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  Just like any relationship, best friendships depend on trust, promise, respect and interestsWhen any of these elements(要素)is missing, the friendship will be hard to go onIf the trust is totally broken, you may not be able to forgive him/herSometimes a friendship ends because either you or your friend gets tired of putting the heart into itThis can happen when one of you finds a new friend or even a new hobby that takes up much timeOr, perhaps you find the relationship is always going in an unhealthy way and you want some distanceOther times, you simply change and want to leave each otherSure, it seems sad at the time, but it's completely normalNot all friendships are meant to last foreverSo, what should you do if something like this happens to you?Read on for some friendly advice

  Whatever the reason you're breaking up with your best friend, always remember that he/she was once super important to youTake the time to sit down privately and tell him/her what's going on and whyDon't send him/her an unpleasant e-mail or just start ignoring(不理睬)him/herIn fact, maybe he/she has known there's a problem and would be willing to have a heart-to-heart chatIf you're not sure about wanting an end forever, you could suggest you two take a break from each otherIf, after a while, you realize why you became the best friends in the beginning, you can try getting back to your former behaviorsWhatever you do, be honest about your feelings while having respect for his/hersAnd if you both agree the BFF thing is over, make sure not to be enemies


What is NOT the usual cause of ending a friendship?

[  ]


Getting tired of putting your heart into each other


Finding a new hobby that takes up much time


Realizing the relationship going in an unhealthy way


Living too for away from each other


The underlined letters BFF probably means ________

[  ]










What canbe the best title for this passage?

[  ]


Four basic elements of friendship


Friendly advice on reading


What to do with friendship in trouble?


When to be friends or enemies?


What should you do when breaking up with your best friends?

Remember his or her once being important to you

Try to have a heart-to-heart chat with him or her

Be honest and respectful to each other

Send an unpleasant e-mail and ignore him or her

Suggest not getting along with each other for a while

[  ]










科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省扬州市2011年初中毕业、升学统一考试英语试题 题型:050


  After spending years searching for a planet with life, scientists may have found one.In September 2010, a team of US scientists discovered an Earth-sized planet called Gliese 581 g.It has a surface temperature neither too hot nor too cold for liquid(液态)water.Scientists think there is a chance that the planet could have life.

  The planet Gliese 581 g goes around a star called Gliese 581, which is about 20 light-years from Earth.That is about 194 trillion(万亿)kilometres-500 million times farther away from us than the moon.

  A spacecraft traveling at a one-tenth of the speed of light would reach Gliese 581g within about 220 years.A human can’t live that long, but robotic explorers could make the job easier.However, our fastest spacecraft don’t come anywhere near that one-tenth light-speed mark.

  At present, scientists don’t know what the surface might be like on Gliese 581 g.What they know is that the planet is at the sight distance from its star to have liquid water.It’s also at the right distance to have an atmosphere that could protect the water if it is on the surface.

  Although spacecraft won’t be getting there anytime soon, one way to look for life on Gliese 581g is to turn our radio telescopes(望远镜)towards the planet and search for radiation(放射).By studying the radiation, scientists would find out about the chemicals(化学物质)around the planet and discover it Gliese 581 g has an atmosphere.If it has one, studying the atmosphere would give us a good idea if the planet has life or not.But it’ll probably be many years before we can do this properly.

  People have been arguing about whether there is alien life on Gliese 581 g.Any discussion about alien life is just guessing at this point, according to its discoverers.


What did scientists find in September 2010?

[  ]


A planet with water.


A planet similar to the earth.


A planet without life.


A planet near the earth.


According to the article, Gliese 581 g _________.

[  ]


is at the right distance from its star


moves around the earth


is as far away from us as the moon


can be reached in about 220 years


Paragraph 5 is mainly about _________.

[  ]


the possibility of living on Gliese 581 g


the kinds of chemicals around Gliese 581 g


the way of looking for life on Gliese 581 g


the aim of studying the radiation on Gliese 581 g


Which of the following is the best title for the passage above?

[  ]


Gliese 581 g, a Likely Living Planet


Gliese 581 g, a Likely Living Planet


Gliese 581 g and Its Star


Gliese 581 g and Radiation


科目:初中英语 来源:中考模拟试题一 题型:050


  “You're just in time, Joe. We're going to play Cowboys(牛仔)-and-Indians, and you can be the Indians.” one of my cousins (堂兄弟)said.

  “How many Indians?” I asked.

  “Oh, about a thousand.” he answered, and before I could say no, I was pushed out into the night and became a thousand Indians. Two minutes later I was running in the fields with a group of cowboys behind. The shouts of “After them. Let's catch the killers!” and other such TV - play language came into my ears as I ran round a corner and hurried into my Grandpa's car.

  “We've got him, boys. Let's go and catch him!”

  But no one wanted to come to get me. All of my cousins except one were always very friendly with me. It was quiet outside. And I went out of the car to have a look.

  Just then I heard a shout, “Bring the rope (绳子), and we can burn him.”

  “Only Indians burn people. Cowboys...” I stopped just in time. I had almost said, “Cowboys hang (绞死) people.”

  I was tied to a tree, and the cowboys were looking for some wood when my dear mother called, “We're leaving now.”

  “Untie me!” I shouted. “We're going.”

  “Why did Bobby want matches (火柴)?” Mum asked when we were in the car. “He was asking Dad whether he had any.”

  “Oh, he was just going to - matches? MATCHES? Are you sure he wanted matches?”

  Mother was quite sure, and I didn't say more.

1.How many children played the Indians?

[  ]

A.One thousand.
B.One hundred.
C.One group.

2.Why did Joe's cousin say that Joe was just in time? Because ________.

[  ]

A.there were not enough children for the game

B.the game was just going to start

C.none of his cousins wanted to be the Indians

D.they were waiting for Joe

3.Joe didn't say “Cowboys hang people.” out because ________.

[  ]

A.he was tied to a tree

B.that would make things worse

C.he was caught by the cowboys

D.that would make the cowboys angry

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

[  ]

A.One of Joe's cousins was looking for matches.

B.Dad didn't want to give the children any matches.

C.Bobby wanted to get some matches from his father.

D.Mum didn't think children should play with matches.

5.The name of the story should be“________”.

[  ]

A.Joe and his cousins

B.Who knows what danger is waiting there

C.Cowboys - and -Indians is a favourite children's game

D.How cowboys and Indians fought in the past


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


  House of Pizza(比萨屋)

  We have three kinds of pizzas,small,medium and large.A small pizza with pepperoni.onions and olives is \$ 3.5.A medium pizza with mushrooms. tomatoes and cheese is \$ 4.0.A large pizza with olives and cheese is \$4.7.

  Welcome to our house!

  Lunch Special

  We have some great specials.The pizza with cheese and tomatoes is just \$2.50.The cheap for \$1.50 has green peppers and onions.The pizza and salad lunch special is \$ 2.90.

  Time:11:00 a.m.~2:00 P.m.

  Pizza Express


  The Californian pizza with mushrooms,olives and green peppers is just \$3.00.The pizza with pepperoni and olives is \$ 2.50.The hot dog is \$ 1.50. The lemonade is \$ 1.00.The juice is \$ 0.5.

  Order a meal today!


If you want to buy a small pizza,a medium pizza and a large pizza, you can pay _____ .

  A.\$12.20  B.\$8.20  C.\$8.70 D.\$12.70

[  ]


If you go to the House of Pizza,you can buy 3 medium pizza with _____ on it.

  A.pepperoni,onions and olives

  B.olives and cheese

  C.green peppers and onions

  D.mushrooms,tomatoes and cheese

[  ]


If you only have \$1.50 with you,you can buy _____ at lunch time.

  A.a pizza with green peppers and onions on it

  B.a pizza with cheese and tomatoes on it

  C.the pizza and salad lunch

  D.a pizza with pepperoni and cheese

[  ]


If you want to order a pizza,you can _____ .

  A.go to the House of Pizza  B.get a lunch special

  C.call 825-3933       D.go to the Pizza Express

[  ]


In the House of Pizza,you can buy _____ .

  A.lemonade  B.juice  C.iced tea D.a large pizza

[  ]


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


  Once a learned(有学问的)man was crossing a river in a boat.

  "Do you know maths?" he asked the boatman. "No, sir,"the boatman answered.

  "Then you have lost one quarter of your life," said the learned man.

  "Do you know history?" he asked again."No, sir," said the boatman.

  "Then you have lost half of your life," said the learned man.

  "Do you know drawing?" he continued(继续说)."I don't know

that, either," said the boatman."Then you have lost three-quarters of your life."

  "Just then a strong wind came and turned the boat upside down(掀翻)."

  "Do you know how to swim?" asked the boatman."No,"asnwered the learned man.

  "Well then," said the boatman,"you have lost your whole life."


  1. The learned man was ______. 

       [  ]

   A. crossing a street   B. crossing the sea

   C. crossing a river   D. crossing a road

  2. He told ______ to the boatman on the way.

       [  ]

   A. a story    B. good news  C. bad news   D. something

  3. The learned man did not know ______.

       [  ]

   A. maths  B. history  C. drawing  D. how to swim

  4. The boatman ______ his life.

       [  ]

   A. lost a quarter of  B. lost half of

   C. didn't lose     D. lost three quarters of

  5. At last, the learned man ______.

       [  ]

   A. crossed the river  B. learned how to swim

   C. lost his life        D. saved the boatman


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

  Linda and David have travelled by air from London to Sydney, Australia. Linda has promised (答应) her
mother that she will ring her to let her know that they have arrived safely. This is something she had done
ever since she was a child. David thinks it is not a good idea to ring so far, to spend too much, and to say so
     "If there were an accident." He says, they'd know soon enough. Bad news travels fast."   
     But Linda has promised that she would ring. "However," she says, "it doesn't cost much when you just
think that it's the other side of the world. It's only six pence per second (每秒六便士)."   
     "If you're on that telephone for less than one minute, I'll eat my hat,' David says,"And one minute's nearly
four pounds (英镑)."   
     "That's no more than you'd pay for a new hat," Linda answers.   
     She has asked the man at the hotel (旅馆) desk to get her the number. The telephone rings. Linda picks it
      "Hello, Mum. Is that you?" She says.   
     "Six pence per second,"David reminds (提醒) her.   
    ''Hello., love." It is Mrs Lee, Linda's mother, speaking from London."I can hear you very clearly just like
you are in the next room. It's a better line than when you called me from your office. Do you remember? I
shouted at that time, and still you couldn't hear me sometimes."   
    "Yes, Mum." Linda puts in.."I just wanted to ring to ……."   
    "I remember how you rang when you went to Betty's house to eat, when you were a little girl. And then
when you …" Mrs Lee is a great talker   
    "Nearly four pounds." says David.   
    Linda tries to tell her mother that it is time to say goodbye.   
     "Yes, all right," says Mrs Lee, "But you will write, won't you, as you did when you were at work …"   
     Once again, Mrs Lee talks about the pass. and there is no stopping her. "Four pounds fifty, 'says David.   At last, Linda cuts her mother short, promises to write, and rings off.   
     "There! That wasn't long, was it?"   
     "Four pounds, ninety pence." David answers. "And you didn't even say that we've arrived."
1. Linda is telephoning home to ________.   
A. tell her mother some bad news   
B. say that she and David have arrived safely   
C. report an accident to her mother   
D. say that she and David have left London
2. Linda does not think it expensive to ring, because _______.   
A. it only costs four pounds and ninety pence   
B. it is even more expensive to buy a new hat   
C. she had telephoned home since she was a child   
D. she will speak from one side of the word to the other
3. David says, "Nearly four pounds," because _______.   
A. he wants to remind Linda of the cost of the cost of the call   
B. he wants to buy himself a new hat   
C. Linda has not told her mother they have arrived   
D. he wants Mrs Lee to know how much the call costs
4. Mrs Lee goes on talking for so long because _______.   
A. she likes to hear all about the past.   
B. she likes talking   
C. Linda had not told her that she has arrived   
D. she is going to pay for the telephone call
5. Linda tries to stop her mother by ________.   
A. telling her how much the call is costing   
B. writing a letter as she has promised to do   
C. telling her that they have arrived safely   
D. promising to write, and ringing off

