refuse, as I can get there quickly by bus. Also the buses in my town are electric so they are environmentally friendly!
                                             Posted by Carol on. June 12th 10:35 am           
Why not use two wheels? Any motorcycle will use less fuel (燃料)an a car. You don't get caught in traffic jams either. But in my opinion, the best thing is a bicycle. They don't produce any pollution and help you to keep fit at the same time.                                                      
                                               Posted by Daz on .lune 12th 16:00 nm
I can't get to my university by bus or train. So I found three other girls who live nearby to have a car share with. And now we take it in turns to drive every day. I have cut down the costs -- and most importantly,- I am helping the environment!
                                             Posted by Angela on June 15th 9:36pm
小题1:Billy thinks that we can make less air pollution by            .
A. doing things online at home        
B. driving cars to shopping centres
C. taking buses to the supermarkets
小题2:Buses in Carol's town are environmentally friendly because             .
A. they use fuel         B. they are cheap         C. they are electric
小题3:Daz thinks riding bicycles ___________.
A. will help us save more fuel        
B. will get caught in traffic jams, too
C. can be very clean and help keep fit
小题4:Angela goes to school by car sharing because ___________.
A. she doesn't like buses           
B. she wants to help the environment
C. she wants to go to school quickly
小题5:Tony wrote the message on his microblog to ____________.
A. get some good ideas on making net pals
B. get some tips on travelling to the places with green trees
C. ask for some advice on cutting down pollution while travelling


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The best way of learning a language is using it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible. Sometimes you’ll get your words mixed up and people will not understand you. Sometimes people will say things to quickly and you can’t understand them. But  if you keep your sense of humor(幽默感), you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you make. Don’t be unhappy if people seem t be laughing at your mistakes. It’s better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, because they don't understand what you are saying. The most important thing for learning English is, “Don’t be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.”
小题1:What is the best way for you to learn a language according to the writer?
A. writing.            B. using it.        C. listening.
小题2:What should you do in learning English?
A. Write as quickly as you can.
b. Speak English as much as you can.
C. Laugh more often.
小题3:When people laugh at your mistakes, what should you do?
A. Not care.            B. Be happy.        C. Feel worried.
小题4:What should you do when you make a mistake?'
A. Keep quiet.
b. Get angry.
C. Keep your sense of humor
小题5:What can we learn from the passage?
A. Anyone will make mistakes.
B. People never make mistakes.
C. Few people make mistakes.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

“Who needs a shopping mall (购物中心)if you have Taobao?”says Wang Lin,28,a writer in Beijing.
Taobao, China’s largest online shopping site (网上购物网站),has become an important part of Wang Lin’s life. She spends lots of money on Taobao.
A growing number of Chinese Internet users like Wang have found the joys of online shopping .Most online shoppers are students or young workers .More women shop on line then men. Clothing and home-use products(产品)are the most popular on line.
It was reported that more than 250 billion(十亿)Yuan was spent on online shopping last year,80% through Taobao.
Taobao means “looking for treasure” in Chinese. People can find almost everything they need on Taobao, from clothes to books, from candies to DVD players.
You may question the security of online shopping ,Wang Lin said, “”It’s very safe and convenient ( 便利的).Unless you receive the products from the sellers and are satisfied with them, the shop owner will not get the money .You can also get your money back if you want to return the products.”
小题1:What are the most popular online?
A. Candles and DVD players
B. Clothes and books.
C. Clothing and home-use products.
小题2:Taobao is ____________.
A. a shopping mall
B. an online shopper
C. an online shopping site
小题3:What does the underlined word “security” mean?
A.质量    B安全   C 信誉
小题4:Which is the best title(标题)of the passage?
A. Wang Lin’s life.
B. Online shopping in China.
C. Shopping on line is not safe.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Most children like watching TV. It’s very interesting. By watching TV they can see and learn a lot and know many things about their country and the world. Of course ,they can also learn over the radio. But they can learn better and more easily on TV. Why? Because they can hear and watch at the same time. But they can’t see anything over the radio. TV helps to open children’s eyes. It helps to open their minds , too. They learn newer and better ways of doing things. Many children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evening. They are always busy with their lessons. But a few children watch TV every night. They go to bed very late. They can’ t have a good rest. How about you, my young friend?
小题1:A few children go to bed late because they ______
A.are busy with their lessonsB.do their homework
C.watch TVD.listen to the radio
小题2:Children can’t see anything ______
A.in the radioB.on the radioC.on TVD.by watching TV
小题3:TV helps to open children’s ______
A.eyes and mindsB.mindsC.eyes or mindsD.eyes
小题4:Why do many children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evening? Because ______
A.TV is not goodB.they don’t like watching TV
C.they have no timeD.they want to play football
小题5:Children can study better and more easily on TV because ______
A.they like to watch TV
B.they can hear at the same time
C.they can watch at the same time
D.they can hear and watch at the same time


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

    Near the North Pole(北极)there are only two seasons:winter and summer.In winter,nights are long.For more than two months you can’t see the sun,even at noon.In summer,days are long.For more than two months the sun never sets and there is no night at a11.The temperature(温度)is very low near the North Pole.Even in summer the temperature is below 0℃.So people there wear warm clothes all year round.They make their clothing from the skins of animals.From the skins they also make coats,hats and even boots.
In the cold climate,plants cannot grow.So the people have to build their houses with skins,earth,stone or snow.When they go out to hunt something,they live in tents of skins.When they move,they take their tents with them.Sometimes,they build houses of snow.Now don’t think that these houses must be cold.In fact,they are very warm and safe.
The life near the North Pole is very interesting.
小题1:There are no________near the North Pole.
A.spring or summerB.summer or autumn
C.autumn or winterD.spring or autumn
小题2:Near the North Pole the winter nights can last_______.
A.more than a monthB.more than two months
C.more than half a yearD.more than four months
小题3:The people near the North Pole wear warm clothes_________.
A.only in winterB.only in summer
C.only at nightD.all year round
小题4:Near the North Pole you can’t see__________.
A.animalsB.stone houses
C.plantsD.tents of skins
小题5:Sometimes people there build houses of snow.It is__________.
A.warm and safeB.very cold inside
C.dangerous to liveD.cold and dangerous


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There is not enough oil in the world now. As time goes by, it becomes less and less, so what are we going to do when it runs out? Perhaps we will go back to using horses, carriages and bicycles.
In the Second World War, some people didn’t use gas made from petroleum(石油) in their cars. They made gas from wood and plants instead. The car didn’t go fast, but they ran, so this was better than nothing. However, in the future, we can’t cut down all our trees to make gas; we need our trees for other things, too.
Besides different types of gas, we can also use electricity(电) to run our cars, but first we must make the electricity! Some countries have coal(煤) and they make electricity with that, but we might not always have coal, either. Other countries have big, strong rivers, and they can use the power of water to turn turbines(涡轮机) and make electricity more easily and cheaply.
We are also able to get power from the ocean tides. We put turbines into the mouth of the river. Then the tide comes in, the water turns the turbines and then it goes out, it turns them again.
Which of these ways will be used to run our cars in the future?
小题1:When might people have to go back to using horses and carriages?
A.When they are poor.
B.When they run out of oil.
C.When they need more exercise.
D.When there aren’t any big trees in the world.
小题2:What did some people use to make gas in the Second World War?
C.Wood and plants.D.Tides.
小题3:How many ways are suggested to make electricity in the passage?
小题4:According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.There is more petroleum than we can use now.
B.Trees are needed for some other things besides making gas.
C.We got electricity from ocean tides in the old days.
D.Gas wasn’t used to run cars in the Second World War.
小题5:The passage is mainly about __________.
A.how to run our carsB.what to do when oil runs out
C.different types of gasD.the ways to make electricity


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Dogs like living with people. A dog can be a very good friend. He can do a lot of things for people. Some dogs help people to look after sheep, other dogs help them to find lost children. And some of the dogs can help the blind (盲人) do things.
Many years ago there was a very good dog. His name was Seeing Eye dog. Now we can see this kind of dogs all over the world. They are working for the blind.
The Seeing Eye dog is strong, good and easy to train(训练). He helps the blind to walk from place to place.
Before a dog becomes a Seeing Eye dog, he must go to a training school for about three months. First the dog has to learn to sit or stay when he hears the trainer’s call. In his next lesson the dog learns to make his trainer across busy streets
The dog has many things to learn. And in every lesson he must learn to do one thing again and again for many times.
At the end of the training school he must take tests. When he passes the tests, the Seeing Eye dog will do the things by himself.
Now he can help blind people. The new master may be a man, a woman, or even a child. It takes the dog and his blind master about a month to learn to work and live together.
小题1:We can see the Seeing Eye dog _______.
A.only in the countryB.only in small cities
C.all over the worldD.only on the busy street
小题2:What can the Seeing Eye dog do?
A.Look after sheepB.Help blind people
C.Find lost childrenD.Train blind people
小题3:If you want a dog to become a Seeing Eye dog, you must let him ________.
A.go to a training schoolB.go to a middle school
C.go to an evening schoolD.go to a children school
小题4:First the dog has to learn to sit or stay __________.
A.when he hears the telephone callB.when he hears another dog’s call
C.when he hears the master’s callD.when he hears the trainer’s call
小题5:How long will it take the dog and his blind master to learn to work and live together?
A.one yearB.five yearsC.about a monthD.one week


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

People cannot reach an agreement on the use of science and technology. For example, will radiation from electronic equipment destroy the environment? Should medical scientists change gene structures to prevent genetic disease or to create “more perfect” human beings? While people are arguing about these and others, technology continues to influence our everyday lives—the home, health and education, entertainment and communication, and so on.
Some people carry on active social lives with computers —their own or the ones in public places like cafes, social centers, libraries, and so on. Communicating with others in chat rooms,  computer users can get to know people they might never meet in traditional ways. With live online video connections, two people with cameras in their computers can see and talk to each other from separate places.
With modern telephone technology, most people stopped writing lettters—especially personal letters and notes. But now, writing to communicate has returned in electronic form, or e-mail, which is a way of sending messages from one computer to another. For some computer users, the wish to communicate intelligently or creatively with others makes them want to write better.
Computer technology has also made it possible to run a house electronically. From turning lights on and off to starting the coffee and cooking the hot meal, computers are taking care of people at home. Many modern machines have computer chips that allow their owners to program them. For instance, you can “instruct” a microwave oven how to cook a dish. Most entertainment equipment operates with computer technology too. Computers can even start cars automatically so that on cold winter mornings you can get into a warmed-up vehicle and drive off.
Although much of the technology in our everyday lives has good effects, there are some uses that raise questions. For example, are interactive media ( i.e., a combination of television, telephone, and computer) going to control minds, cause people to forget about family life and personal relationships? What effects will the genentic engineering of food have on people’s health? High-tech medical treatments can make a person live a much longer life, but can they improve the health and happiness of human beings? Only time will tell, but, in the meantime, science and technology will continue to move forward. 
小题1:What does the underlined word “ chips” mean?
A.thin pieces of potatoesB.small holesC.small pieces of woodD.central parts
小题2: We can know from the passage that _________.
A.technology never stops changing our everyday lives
B.with computers each of us can live a comfortable life
C.people can do more activities with computers
D.the more you use computers, the better you might write
小题3: What can we infer from the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?
A.The longer you live, the happier you are.
B.High-tech medical treatments can’t improve our health and happiness.
C.High-tech medical treatments can’t help us with everything.
D.The writer questioned high-tech medical treatments somehow.
小题4:What is the best title for the passage?
A.Science and New TechnologyB.Computers Change Our Lives
C.Everyday Uses of TechnologyD.Only Time Will Tell

