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I find _______difficult to get to sleep because the man upstairs made much noise.
考查it作形式宾语。真正的宾语是to get to sleep。选A。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Is this ______ dictionary?
—No, ______ isn’t. It’s ______ dictionary.
A.his; it; herB.your; it; myC.her; this; hisD.your; that; his


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

词汇 (每空一分,共16分)
1. He is looking at the blackboard with his eyes open ___________(张大地)
2. There is nothing in the box. It’s _________.(空的)
3. I’m _________ (thin) than you.
4. His brother has two big eyes and looks very h_______.
5. Lily has a ______(圆的)face with shoulder-length hair.
6. In this bookshop, we can buy many newspapers and m_________.
7. He has bad _________ (视力)because of too much computer work at night.
8. My English teacher has a good sense of __________(幽默).
9. He is 1.80 meters in h__________(高度).
10. Is today a __________ (特别的) day?
11.What do you think of these ___________ (广告) on TV?.
12. I am _________ (will) to teach these children.
13. Yang Zhenning is one of ___________ (famous) scientists in China.
14. Which is __________ (hot) season of the year?
15 Laura is a lovely girl with __________ (smile) eyes.
16. Which city is __________ (far) to the sea, Beijing or Tianjin?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Many people do not understand the ____________ (重要性)of the wetlands..
小题2:Pay some _____ (注意) to what you are doing .
小题3:He s______ three days with his grandparents last summer.
小题4:Please be _______(耐心). The bus is coming here on time.
小题5:Though all of them speak English, yet they speak     (不同地)
小题6: His father’s d____ made him very sad .
小题7:You can’t get there on time u__________ you take a taxi.
小题8:Hurry up. There is no time for you to w_______.
小题9:You can’t drive the car because you don’t get a driver’s l_______ .
小题10:Please answer this question with a c_______ sentence.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Come on, Here’s_________about the English Speech Contest.
A.something usefulB.anything special
C.nothing excitingD.useful something


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

——Mum, may I have some cakes?
——Sorry, there’s ____ left in the box. I’ll go and buy some for you tonight.
A.nothingB.no oneC.noD.none


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

The old woman kept one black dog and two white ______.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

1. You can see the ______ (快乐) on her face because she can’t find her lovely dog.
2. The best ______ (决定) you can make is to learn how to get on well with them.
3. Listening to music or visiting interesting places can make you forget you _ (悲伤 ).
4. Enough sleep can make me feel _____ (有能量) and make me study better.
5. She feels unhappy today because she has a terrible ______ (牙痛)。
6. Can this kind of computer be _____ (可获得的) in the nearest supermarket?
7. The man we saw yesterday is so ______ (幽默) that we all like him very much.
8. It was difficult to _____ (解释) the problem to beginners. 
9. If you are free, go and have my bike ______ (修理).
10. Let’s send him some flowers. I’m sure that ______ (加油) him up.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The drought of 2011 was terrible and had a huge ______(影响)on our lives.
小题2: Bolt (博尔特)is a magic __      _(赛跑运动员) in the world ,I think .
小题3:We couldn’t help_   ___(大笑)when we watch Zhao Benshan’s performances .
小题4:The book belongs to _____(她), for her name is on the cover.
小题5:As a saying goes, ________ (知识)is power. We should work hard at all my subjects.
小题6:Everyone should know the _______(重要性)of learning English well..

