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46. 海伦写下了最少的单词,却得到了最多的分数。 

Helen wrote down      words,but got      points.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

6. 她的孙子在房子外面,孙女则在门后面。

Her      is      the house,and her      is      the door.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

假设你有一位叫南希的好朋友。请根据以下信息以My best friend为题,用英语写一篇介绍她的短文。要点:1.方脸,明亮而笑眯眯的眼睛,短而黑的头发,漂亮的女孩;

2. 诚实,与人友善,助人为乐,愿意与别人分享东西;

3. 朋友多,学习很刻苦;

4. 各门功课都很好,是班上最好的学生之一;

5. 她喜欢……,长大后想……


2. 行文连贯,书写规范;

3. 词数80个左右。

My best friend


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

One day some of Robert's friends (5l)t      about the young people in their town. They all (52)a       that old people are cleverer than young people. Then one of them said, "But young people are stronger than old people." All of them said that this was (53) t      except Robert. He (54) t      that he was as strong as (55> b       "This is impossible," said his friends. "Well," said Robert, " in one (56)c      of my garden there's a big stone. When I was young,I (57)w      able to move it because I wasn't strong (58)e       Now I'm old,when I try to move it,I (59) s      can't. That's (60) w      I'm as strong as before.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

46. 你觉得哪件事最没有意思?

Which thing do you      is the      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Mum,

I don't think you understand my life. You think I should be studying all the time. I know you want me to find a good job when I grow up,but I would like to have a wonderful time,too. You never think about funny things for me to do like music and sports. Two days ago,when I was watching a football game on TV,you asked me to stop and to do my homework. After finishing my homework,I wasn't allowed (允许)to read my football magazines still. You said I had to go to bed early. That was bad enough,but yesterday was the worst day. I bought some computer games,and put them in my bag so that you wouldn't find them. I told you I had to do my homework first. I know it was wrong to lie (说i荒)to you,but you told me Dad would talk to me later. Mum,I didn't quite like what you had done to me! I really love you,Mum,but I wish both of you could try not to push so hard on me. Love, Zhang Ning

(   ) 26. Zhang Ning's mother wants him       when he grows up.

A. to be a teacher    B. to find a good job

C. to work in a big city    D. to become a football star

(   ) 27. Zhang Ning watched a      game two days ago.

A. football    B. volleyball C. basketball    D. baseball

(   ) 28. Zhang Ning's mother thinks her son should       

A. watch more TV    B. do more sports

C. play more computer games    D. study all the time

(   ) 29. Why did Zhang Ning put the computer games in the bag?

A.   Because he didn't like them.

B.   Because he played them many times.

C.   Because he didn't want his mother to find them.

D. Because he wanted to play them at school.
(   ) 30. We know from the letter      

A.  Zhang Ning lives a very happy life

B.  Zhang Ning hates his mother

C.  Zhang Ning wishes to study all the time

D.  Zhang Ning's parents push very hard on him


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

41. In the running race,Liu Tao first got to the      (finish) line and won the race.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 6. Take exercise,      you will become stronger and healthier.

A. or  B. and C. but  D. because


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

40. Could I have a cup of      (咖啡),please?

