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How do students spend their spare time after finishing their homework? Watch TV, play computer games, or go outside to relax? Here’s a good example.
Tim and Kerry Meek are both teachers. They live in the UK with their two daughters: eleven-year-old Amy and nine-year-old Ella. Recently, the Meek family has become the focus of the whole country after they completed 100 different outdoor activities in one year.
The Meek couple didn’t want their children to spend all their free time in front of the TV and become “couch potatoes”. So about one year ago, the Meeks decided that watching TV and playing computer games were not permitted . Instead, they set 100 tasks for the two girls to do outside. Although Mr. and Mrs. Meek are not outdoor activity fans, they took part in all the activities to encourage their daughters. It turns out that the two sisters really had a good time joining activities.
Every holiday and weekend, whether it’s sunny, rainy or snowy, the Meeks’ would set off to try the activities on their list, including hiking, sailing, climbing , skiing, and so on. The two little girls not only had a wonderful time, but also learned a lot of skills from the activities. They were even able to stand up in front of their school to give a talk for charity. “Our friends spend a lot of their free time doing things which are harmful to their health. Luckily, we’ve had the chance to experience something different.” Amy and Ella also helped their parents to draw up a new list of challenges for the next 12 months.
As a student, you should do more outdoor exercises in order not to__________________.
【小题2】Why did the Meeks become the focus of the UK?
【小题3】When did the Meeks go out to do the activities?
【小题5】Please tell us what you have learned from this passage with two sentences in your own words.

【小题1】become/be a “couch potato”
【小题2】Because they completed 100 different outdoor activities in one year.
【小题3】Every holiday and weekend.
【小题5】.We should do more outdoor exercises to keep healthy/fit in our spare time. We can get a lot of skills /learn a lot from outdoor activities.

解析试题分析:在他们完成他们的家庭作业后,学生是怎样度过业余时间的?看电视、 玩电脑游戏,还是到外面去放松一下吗?这里是一个很好的例子。Meek一家成为英国的焦点是因为他们在一年之内完成了100项不同的户外活动。
【小题1】根据第三段的第一句话可知,作为学生,我们应该多做户外运动以避免成为电视迷、大懒虫。所以这里填become/be a “couch potato”。
【小题2】根据第二段的最后一句话可知,Meek一家成为英国的焦点是因为他们在一年之内完成了100项不同的户外活动。所以填Because they completed 100 different outdoor activities in one year.。
【小题3】根据第四段的开头可知,每个假期和周末,Meek一家都外出做工作活动。所以时间是 Every holiday and weekend.。
【小题4】Our friends spend a lot of their free time doing things which are harmful to their health. Luckily, we’ve had the chance to experience something different.的汉语意思是:我们的朋友花了大量的业余时间做了对他们的身体有害的事情。幸运的是我们有机会体验了与之不同的事情。
【小题5】题目要求我们用自己的话写2句话什么你从这一段中学到的:1.我们应该多做户外运动以保持健康We should do more outdoor exercises to keep healthy/fit in our spare time.2.
我们可以从户外运动中学到很多。We can get a lot of skills /learn a lot from outdoor activities.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

There would be a school party on Friday evening. The girls were talking about what they were going to wear.
“I’m going to wear a black dress, so everybody will notice me,” said Emily. “How about you, Linda?”
“I’m not sure. Maybe jeans, an old shirt, and a hat. People will notice me more than you!” Linda said.
“But what are the boys going to do in the party?” asked Jane. “Do you remember the last school party, last year? They just stood there, and we girls had to dance by ourselves!”
“I hear that some of the boys learnt how to dance this summer. Maybe it’ll be better this time,” said Mary.
The party was held on Friday evening,groups of students arrived.The music began.The girls stood in a line on the side,and the boys on another side.Mr Green,their teacher,tired to get them together,but failed,After a while, “I don’t want to stand here the whole time.The party is only for two hours,It’ll be over soon.” He started to dance.All the others watched him.Then David asked Emily if she wanted to dance.The Jack and Linda. Then,all began to dance.Soon there were more dancers than watchers.
【小题1】How long would the party last?

A.On Friday evening B.For one hour 
C.For two hours D.for three hours 
【小题2】 What kind of clothes was Emily going to wear?
A. black dress. B.Jeans. 
C.An old shirt. D.Jeans, and old shirt and a hat. 
【小题3】How did Emily and Linda dance in the school last year?
A.They danced by themselves. B.They didn’t dance. 
C.They danced with their teachers D.They danced with the boys. 
【小题4】How did the boys spend the summer holiday according to the passage?
A.They watched TV. B.They went swimming 
C.They learned to dance. D.They went climbing 
【小题5】Which is not mentioned in this passage?
A.There would be a school party on Friday evening. 
B.The boys and the girls stood together and watched their teacher dance. 
C.Their teacher asked them to dance together. 
D.Jack and Linda danced together. 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

What a miracle! A low-cost Lost in Thailand 《泰囧》has got the best ticket sales. It is true that Lost in Thailand has become the most popular Chinese film of all time.
The ticket sales
The movie Lost in Thailand cost just 30 million yuan to make, but it has earned more than 1.2 billion yuan. It has got more ticket than Painted Skin: The Resurrection, the best-selling movie this summer in China.
The story summary
Lost in Thailand is a comedy. It is a story about three Chinese men who met on their trips to Thailand. The movie has a great plot. Xu Lang is a businessman. He hurried to Thailand to look for his boss because of his special purpose. His competitor, Gao Bo followed him to Thailand, too. Xu Lang met Wang Bao, a pancake maker on his way to Thailand, Three Chinese men had some funny and unexpected experiences in Thailand and the story made people high.
The director and actors
The director of the movie is Xu Zheng. He has been a popular actor for about ten years. He was famous for his role, the Evil Pig in a popular TV serious. Lost in Thailand is his first movie that was directed by Xu Zheng. Xu Zheng is a lead role in the movie. Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang are China’s top comedians and the both play the important roles in the movie.
【小题1】.Painted Skin: The Resurrection was mentioned because _______.

A.the two movies were filmed in Thailand 
B.the two movie were directed by Xu Zheng 
C.Lost in Thailand was more successful than it 
D.Painted Skin: The Resurrection was such a success 
【小题2】.Why did Xu Lang go to Thailand?
A.Because he wanted to find his boss. 
B.Because he followed his competitor there. 
C.Because he wanted to take a long vacation. 
D.Because he wanted to stay away from his competitor. 
【小题3】.The underlined word “unexpected” probably means “_______” in Chinese.
A.可以预知的 B.感到惊讶的 
C.意料之中的 D.意想不到的 
【小题4】.We can know the information of the movie EXCEPT ______.
A.its cost B.its time limit 
C.its director D.its ticket sales 
【小题5】.What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.It’s about why Lost in Thailand sells well. 
B.It’s about the relationships between directors and actors. 
C.It’s about the background of a popular Chinese comedy. 
D.It’s about why Lost in Thailand is popular among visitors. 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1 Bob is often late for school because he always gets up late. This makes his teacher mad. He needs to buy something to wake him up in the morning.
2.  Tim likes listening to music when he is free. And he has to send e-mails to his customers(顾客)every day. He wants to buy something that can help him.
3  Summer has come. Tony is fat and he can’t sleep well on such hot days. This troubles him a lot. He’d like to buy something to make him feel cool.
4  Alice often washes her hair late at night. It is often wet when she goes to bed. She is going to buy something that can dry her hair in a short time.
5  Susan is a housewife. She has to do the washing for her family every day. She gets tired of it. She is in need of a product to do it for her.
A . This electric product can make you cool during the hot days. It can help you change the temperature and control the humidity (湿度) of your room.
You can do many things with this product, such as sending e-mails, playing games, getting on line and so on. You can also listen to the music with it when you want to relax.
This electric product is useful to all of us. People often have one at home. It is often put up on the wall. If you want to know the time, just take a look at it.
D.  This can help you wash your dirty clothes and dry them. What you need to do is to return it on and later hang the clothes on the line. With this electric product, life will be a lot easier for you.
E.  Each family needs this product. You can use it to store meat, vegetables, fruits, drinks and medicine. It can keep them cool and fresh so that they will not go bad easily on hot days.
F.  It is a very helpful product which tells you the time. It can wake you up with a piece of music any time you want, but you have to set the time first.
G.  When you wash your hair, you need this product. It can make your wet hair dry in a minute. It can also be used for drying your wet clothes or some other wet things.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

We spend hours, days and years of our lives in school. Imagine you could design your dream school, what would it be like? What would you be doing? We wanted to find out what teenagers around the world thought. Here is what they said:
Richard from the USA: My dream school would have a big swimming pool and two soccer fields. It would also have a cinema, a gym and a shopping center. My school has none of these, and I think there should be more pleasant things for students to do while they are studying.
Sonia from Italy: I’d like a room where we can relax and play computer games. I’d also like to have a music room. I think there should be a place for everyone to go and relax after class. Wu from Beijing: I think it would be great to have another day off (休息日) every week, besides the weekend. If that day was a Friday or a Monday, we would have a long weekend every week. What fun! I also think school should start later, at about 10 o’clock, and finish earlier.
Hannah from Australia: In my dream school, I think the teachers should give us more freedom and choice about how we study and what we study. I also think it’s unimportant for us to wear school uniforms every day. I really don’t like wearing it.

【小题1】. Richard is from_________.

【小题2】. From the passage, we know that_________.
A.Sonia from Italy would like a room to relax and play computer games
B.Richard from the USA thinks his dream school should start at 10 o’clock
C.Wu from Beijing enjoys studying five days a week
D.Hannah from Australia likes wearing a school uniform every day
【小题3】. What is the passage mainly about?
A.A dream school.B.Soccer fields.
C.A music roomD.School uniforms.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Not everyone has a chance to be a detective(侦探), but I got one when I was 13 years old. It happened in 1994.
One afternoon, I was walking down the street when I saw my father’s new car. I expected(期望) to see my father in the driver’s seat. But to my surprise, I saw a young woman driving instead, “She has stolen my father’s car,” I thought. So I quickly stopped a taxi and got in. I said to the driver, “Follow that new car in front,” I told him why.
The taxi driver had a car phone, so I asked him to call the police. Soon we heard the sound of a police car. The police told the woman to stop the car using a loudspeaker. The taxi came to a stop, too. I got out right then and said to the woman, “This is not your car. It's my father’s car.”
The woman smiled and said, “Oh. You’re Mr. Johnson’s son, right? I've seen your photo in your father’s office.”
Before I could say one word, the woman explained that she was my father’s new assistant(助手). My father had asked her to take his computer to the shop to have it repaired. He lent her his car. After hearing this, I called my father and he told us what the woman said was right. The police and the taxi driver laughed. I felt very sorry. It was both the first time and the last time I worked as a detective.
【小题1】 When did the story take place?

A.Thirteen years ago. B.Twenty years ago.
C.Thirty years ago. D.Before 1994.
【小题2】 What did the writer see one afternoon on a street?
A.He saw his father driving a new car with a young woman.
B.He saw a young woman driving a new car with his father.
C.He saw a young woman trying to steal his father’s new car.
D.He saw a young woman in his father’s new car.
【小题3】 How did the writer manage to get his father’s car to stop?
A.He had his father call the young woman.
B.He asked the taxi driver to stop his father's car.
C.He got the help of the police.
D.He called the young woman.
【小题4】 How did the writer feel when he found out the truth?
A.He felt good about himself. B.He felt sorry.
C.He felt very happy. D.He felt excited.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A recent research shows that physical activity(体育活动) may help students do better in their classes. The research comes because educators in some countries are reducing time for activities like P.E. class.
Researchers go over the results of fourteen studies. Twelve were from the United States, one from Canada and one from South Africa. The studies appeared between 2009 and 2013. They included more than 55,000 children, aged six to eighteen.
Thomas Singh, one of the researchers, says the studies showed a relationship between physical activity and scores on subjects such as math, English and reading. Ms. Singh offers some possible explanations (解释):
“ There are, first, physiological (生理的) explanations, like more blood flow, and so more oxygen (氧气) to the brain. Being physically active means there are more hormones( 荷尔蒙) produced like endorphins ( 脑内啡). And endorphins make your stress level lower and your mood improved, which means you will perform better in class. Also, students who take part in organized sports learn rules and how to follow them. This could improve their classroom behavior and help them know what they should do.
All in all, the finding tells us that physically active kids are more likely to do better in school. Ms. Singh says schools should consider the finding before they cut physical education programs. 
【小题1】What led the researchers to do the studies?

A.Schools’cutting physical activity. 
B.Their interest in physical activity. 
C.The tests including about 55,000 children. 
D.Kids’unsatisfying schooling performance. 
【小题2】How many countries took part in the studies?
A.14.  B.12 C.2.  D.3. 
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT one of the advantages of physical activity according to the passage?
A.Getting more blood flow.  
B.Better classroom behavior. 
C.Feeling relaxed and refreshed. 
D.Greater ability to organize activities. 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

J&M Music Store
? Rock, pop and country music
? Buy CDs new or used
? Listen before you buy
? Guitar lessons offered
Peth Market
? Fresh fruit and vegetables
? Open Friday to Sunday mornings
? Free ice cream for children under 12
Times Coffee Shop
? The best coffee in town
? Sandwiches, cakes, pies
?Open 10:00a.m.—11:00 p.m. daily
?Jazz music(0: Wednesday to Sunday
Macon's B&B
? Feel like home when you're away from
? We have different kinds of rooms
? Delicious homemade breakfast
【小题1】You can________ at J&M Music Store.
A.receive guitar lessons B.borrow new or used CDs
C.learn pop music history D.buy all kinds of music books
【小题2】You can go to TImes Coffee Shop to have coffee and pies at_______.
A.8:30 a.m. B.9:30 a.m. C.10:30 p.m. D.11:30 p.m.
【小题3】 If your friend is coming for a visit, where will he stay for a night?
A. In J&M Music Store.
B. In Peth Market.
C. At Times Coffee Shop.
D. At Macon's B&B.
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.There is no breakfast at Macon's B&
B.You can't listen to the CD before you buy it.
C.Times Coffee Shop offers ism music every day.
D.Kids under 12 can get free ice cream in Peth Market
【小题5】Where is the passage probably from?
A.A dictionary. B.A newspaper.
C.A story book. D.A science report.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A. Here is Jilin Children’s Hospital .It is at 135 Jiling Street Jilin City. There are many advanced equipment about children. Zhao Weibing is a famous doctor. His telephone number is  (0432) 6983245. And E-mail is Zhaoweibing@sohu. com.
B. HongXing Supermarket lies in the center of Wanda. Lots of goods are sold. Foods, vegetables and fruits are for sale now. On the second floor, Some clothes for children are on sale, and the price is the lowest of all.. Welcome to choose.
C. The Painting on World of Sports . In the city center lies a famous stadium where the first-class sportsmen are training for the coming games. You are  allowed to take some pictures of them when they are training.
D.This is Jiling Jiajia Company. It is at 35 Jiling Street Jilin City.There are lots of compers and mobile phones here. We can also repair these machines. Li Weihua is  a computer engineer. His telephone number is (0432)2458988. E-mail: 1 wh988@263.com.
【小题1】Mrs White is free today. She can go to ________ to buy something for her daily life.
【小题2】Li Ping, a famous Chinese artist, who is good at painting and drawing. He can go to______.
【小题3】There is something wrong with my compter. What should I do ?
You can go to _______ and ask for help.
【小题4】If my baby has a fever, I will go to ______and try to know some ways to avoid common cold.

