精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
A: What did you ____1____ last night?
B: I ___2____ to the movies.
A: ___3___ there many people there?
B: Yes. Most of them ____4____ young people.
A: How did you ___5____ the movie?
B: Very much. It was very ____6____(有趣的). And I ___7____ it very much.
A: What do you think of the actors and actresses?
B: They ____8___ all very good.
A: Which actor did you like ____9____?
B: The actor ___10___ Zhang Ziyi. I liked her very much.
1. do               2. went  3.Were  4.were  5. like
6.interesting  7.liked  8.were    9.best   10. called

科目:初中英语 来源:2011年初中毕业升学考试(湖南益阳卷)英语(带解析) 题型:补充句子

A: Good afternoon, Miller!  【小题1】  ?
B: I’m drawing a horse.
A: A horse? Can you let me have a look?
B:     【小题2】   . Here you are.
A: Oh, the horse looks very nice. Do you often draw in your free time?
B:      【小题3】    .
A: Do you like drawing?
B: Yes. I like drawing very much.
A:       【小题4】    ?
B: Because it’s very interesting. And my art teacher is very kind to me.
A:      【小题5】    ?
B: I have an art lesson once a week.


科目:初中英语 来源:2013年初中毕业升学考试(湖南益阳卷)英语(解析版) 题型:其他题


A: Hi , Lin Yang ! How was your vacation ?

B: It was pretty good .

A:   1.                           ?

B:  I went to Dalian .

A:     2.                           .

B: I went there with my pen pal .

A: Your pen pal ?      3.                      ?

B: He comes from Beijing .

A:       4.     ?

B: He is tall and thin . He is a boy with a big head .

A:      5.     ?

B: Because we both like the sea.

A: I hope I can go there some day.



科目:初中英语 来源:2012年外研版初中英语九年级上Module 11 练习卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


通读下面的对话, 然后根据上下文补全对话内容。

A: Have you (1)r_________ today’s newspaper?

B: No, I haven’t. (2)W_________ there any important news?

A: There’s a (3)r_________ about the population of our country. It says we have got another 16,000,000 people this year.

B: Oh, the population is growing faster and (4)f______.

A: If the population goes on (5)g_________, it will be the (6)b_________ problem in our country.

B: Of course. The population of the babies born in one year in China is (7)a_________ as large as the population of Australia.

A: I’m afraid there will be only (8)s_________ room for us some day.

B: But if every family has only (9)o_________ baby, things will turn (10)b_________.



科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: What's your     1    sport?  
B: I     2        3    football.
A:     4    you swim?
B:     5   , I can't.
A:     6    you like playing computer     7   ?
B: Yes, I     8   .
A: Do you like     9    television?  
B: No, I     10  .

