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  I have never been so 小题1: in my life. Well, I had a doctor’s 小题2: at 10∶00 yesterday morning but my clock didn’t go off, so I 小题3: , my father 小题4: already gone into the bathroom and I had to wait for him to come out. I had to 小题5: . I ran to the bus stop 小题6: breakfast.   小题7: , the bus had left two minutes before I got there. By the time I got to the doctor’s office, it was half an hour late. The doctor had already gone to the hospital. Then I 小题8: another appointment at 1∶00 in the afternoon and went home. After 小题9: lunch I started watching TV. And then at 2∶00, I suddenly 小题10: I had forgotten the 1∶00 appointment.


小题1:句意为:我从未这样尴尬过。这里要用形容词作表语,并且主语是人,所以必须是ed 结尾的形容词。故填embarrassed。
小题8:句意为:也是我又预约了下午1点,回家了。Make an appointment 是固定短语,意思是“约定”。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:I love places where the people are really _     (friend).
小题2:I want to go there, because I like ________ (excite)vacations.
小题3:Could you please give me some ________ (suggest)for vacation spots?
小题4:Would you like ________ (drink)some orange juice?
小题5: You look tired, why not ________ (have)a short rest?
小题6:His brother is considering ________ (study)abroad.
小题7:They _______(trek) through the jungle last vacation.
小题8:I’m________(save)my money so I can buy a new bicycle.
小题9:Many students are willing to _________(work) hard to have a good education.
小题10:Tom continued ________(do) his homework after he finished English.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

back      enjoy      quick      online      save
    More and more people ________ 小题1:the life with computers. Using computers you can send E-mail  ________小题2:and easily.You are able to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone,anywhere in the world without putting a stamp,E-mail can send its message to the other side of the world in seconds. E-mail is easy to use and it _______小题3: time and money. It services for twenty-four hours.So it doesn’t matter if your friends are in bed when you send E-mail to them,or you are seeing a film at the cinema when they send E-mail _______小题4:
Can you imagine the future without teachers but computers? Students will teach themselves in the schools in the future.Computers help students develop their own ways of learning. Students will follow the learning programs by looking at online libraries and watching lessons by world—class teacher. If they don’t understand something,they will ask other students ________小题5:or E-mail their teachers.Computers are becoming more and more popular indeed(真正地).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


小题1:swim, now         小题2:watch, on Sunday        小题3:There be, window

小题4:Lucy, like

小题5:usually, come to school


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Everyone should do something to protect the environment. How did we help to save our earth this week?
Mary: My family try to save electricity. We never left the lights on when leaving the rooms. We turn off the TV when nobody is watching it.
Tom: We start recycling this week. We divide our rubbish into different bags for bottles, cans, paper and food. Mom keeps the plastic shopping bags from the supermarket to use them again as rubbish bags. These are great ways to help our environment.
Jack: My family save water. We never take long baths and have short showers instead. We wash the toilet with used water. My sister and I don’t leave the tap running when we brushed our teeth.
Information Card
Ways to help protect the environment
Mary’s family
save electricity
Never left the lights on when leaving the rooms.
小题1:          when nobody is watching TV.
Tom’s family
小题3:       into different bags for bottles, cans, paper and food.
Jack’s family
save water
Never take long baths.
Wash the toilet小题4:         .
小题5:            when they brushed their teeth.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A __________ between __________ is like a cup of tea.
Tibet is one of ____________________ in the world.
The villages _______________ by the earthquake and the people are _______________the help of the government.
The film was made ___________ his grandfather.
_______________, there used to be a temple.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A.from    B.train    C.visit    D.activities    E.really   F.have   G.busy
A:Hello! What are you going to do this weekend?
B:Our family is going to       小题1:__ a picnic in the park.
A:Fantastic! Now it’s the right weather for outdoor      小题2:
B:Yes.What about you?
A:I will go to see my grandparents­­­­­­­ with my mum.
B:How often do you usually go to ­    小题3: them?
A:About twice a month.You know, I’m very       小题4:with my schoolwork and my grandparents live very far ­­­­­­­from my home, about two hours by car.
B:But you are lucky.My grandparents live even farther.It takes eight hours to go by     小题5:.
A:Really? Anyway, I hope you can enjoy yourselves.
B:Thank you!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

take after ;  snack ;  death ;   pass ;  America
小题1:He ______his father. They are both kind and clever.
小题2:I’m hungry and thirsty. Let’s go and buy some drinks and ______.
小题3:The ______of her little dog made him very sad.
小题4:Could you _____ the knife to me? We need them to make lanterns.
小题5:It is said that many ______teenagers will come to watch the 2014 Youth Olympic Games.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

turn, better, give, she, scared, visit, close, open, but, everyone
In a happy town there lived a little, beautiful and smart girl, and               小题1:name was Rose.                  小题2: in the town liked her. She was so brave(勇敢的), but one thing she was scared of was the doctor.
One day her tooth was moving. Her mum saw it. She said, "Your tooth is moving, and you need to                小题3:Doctor Tim."
Rose said, "No! I am not going to the doctor. " Mum said, "Don' t worry. It' s not so wobbly(摆动的)now." That made Rose feel            小题4:.
After five weeks, Rose forgot about her tooth                小题5:her mum didn't. She checked her tooth again and it was wobbly, so she said, "It's time to see the doctor."
Rose was                 小题6:but she had to do what her mum told her, so they went to see Doctor Tim. They had to wait in the waiting room.
When it was her               小题7:, her heart was bumping(碰撞)very fast. She went into Doctor Tim' s room. He was smiling. She sat on the chair.
Doctor Tim said, "               小题8:your eyes. "
Rose closed her eyes, but just before Doctor Tim started, tears started coming down her eyes. But when she               小题9:her eyes, she saw Doctor Tim holding her tooth.
Rose smiled. Then Doctor Tim           小题10:her a teddy bear(泰迪熊)and from that time Rose wash' t scared of doctors any more.

