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小题1:Help __ (you) to anything you like, kids.
小题2: Kate is looking for some __ (far) information about Li Na on the Internet.
小题3: Itchy Feet fell __ (sleep) shortly after he lay down.
小题4:On his__ (40) birthday , he swam across the channel.
小题5:His mother’s death brings him __ (sad)because he likes her very much.
小题6:Last night,the doctor __ ( 手术)on the 11-year-old boy.
小题7:Eating less is not a healthy way to __ (减少)your weight.
小题8:It’s about five__ (分钟)walk from here to the new supermarket.
小题9:The audience shouted and cheered __ (兴奋).
小题10: Many people in poor countries have no money for__ ( 医学) treatment.

小题3: asleep   
小题7: lose

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Bridge Street is very busy, and it’s a g       place to have fun.
小题2:Johnny Dean used to wear glasses, but he doesn’t wear them any m _   _.
小题3:Rapid Fire is an_  _ (动作) movie that interests a lot of people.
小题4: The alien had thick __ (棕色的) hair and big green eyes.
小题5:The main      (意思) of his words is to stop it from happening again.
小题6:She didn’t always think      ( 仔细地)about what she was doing.
小题7:The __ (own) of the house doesn’t want to sell it at a low price.
小题8:Jingmen produces one      (eight) of Huhei’s rice.
小题9: He took out pieces of old bread and      (feed) the birds.
小题10: Having the right equipment at hand will be very       (help).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Though it was raining hard outside, we could see___    people in the street.
A. few         B. a few             C. a little


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

The station was crowded, and Alice couldn’t see Dave_________.                                                 
A. anywhere           B. everywhere                  C. nowhere          D  somewhere


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:—Did you see the ____ (通知) of the sports meeting?
—No, I didn’t. Let’s go to see it together.
小题2:Mom, the medicine is a little ____ (苦味的), I don’t want to take it.
小题3:My teacher told me to give a ____ (演讲) about how to learn English.
小题4:People all over the world are looking f_____ (向前的) to having a peaceful life.
小题5:Every _____ (空间) on the walls is covered with pictures.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1: ▲ (在楼上).there were three little bedrooms.
小题2:Thank you for talking to us about your   ▲ (研究).
小题3:Mike,don't forget to   ▲ (保存)the file before you close it.
小题4:1 wanted to get three dogs an   ▲ (训练)them.
小题5:He was good at   ▲ (修理)the washing machine.
小题6:A friend in need is a friend   ▲ (真正地).
小题7:He has learnt a lot of   ▲ (知识)from the news programmes.
小题8:Oxfam Trailwalker is a   ▲ (费力的)hike.
小题9: You have worked too hard. You'd better have a   ▲ (休息).
小题10:Have you two been   ▲ (介绍)?Tom, this is Greg.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:How _________(be) Jim's weekend? It _________(be not) bad.
小题2:He ________(watch) TV and __________(read) an interesting book just now.
小题3:She _________(not visit) her aunt last weekend. She ________ (stay) at home
小题4:Mr Green ________ (marry) ten years ago and had three children.
小题5:My grandfather was born in 1935 and ______ (die) in 1999.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Children need time to do things by t_______(他们自己)
小题2: Rodert and his friends walked home together in  s________(沉默)
小题3: Could you pass on the  m________(消息) to Alice?
小题4:Marcia wants to have a s _________(惊讶) party for her mom.
小题5: How  l_________(幸运的) you are!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

56. Manatees eat about 100    英磅   a day.      小题1:__________
57.    等   for her made me angry.              小题2: __________
58. Last Sunday, two kids    拜访  me.         小题3: __________
59. I’m more    外向的    than my sister.        小题4: __________
60. He didn’t know what was    发生   outside.   小题5: __________

