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—Mike, what club do you want to join?

—Well, I want to join the ________ club. I love painting.(济南)

A. chess B. sports

C. art D. English

C 【解析】句意:----迈克,你想参加什么俱乐部?-----嗯,我想加入艺术俱乐部。我爱画画。A. chess象棋,国际象棋;B. sports运动,体育活动;C. art艺术,美术;D. English英语。结合句意可知选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:2018年北京市中考英语题型专项复习题库:阅读理解20篇 题型:阅读单选

Songs help memories

The power of music

Most people can remember important news stories clearly, whether it was the murder of President Kennedy in the US or 9/11.But now psychologists Martin Conway and Catriona Morrison, from the University of Leeds in the UK, are investigating how music can create “autobiographical memories” of the main events in our lives. The study is online. People have to choose a song by the Beatles and describe the memories that they have when they listen to it.

Reminiscence bump

Morrison explained that they looked at different age groups and their memories. We often remember more from when we are teenagers and this is called “the reminiscence bump”. This is the time in your life when you form your idea of who you are. For older people who have memories related to the Beatles’ music, most of those memories are from when they were teenagers. But younger people also had clear personal memories from their past.

She loves you

This study was different from other memory studies, because people remembered events from their past with lots more details. Morrison explained: “It was like people had travelled back to the past, and they had very clear memories of things that had happened. When they heard a song like She Loves You by the Beatles, they could remember one night in autumn 1963.They remembered what they were wearing, what the weather was like and what their friend said to them. You get a lot more information than if you just say, ‘tell me about a night you remember’. ”

The study has found that music could be used with people who have problems remembering the past. “You could use music to help improve people’s ability to remember,” said Morrison. “In the future, we would like to do more experiments to see how useful music is in helping people to remember the past, and compare it to other things that might also help.”

1.Professor Conway and Dr. Morrison’s research aims to _____________.

A. see how music can help people remember the past

B. study old songs’ influence on people’s behavior

C. find out what influences people’s memories of the past

D. find ways to help people with memory difficulties

2.The example of She Loves You is used to show that ___________.

A. love songs can help people to have clearer memories

B. songs tell stories that are similar to our experiences

C. music can take people back to their teenage years

D. people can remember more details with the help of music

3.Morrison’s team’s future research is probably on ___________.

A. why some people have memory problems

B. what methods can best help people bring back memories

C. how music can help people in their studies or work

D. how to help older people remember more details about the past

1.A 2.D 3.B 【解析】解析:这篇文章谈论两位科学家研究音乐怎样帮助人们记住过去。 1.解析:根据文中的第一段中But now psychologists Martin Conway and Catriona Morrison, from the University of Leeds in the UK, are investigating how music c...


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级下册英语 unit1 第6课时 练习 题型:单选题

(2016·滨州)—Must I go to law school and be a lawyer like you, Dad?

—No, you __ __, son. You're free to make your own decision.

A. can't B. mustn't

C. shouldn't D. needn't

D 【解析】试题分析:句意:--我一定要上法律院校成为像您一样的律师吗,爸爸?--不,不需要,儿子,你可以自由的决定。根据No和You’re free to make your own decision.可知下面为否定回答,must的含义是必须一定,其否定形式mustn’t表示禁止的含义,在这里不是“禁止”的意思。must的否定回答一般可借助于needn’t和don’t have to来构成...


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级下册英语 unit1 第4课时 测试 题型:汉译英:单词/短语






1.play the drums 2.old people’s home 3.on the weekend 4.be free 5.English-speaking people 【解析】 1.“敲鼓”英文表达是play the drums,drum是乐器,乐器的前面必须加定冠词the;故答案填play the drums。 2.“养老院,老年之家”也就是...


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级下册英语 unit1 第1课时 测试1 题型:单选题

________ play with fire.________ with fire is dangerous. (梅州)

A. Don't; Playing B. Not; Playing

C. Don't; Play D. Not to; To play

A 【解析】句意:不要玩火。玩火是危险的。本题考查否定祈使句和动名词做主语。否定祈使句构成:Don’t + 动词原形,故第1空填Don't,排除B和D;动词或动词短语做主语时需用动名词或动词不定式,动词做不定式做主语时通常用形式主语it放在句子开头,其构成It is adj./n. to do sth.,故又排除C;结合句意和选项可知选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年德州市中考英语模拟试卷与答案 题型:单词填空

Patricia was born in Michigan and grew up in California. When she was a little girl, she often stayed with her grandparents who lived in Union City, Michigan. One summer day, a meteorite (流星) 1. (fall) from the sky, right into her grandparents’ backyard! Before that, her grandparents had lived a 2. ['kwa?t] life on their farm. Now things were 3. from before. They had so much to do. People came to see the meteorite. The professors from the 4. [ju?n?'v??s?t?] came to study it and analyze (分析) it. Her grandparents had never talked to so many people in 5. (they) lives! Everything changed.

As you can guess, no one in the town had ever 6. (see) a meteorite before! They were confused (困惑) and didn’t know 7. to do. Some people thought it would bring them good 8. (lucky) if they touched it.

Patricia loves to tell the story about her meteorite and even today, she carries a piece of the meteorite with her 9. [we?r'ev?] she goes. When I met her, she let all of us touch it and make a 10.. What might you wish for if you could meet Patricia and see her meteorite?

1.fell 2.quiet 3.different 4.university 5.their 6.seen 7.what 8.luck 9.wherever 10.wish 【解析】文章主要讲述了一个夏天的晚上,一个流星从天上直接掉到了Patricia祖父母的院子里,而在那之前,她的祖父母一直在他们的农场过着安宁的生活,现在事情已经和原...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年德州市中考英语模拟试卷与答案 题型:单选题

Most students enjoy having lessons ____ are interesting and lively.

A. that B. what C. who D. whose

A 【解析】句意:大多数学生喜欢有趣的充满活力的课堂。此句考查定语从句的关联词,what不能引导定语从句,先行词lessons指物,要由that/which来引导,作定语从句的主语,故答案为A。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年德州市中考英语模拟试卷与答案 题型:单选题

—How was your trip in Shanghai?

—Not so good. I stayed there for two days. But it rained on _____ of the days.

A. neither B. all C. both

C 【解析】句意:——你的上海旅行怎么样?——不太好,我在那里呆了2天,但是这2天都下雨。A. neither 两个都不; B. all 都(三个以上); C. both两者都;根据Not so good可知两天都下雨;故选C


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年北京市中考英语题型专项复习题库:阅读回答20篇 题型:阅读单选

Today in our P. E. class, we all had to play basketball. There are only 7 girls in our P.E. class, so the class is mostly boys. And because we’re girls, they don't really like us. We hate basketball, and they hate us. So we asked them if we could sit on the chairs and not play. They agreed and so we talked and laughed happily on the chairs.

Well, today, Just while all the girls were talking happily, the P. E. teacher came in. Angrily, he looked at all the boys running around with the basketball. Seeing that not a girl was playing, he looked at us. Shaking his head, he blew his whistle( 哨子). Everyone looked up. We were all surprised.

“Why aren't you playing?” he asked us.

“Well,they said that we didn’t have to play,Mr. Backus!” We quickly blamed(归咎于) the boys, afraid to get into trouble.

“What? They didn't want to play!” the boys didn't want to get into trouble, either. Mr. Backus told us to get up and made all of us run around the playground for 5 minutes. Later, he made us sit down and listen to him. The boys complained, but he made them listen anyway.

“Am I ever unfair to you?” he asked. We all shook our heads. It was true. Mr. Backus was the nicest P. E. teacher ever! He never shouted and complained. He was just nice. “Well, then I hope you are fair to me. I don t care whose fault(错误) it was. One person’s fault, the whole class’s fault. Understand?”

We nodded and waited. It was the only thing he ever asked us to do: to be fair. It was not much; it was not anything. So we listened on.

“This time I catch you not doing anything, you run for 5 minutes. Next time. you run for 10 minutes. It’s your choice. You could play games or run. I don’t really care, but I think you care. Remember, one person's fault: the whole class's fault. Got it?”

As we nodded again, he left. We could see him smile as he closed the door. Mr. Backus was just too nice. That was why we all liked him and he certainly loved us.

1.Do the girls in the class like basketball?


2.What did the girls do in their P. E. class?


3.How long did Mr. Backus ask the students to run?


4.What did the students think of Mr. Backus?


5.What did Mr. Backus want his students to learn from his lesson?


1.No, they don’t. 2.They talked and laughed happily on the chairs. 3.For 5 minutes. 4.He was nice / a good teacher. 5.They should be responsible for what they do. 【解析】本文作者讲述了自己一次上体育课发生的...

