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  The tradition of birthday parties started 1 ago. There are some traditions that you can find almost anywhere,anytime,such as 2 birthday cards,blowing out the candles on a birthday cake and singing the Happy Birthday song. 3 are only found for certain ages and in certain countries.

  In China, on a child's second birthday, family members put many things on the floorthe child. According to Chinese tradition, the first thing that the child 5 tells you what profession the child will choose later in life.

  For Japanese children, the third, fifth and seventh birthdays are especially 6  7 this age,there is a special celebration Shichi-Go-San (seven,five,three in Japanese) when children go to the temple a new kimono(和月I) . The priest(^曾) gives them special sweets, and the parents usually 9 a party for their friends in their home.

  In Argentina, Mexico and several other Latin American countries, girls have a special birthday

celebration when they 10 the age of fifteen. After a special ceremony(仪式) ,the girls11 a waltz with their father and other boys.

  Eighteen is the traditional "coming of age",the age when (in many countries) you have the right to vote(选举) ,  12 the army and (in Britain) drink alcohol or buy a house.

  In many English-speaking countries, a twenty-first birthday cake often has a key 13   ,or the cake itself is 14 in the shape of a key. The key means that the young person is now 15 to leave and enter the family home at any time they want to.

(   ) 1. A. once    B. some time    C. a short time    D. a long time

(   ) 2. A. sending    B. making    C. exchanging    D. buying

(   ) 3. A. Other    B. Others    C. Anything    D. Something

(   ) 4. A. for    B. to    C. around    D. on

(   ) 5. A. picks up    B. picks it up    C. knows    D. buys

(   ) 6. A. important    B. interesting    C. fantastic    D. useful

(   ) 7. A. To    B. For   C.In       D. At

(   ) 8. A. put on    B. have    C. wearing    D. wear

(   ) 9. A. hold    B. join    C. take part in    D. go to

(   ) 10. A. reach    B. get    C. arrive    D. have

(   ) 11. A. dance    B. sing    C. dancing    D. singing

(   ) 12. A. join    B. joining    C. going    D. take part in

(   ) 13. A. behind    B. on top    C. in the front    D. around

(   ) 14. A. already    B. never    C. some times    D. sometimes

(   ) 15. A. too young    B. not old enough    C. old enough    D. enough old

 l. D 2. A 3. B这里的others代指文中提到的other traditions,其后不能再跟名词。

4. C 5. A 在句中含有一个由that引导的定语从句,关系代词that在定语从句中充当pick up的逻辑宾语。

6.A 7. D at this age是固定短语,表示"在这个年龄的时候"。

8. C句中的wearing a new kimono是现在分词短语作伴随状语。

9. A hold a party是固定搭配,表示"举行一个晚会",选项C和D都表示"去参加一个晚会"。

10. A reach是及物动词,后面直接跟宾语。

11. A

12. A join和take part in都表示"参加",但join多指参加某一组织或加人某一团体,而take part in多指参加到某一活动中。

13. B 14. D 

15. C be old enough to do sth.指"足够大……可以去做……"。

题目来源:初中英语丢分题每周一练八年级下册 > Free talking


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 Everyone needs friends. We all like to feel close to someone. We can share s 1 with our friends and turn to them for help when we are in trouble. In a word,it is nice to have a friend to t 2 ,laugh and do things with. Certainly, sometimes we need to be alone. We don't always want people around. But we would feel 1 3 if we never had a friend.

  To make f 4 ,you must be friendly. A cheerful person smiles. A smile always makes the others like you. Smile at someone and you are sure to get a smile b  5  from him.

  Try to remember names. It m 6your new friends feel happy when you call them by their names, b 7 it shows that you don't forget them.

  No two people are just the same. If you don't agree with other people,you should still be friendly. Do not argue, but d 8 . You always lose friends if you argue too much. And you should think more of others than of yourself. It's good for teenagers to have one or a group of good friends. This is very i 9 in children's growing up,because friends can discuss things which are too difficult to say to their family members.

There's more good news for people who have friends. They live1 10 than people who don't have. Why? It could be that they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well,and it could be good just knowing that someone cares about you.

1.        2.      3.      4.        5.      

6.        7.      8.      9.      10.        


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  I want to be a tour guide. In fact,it's all I have ever wanted to b 1 I want to travel, e 2 to English-speaking countries s 3 as the United States and Australia. H4,I know that I have to improve my English,so I started t 5 lessons at the Hilltop Language School. The Hilltop Language School has really helped me 1 6 English. I've b 7 a student here for a year now and I really love it. M 8 when I leave school, I'll think about b 9 an English teacher rather t 10 a tour guide.

1.       2.      3.       4.       5.      

6.       7.        8.      9.      10.      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Every year thousands of people get hurt or die when they are 1 the road. Most of these people are old people and children. Old people often get hurt or die 2they can't see or hear very well. Children usually 3 accidents because of their carelessness. They forgot to look and listen before they cross the road.

 How can we lessen(减少) traffic accidents? All of us must 4 the traffic rules. For the drivers,they shouldn't drive too fast. If they drive too fast,it will be very difficult to 5 the cars in a very short time. For the pedestrians(行人) ,it's very important to be careful when they are walking on the road. Therefore,when we walk across the road,we must try 6 the pavements. We must stop and look 7before crossing the road. Look left first,next look right,then look left again. Only when we are sure that the road is clear,we can cross it. The right way to cross the road is 8 . It's not safe to run. If people run across the road,they may 9 . Teens should try to help children , old people or blind people to cross the road , and 10 play in the street. 

(   ) 1. A. cross    B. crossing    C. across    D. acrossing

(   ) 2. A. so    B. but    C. because    D. when

(   ) 3. A. meet with    B. meet of    C. meet by    D. need with

(   ) 4. A. break    B. have    C. to obey    D. obey

(   ) 5. A. start    B. stop    C. drive    D. watch

(   ) 6. A. to walk along    B. walking along    C. to walk    D. walk in

(   ) 7. A. two ways    B. either side    C. both sides    D. both side

(   ) 8. A. to run    B. walk quickly    C. to walk slowly    D. to walk quickly

(   ) 9. A. fall down    B. fall behind    C. fall over    D. fall off

(   ) 10. A. no    B. never    C. also    D. always


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 A girl complained to her father about her hard life. She didn't know what she had to do and wanted to 1 She felt tired for fighting and fighting. One problem had been finished but another came.

  Her father, a cook,took her 2 the kitchen. He poured water into the pans(锅) and boiled it. When the water was boiling,in the first pan he put some carrots, in the 3 he put some eggs and in the last he put some coffee. He 4 them for a few minutes without any words.

  The girl closed her mouth and waited impatiently, not knowing 5 her father was doing that. After about 20 minutes, her father turned 6 the stove, took out the carrots and put them in a bowl. He took out the eggs and put 7 in another bowl. After that the 8 was poured into a cup. Turning back to his daughter,he asked, " What do you 9 ?""Carrots,eggs and coffee," she answered.

  Her father told her to10 her eyes and let her touch the carrots. She did and felt that the carrots were soft. After that he asked her to take eggs and 11 them. Then,she got boiled and hard eggs. At last,the father asked her to smell the coffee. " What's the meaning, Father?" He 12 that each one had had the same unlucky experience―the boiled water, but 13 had a different reaction(反应) .The strong and hard carrots had become soft and weak after being in the boiling water. The eggs became hard 14 being cooked. The coffee was very special and it changed the water. "Who are you?" asked her father, uWhen calamity(厄运)15 your door,what's your reaction? Are you carrots, eggs or coffee?"

(   ) 1. A. grow up    B. give up    C. set up    D. pick up

(   ) 2. A. into    B. within    C. out of    D. away from

(   ) 3. A. first    B. second    C. third    D. fourth

(   ) 4. A. looked for    B. searched for    C. waited for    D. called for

(   ) 5. A. that          B. where    C. when    D. why

(   ) 6. A. on    B. over    C. off    D. in

(   ) 7. A.it    B. its    C. them    D. themselves

(   ) 8. A. eggs    B. carrots    C. coffee    D. water

(   ) 9. A. hear          B. taste    C. smell    D. see

(   ) 10. A. close    B. open    C. wash    D. drop

(   ) 11. A. keep          B. protect    C. break    D. drink

(   ) 12. A. complained          B. explained    C. told    D. expected

(   ) 13. A. every          B. all    C. each    D. either

(   ) 14. A. before          B. after    C. behind    D. under

(   ) 15. A. lies in    B. comes across    C. meets with    D. knocks at


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 There are many things happening in our family which is worth recalling(回忆) .W 1 our six children were young, supper time was a 2 being interrupted by neighborhood children r 3the bell. They wanted one child or a 4 to come out and play. Finally we had a good i 5 We hung a sign on the front door that r 6 ,"We're having dinner. Come back later.” That night, we sat down. We thought it would be a pleasant, uninterrupted meal. But as s 7 as we began dinner, the doorbell rang. At the front door s 8 a five-year-old boy from the street. He 1 9  up nearby at us and said, "I just want to know what the sign s 10   .”

1.         2.         3.        4.        5.      

6.         7.         8.      9.       10.      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Typhoon(台风) in the northern part of the world have 1 names. 2 they have very beautiful names. Rose is a pretty name but there was nothing pretty about Typhoon Rose. It was thetyphoon to hit Hong Kong in ten years.

  It began to rain 4the morning of Monday, August 16th, 1971. At ten o'clock in the morning, Typhoon Rose was still 130 miles away but already the wind was blowing people's umbrella away. The wind became stronger and 5 The typhoon shelters(避风港) were soon  6 of boats. Ships that were too big to go inside the shelters put down more anchors(锚) .Some very big ships went out to sea. It is safer for a big ship to be at sea in a typhoon because it cannot 7 onto rocks. Kai Tak Airport closed. 8 planes were able to take off or land. At 9:00 in the evening,all the lights went out.

  No one slept well that night. It is difficult to sleep in 9 bad weather. In Typhoon Rose,more than one hundred people died. 229 people were hurt and 66 of these had to go to hospital, 1500 lost their homes. The people of Hong Kong will not quickly 10 Typhoon Rose!

(   ) 1. A. boys    B. girls    C. boys    D. girls'

(   ) 2. A. Sometime    B. Sometimes    C. Some time    D. Some times

(   ) 3. A. bad    B. worse    C. worst    D. best

(   ) 4. A. in    B. on    C. at    D. to

(   ) 5. A. stronger    B. strong    C. strongest    D. strongly

(   ) 6. A. fill    B. filled    C. full    D. fulled

(   ) 7. A. blow    B. be blew    C. blown    D. be blown

(   ) 8. A. All    B. No    C. Few    D. None

(   ) 9. A. so    B. so a    C. such    D. such a

(   ) 10. A. remember    B. forget    C. have    D. think


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Canadian(加拿大的) pop singer Justin Bieber is 18 years old now. He is very p 1    in China. He c2    play the drums, the guitar, and the piano. He always has s3    new for the fans. This time it's not an album(音乐专辑) ,b4   a book. I 5    name is Just Getting Started.

In the book,he tells of his life on and o 6   stage(舞台) .When he is a 1 7   boy,he doesn't want to be a pop star. He t 8   he may become a carpenter(木匠) .But now he e 9   his job. And he wants to become the b 10   singer in the world.

1. g       2. c      3. s      4. b       5. I      

6. o       7. 1      8. t      9. e       10. b      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Peter,

There are too many rules in my house. I feel b 1    at home. I have to get up at 6 o'clock e 2    morning. I can't m 3    my friends after school b 4    I have to walk my dog. I can't watch TV on school n 5    . And I have to be in bed b 6   10 o'clock. On weekends, I have to m 7    my bed and clean my room. Then I have to wash the d 8    after dinner. L 9    I have to go to the Children's Palace to learn to play the piano. I n 10    have any fun. What should I do?

1.        2.        3.        4.       5.       

6.        7.        8.        9.         10.       

