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  People like to live in different places.Some like to live in big cities,   1   they can go to many big stores and buy all   2   of things in big cities.There are more and better jobs in a big city and they can   3   more money.There are many cinemas and theatres here and   4   in big cities.They can go to the parks、zoos and museums   5   Sundays.They can live in the   6   buildings and enjoy the beautiful scene from the window.

  However, some people like to live in the countryside, because they think there are too   7   cars and people in cities, and they want to have   8   space, cleaner air and less noise.They can see a   9   of fields, trees, animals and flowers.Some people can also grow green vegetables and fruit by   10  .


1.because 2.kinds\sorts 3.make 4.there 5.on 6.tall\high 7.many 8.more\bigger 9.lot 10.themselves


科目:初中英语 来源:湖北省十堰市2007年初中毕业生学业考试英语试题 题型:053


  When you are worried or stressed, what do you do about it?

  These days, a student website in Foshan opened for kids to let their anger and stress out.Students can write whatever they want online.

  Lots of students wrote their stories.Some wrote something about their teachers.Others wrote about their quarrels with their classmates.Many of them used      words.Some even wrote down the real names of their targets.

  Parents don’t like the idea.They said it could be against the law.Ms Cheng is the mother of a Junior2 boy.She said she wouldn’t let her son write on the Internet.“Saying bad things about others won’t help solve the problem.Children should talk to their parents,”she said.

  Ren Yi, 16, from Liaoning, said he didn’t agree with using bad words either.But he said releasing stress online wasn’t a bad thing.“You don’t have to use your real name.     knows you.You can let out as much as you want,”he said.

  Song Yinan, 14, from Shanxi thinks it has two sides.The good side is if others see your story, they may give you help.But the bad side is that if kids don’t control themselves, things could become worse.

  注:(1)stressed有压力的 (2)targets目标 (3)law法律 (4)release释放


①________  ②________


①Ms Huang, the PE teacher told us our next match was a________ a Japanese team.

②Elsa loses herself in playing computer games.She can’t c________ herself though she knows it’s bad.




4.Did Ren Yi agree with releasing stress online?


5.How do you solve it when you’re worried or stressed?


