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David received a parrot for his birthday. The parrot had a poor vocabulary, and many were not polite. David tried hard    26    the bird’s words and was often saying polite words, playing soft music, trying anything he could think of to set a good example. But nothing ___27   . He shouted at the bird and the bird just got angry and became even __28   . Finally,without any hope,David put it in the freezer. For a few moments he heard the bird kick and cry loudly in it. Then suddenly it was    29    ----- not a sound for half a minute. David was ___30    that he might have hurt the bird and quickly   31    the freezer door. The parrot stepped out onto David’s arm and said,“I believe that I may have made you    32    with me about my impolite language and actions. I will try my best at once to be polite. I am    33    sorry and beg your pardon.”

David was surprised    34    the bird’s change,and he was just to ask what had made such a surprising change when the parrot went on    35    , “May I ask what the chicken in the freezer did?”

26.A. to change             B. changed            C. change              D. changing

27. A. to work              B. working            C. worked         D. will work

28. A. politer          B. less polite          C. more polite        D. not politer

29. A. more quiet        B. quieter              C. quietly               D. quiet

30. A. fright               B. frightening               C. frighted        D. frightened

31. A. opens             B. opening        C. opened              D. open

32. A. angry             B. angrily                  C. anger         D. be angrily

33. A. much             B. really          C. a little             D. just

34. A. on          B. in              C. of                  D. at

35 A. said           B. saying             C. to say               D. say


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


69. 听力录音出了点问题,咱们先做下面的试题吧。

    _____________________the listening record, let’s do the following tests first.

70. 你最好每天锻炼一小时。

                              do exercises for an hour every day.

71. 我父母总是要求我不能晚回家。

My parents always_____________________________ go home late.

72. 虽然他感觉很累,但他没有放弃而是坚持跑着。

Though he felt tired, he didn’t give up ______________________.

73. 老师常说如果课上不用功,课下花再多的时间上课外班也是徒劳。

Our teacher often says that if we don’t work hard during class, it _______________________________________ outside classes.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

-Could you please tell me________________?

-Of course. Let me show you the way.

A.if are there any good museums around here

B.if there are any good museums around here

C.how can I go to the museum

D.where could I find a good museum


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Simon doesn't know what  ________ today.

A.wears              B.to wear            C.wearing           D.to wear


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Mr Smith is a teacher of English.He comes from America.He teaches English in China.He speaks Chinese quite well.

    He reads a lot of books and his wife often writes books for the students at home.Mr Smith gets up at five in the morning.He leaves home at ten to six.He begins the first lesson at 8:00.He teaches English every day except Saturday and Sunday.At ten to twelve he finishes his lessons.Ten minutes later he has lunch.In the afternoon,he often plays games with his students.Sometimes he teaches his students in his office.Supper time is at about six.After that,he reads newspapers and watches TV.At about ten to eleven he goes to bed.

66.Mr Smith is            

A.a Chinese         B.an Englishmans C.a worker          D.an American

67.He leaves home at         

A.6:10              B.5:50                     C.7:10              D.6:50

68.He doesn’t have any English classes on         

A.Saturday          B.Sunday                   C.Friday      D.Saturday and Sunday

69.He has lunch at          

A.12:30            B.12:00                   C.13:30            D.13:00

70.He watches TV or reads newspaper         supper.

A.before             B.after                       C.at                    D.in


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

He should not ______ so much money on the wardrobe(衣柜). I suggest _______ one for himself.

  A. to pay for; to make     B. spend; making

C. to spend; to make D. pay for; making


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When will you need to give blood for a personality test ? The answer is that you need to do so when you ask for a job.

Some people think that your blood group is no secrets. It shows the “Real You”. And people have certain blood groups may be good or bad at certain work. This is the reason why you can be asked to give your blood group before you are given a job.

The new idea carried out first in Japan a few years ago. Now people have brought it over to other parts of the world. One important company in Japan said: “For our office members, we must have 30% of group A and 15% of ABs, 25% of O and 30% of B.

Do you know your own blood group? The test tells us if you are blood group O, you can get things done and sell things well. Blood group A are thinkers. While blood group B are highly creative. And if you have problems, ask the ABs to solve them. So if you visit the Japanese company, you will find out the blood group O selling things and the blood group A keeping order in the office.

61. From the passage, we can learn that _________.

A. if you know your own blood group you can get a good job

B. four kinds of the blood group were found by the Japanese

C.more and more countries have used the new idea about blood groups.

D. People of good blood group may do their work very well

62. From the passage, which one is needed by the Japanese company?

  (CM=creative men, GS=good salesmen, TS=thinkers, PS=problem solvers)

A. 30% is CM, 25%-GS, 15%-TS, 30%PS.

B. 25% is CM, 30%-GS, 30%-TS, 15%-PS.

  1. 30% is CM, 15%-GS, 25%-TS, 30%-PS.

D. 30% is CM, 25%-GS, 30%-TS, 15%-PS.

63. People of blood group B may be good at _________.

A. working out difficulties    B. setting good examples for others

  1. doing office work     D. trying out new development programmes

64. This passage seems to have you understand________.

A. your blood group is very important for your work

B. personality tests are very correct

C. blood group can never change your life

D. the idea on blood group has little science knowledge

65. This passage is mainly about ________.

A. how important the blood group on personality

B. the secret of blood group

C. the new test on blood group

D. what blood group is


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

-- _______ take off your coat, Anna. It’s very cold today.

-- OK.

    A. Can’t            B. Don’t            C. You’d better       D. Please


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 —When is the photo competition this term, Helen?

—It’s _______ April.

A. on             B. in               C. of                     D. at

