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Life in the 22nd century will be different from life in the 20th century, because many changes will take place in the new century, but what will the changes be?
The population is       fast. There will be more and more people in the world and most of them will live    than before.      will be much smaller and more useful, and there will be at least one in every home. And computer studies will be one of the important subjects at     .
People will work fewer hours than they did in the 20th century, and they will have more free time for sports,      TV and traveling. Traveling will be    . And many more people will go to other countries for holidays.
More land will be used for building new towns and houses. Then there will be less room for cows and sheep, so     will be more expensive. Maybe no one will eat it every day,     , they eat more vegetables and fruit. Maybe people will be healthier.
Work in the future will be      , too. Dangerous and hard work will be done by robots(机器人). Because of this, many people will not have enough        to do. This will be a problem.
A.1ess interestingB.much easierC.more expensive D.more difficult


小题1:考查动词形式及语境的理解。结合后面There will be more and more people in the world,可知人口正快速增长,故选B.growing,增长。
小题4:考查固定短语及语境的理解。A.工厂 B.医院 C.农场 D.学校 根据文意可知,电脑竟成为学校重要科目之一,故选D,学校。
小题5:考查固定短语及语境的理解。原句表达的是22世纪的人们将有更多的时间看电视和旅游,watch Tv为固定搭配,故选A,看,观赏。
小题6:考查词组辨析及语境的理解。A. less interesting,更加无趣 B. more easier更加便捷    C. more expensive更加昂贵D. more difficult更加困难,结合下文And many more people will go to other countries for holidays.可知旅行将会更加便捷,故选B.
小题7:考查名词及语境的理解。结合上文Then there will be less room for cows and sheep及下文they eat more vegetables and fruit.可知因为牛羊越来越少,肉类食品就会越来越贵,故选C,meat,肉。
小题8:考查副词及语境的理解。A.instead 作为替代 B. sometimes 有时候 C. still 仍旧 D. however然而,上文提到肉类越来越贵,作为替代,人们更多的选择吃蔬菜和水果,故选A.
小题9:考查形容词辨析及语境的理解。A. dangerous 危险的 B. difficult 困难的 C. heavy 沉重的D. different不同的,结合下文Dangerous and hard work will be done by robots(机器人),可知危险、沉重、困难等工作都有机器人来做,排除法,故选D,不同的。
小题10:考查名词及语境的理解A. job 职业B. work 工作C. homework家庭作业 D. exercise训练,练习,通过上文可知,机器人承担了大部分的工作,所以人们没有多少事情可做,故选B,工作。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Passage 3
Uncle Li and Uncle Wang are good friends. They live next to each other and their farms are both at the foot of the mountain. So they can help each other. But neither of them likes to use his head. They're both poor though they work hard. Most villagers have built new houses, but they still live in the low and broken houses. They never find out why.
Once Uncle Li went to town to buy some medicine for his wife. In the town he heard the apples in a city were expensive. He told Uncle Wang about it as soon as he went back. They decided to carry some apples to the city. They borrowed some money from their friends and bought nearly 1,000 kilograms of apples in the villages and carried them to the city on a tractor. Bad luck! A lot of apples has already been carried there when they arrived. A few days later they had to sell them at a low price (价格)。They felt unhappy and returned to their village.
"I can't understand why we sustained (蒙受) losses in business while others always profit (盈利)" Uncle Li asked one day.
"The tractor was too small " Uncle Wang said without thinking. "We'll carry more apples on a truck next time!"
"I agree!" said Uncle Li. "How foolish (傻的) we were !"
小题1: Uncle Li and Uncle Wang live in the low and broken houses because __________.
A.they hope to save money
B.they're both poor
C.their farms are at the foot of the mountain
D.they're not far from their farms
小题2:The two farmers carried the apples to the city to _________.
A.make a journeyB.visit some places of interest
C.meet their friendsD.make a profit
小题3:The two farmers had to sell their apples at a low price because ________.
A.theirs weren't as good as the others'
B.theirs were much less than the others'
C.a lot of apples had been already carried to the city
D.they forgot to carry them on a truck
小题4:Uncle Li and Uncle Wang were unhappy because _________.
A.they had sustained losses in business
B.they had lost some money in the city
C.something was wrong with the tractor
D.other people profited in the city
小题5:Which of the following is true?
A.The two farmers found out why they were poor.
B.The two farmers will soon get rich.
C.Neither of the farmers is clever.
D.The two farmers decided to buy a truck.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Hello, everyone. I am Peter. Welcome to my school. Look! My school is very big. There are four buildings in it. Our library is in Building A and the offices are in Building D. The library is very big. There are lots of books in it. We can read books and newspapers there but we can’t write in the books or take the newspapers home. There are two playgrounds in my school too. Every Tuesday I play basketball with my friends on the basketball court. There are over five hundred students and about fifty teachers in my school. The teachers are good and kind. I love them I love my school too.
小题1:How many buildings are there in Peter’s school?
小题2:Where is the library?
小题3:What can’t they do in the library??
小题4:What do Peter and his friends do every Tuesday?
________________________________________________________                 _
小题5:Peter loves his school. Do you love your school? Why?
________________________________________________________                 _


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Many people think that twins are exactly the same. But they’re not! Ali and Simon are twin brothers. They look the same and in some ways they are the same. But in other ways they are different. Ali and Simon are both very athletic. Ali and Simon both like soccer. But Ali plays every day and Simon plays only on weekends. Simon likes watching soccer games on TV but Ali only likes to play the game, not to watch it. Ali and Simon are both outgoing and funny, but Simon is a little more outgoing than Ali. Simon is also a little more serious about schoolwork. Ali and Simon are very popular at school, and they both have a lot of friends.
根据短文,判断正误(对的写T,错的写F )。
小题1:Ali plays soccer more than Simon 
小题2:Both brothers like tennis.   
小题3:Ali is more outgoing than Simon.
小题4:The twin brothers are popular at school.
小题5:Ali likes to watch soccer games on TV.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When I was about 12, I had an enemy (敌人), a girl who liked to point out my shortcomings (缺点). Week by week her list grew: I was very thin; I wasn’t a good student; I talked too much;  I was too proud (骄傲), and so on. I tried to hear all these as long as I could. At last, I became very angry. I ran to my father with tears in my eyes.
He listened to me quietly. Then he asked, “Are the thing she said true or not? Janet, didn’t you ever think about what you are really like? Well, you now have that girl’s opinion. Go and make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true. Pay no attention to the other things she said.”
I did as he told me. To my great surprise, I discovered that about half the things were true. Some of them I couldn’t change (like being very thin), but a good number I could --- and suddenly I wanted to change. For the first time I got a very clear picture of myself.
I brought the list back to Daddy. He wouldn’t like to take it. “That is just for you,” he said, “You know better than anyone else the truth about yourself. But you have to learn to listen, not just close your ears in anger and feeling hurt. When something said about you is true, you will find it will be of help to you. Our world is full of people who think they know your duty. Don’t shut your ears. Listen to them all, but hear the truth and do the right thing.”
Daddy’s advice has returned to me at many important periods. In my life, I have never had a better piece of advice.
小题1:Which do you think would be the best title (标题) for this passage?
A.Not An Enemy, But the Best FriendB.The Best Advice I’ve Ever Had
C.My FatherD.My Childhood
小题2:Why did the writer’s father listen to her quietly? Because__________.
A.he believed that most of what his daughter’s “enemy” said was true.
B.he had been so angry with his daughter’s shortcomings that he wanted to show this by keeping quiet for some time
C.he knew that his daughter would not listen to him at that moment
D.he wasn’t quite sure which girl was telling the truth
小题3:What did the father do after he had heard his daughter’s complaint?
A.He told her not to pay any attention to what her “enemy” had said.
B.He criticized(批评) her and told her to overcome (克服) her shortcomings.
C.He told her to write down all that her “enemy” had said about her and pay attention only to the things that were true.
D.He wouldn’t like to take the list and have a look at it.
小题4:What does “I got a very clear picture of myself” mean?
A.I had my picture taken and this time it was a very clear one.
B.I asked someone to draw a very clear picture of myself.
C.The picture I got this time was clearer than those I had got before.
D.I came to know myself very clearly this time.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Norman Bethune  Born in 1890 in Canada. A doctor Came to China in 1937. Died in 1939 in China.
Thomas Edison  Born in 1847, Kentucky, USA Made over 1,000 inventions .Died in 1931.
Celine Dion  Born in Quebec, Canada  In 1997, sang the song My Heart Will Go On for the film    Titanic   A singer.
Bill Gates    Born in 1955 in USA Wrote Business @ the Speed of Thought Owns Microsoft Company.
Mark Twain Born in 1835 in USA A Writer Died in 1910 Wrote Tom Sawyer
小题1:Dr Bethune work in China for about _________ years.
A.2B.4C.6 D.8
小题2:My Heart Will Go On is the name of a __________.
小题3:Which of the following is true?
A.Mark Twain wrote Business @ the Speed of Thought.
B.Bill Gates started working for Microsoft Company in 1955.
C.Thomas Edison made over 1,000 inventions.
D.Celine Dion stopped singing in 1997.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

My name is Tom. I’m thirteen years old. I’m a high school student. The girl in pink is my sister, Mary. And the girl in red is my sister, too. Her name is Jane. They look the same. They have big eyes and blond hair. The boy in white is my friend ,Tim. He has a big nose and short hair. We are in the same class.
根据短文内容,判断正 (T) 误 ( F ).(5分)
小题1:Mary is in pink.
小题2:Jane is in purple.
小题3:Tim has a small nose.
小题4:Jane’s eyes are small.
小题5:Tom and Tim are in the same grade.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It was Sunday afternoon. My brother and I were alone at home. My parents went for a party and asked me to look after my brother. I was doing my homework while my younger brother was watching TV. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Ding-Dong! My brother thought that it was our parents, so he opened the ________soon.
A tall man wearing a black raincoat stood outside. He said that he came to sell books and asked politely__________ our parents were at home.
Without thinking, my brother said,“No.” Then the man asked if we would like to ______some story books. I refused him. When I wanted to close the door, he suddenly pushed the door very _______and came into our house. He took out a ________and ordered me to tie up my brother’s hands with a rope. I tied up his hands in a special way so my brother could untie ______easily. The man then tied my hands up and locked _______of us in the kitchen. Soon, he went upstairs to _________money. I taught my brother to untie the rope on his ______. He then untied me. I rushed to the telephone to call the police, ______the line was dead. The doors were all locked from the outside. It was lucky that the man ______to lock the kitchen window. We got out of the house through the kitchen window and went to the _______ pay phone to call the police
Soon _______came to our house and the man was caught. By that time, my parents had come home. We told them the whole story. My parents were ______that we were not hurt. They told me that I should stop my brother from _______the door to strangers. I learned a lesson on safety.
A.look atB.look afterC.look likeD.look for
A.my friendsB.the policeC.the neighborsD.my parents


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Last August ,our class________ something very special on our school trip .We ________ to Mount Tai .We ________ our trip at 12:00 at night .Everyone in our class _______ a bag with some food and water .After three _______ ,someone _____   at the map and found out we were’t anywhere near the top. My legs _________ so tired that I wanted ______.My classmates told me _______ going ,so I went on.Twenty ________ later ,the sun started to come up .It was so beautiful that we forgot about the last five hours !
A.startedB.to startC.startingD.enough
A.to stopB.stopC.comeD.came
A.keepB.to keepC.keptD.make

