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小题1:Running after each other at the rest time between two classes may get you hurt.
小题2:Making a fire in the bedroom is very dangerous.
小题3:When you get angry with anybody, you fight against him. This is not good at all.
小题4:If you go to swim in the river nearby without your teacher’s permission, you will be in danger.
小题5:Riding a bike inside the school fast is regarded as one of the dangerous things at school.
A.Some students die in this way. Without their teacher or parents nearby, they may not know how to do with dangerous things they meet in the river.
B.When class is over, you should have a short rest both inside your classroom or outside your classroom. You can’t run here and there.
C.Because you may burn things inside your bedroom and even be killed by the fire.
D.If you go home by bike, please push it instead of riding inside the school until you are on the road outside your school.
E. Any classmates are your friends. Even if you can’t agree with everything, you don’t need to quarrel or fight. You should learn how to get along well with others.


小题1:根据You can’t run here and there.可知选B。
小题2:根据Because you may burn things inside your bedroom 可知选C。
小题3:根据You should learn how to get along well with others.可知选E。
小题4:根据Some students die in this way.可知选A。
小题5:根据, please push it instead of riding inside the school until you are on the road outside your school.可知选D。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When you are sick, you can hardly go to places, see friends or do sports—it’s not fun at all. So, follow these steps to get better quickly.
小题1:Unhealthy food can make you even sicker. Eat healthy food like fruit and vegetables when you are sick
小题2:You can use a soft ,warm blanket and stay in bed. Drink hot water or have soup to help keep you warm
小题3:Medicine can help the body when you are sick. If your doctor has given you some medicine, be sure to take it.
小题4:You need about eight to nine hours of sleep or more when you are sick, so be sure to get enough sleep at night.
小题5:Go outside on a nice day to get more fresh air. Take a book with you and do some reading while you enjoy the sunshine.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Jane Brown is a cute girl. She is from China. But now she and her parents live in the USA, because her father works there. Jane is twelve. She studies at a primary school. She likes Art lessons best. Her mother always buys her some crayons as presents. Jane has a twin sister. They like spring best. On those warm and windy days, they often fly kites in the park nearby.     
Jane Brown
Drawing and    小题4:    kites
Favourite season
Favourite subject


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Li Ming is a schoolboy. He is twelve. He lives in Shanghai. He studies in No. 11 Middle School. He gets up at half past five every day. He reads English and Chinese in the morning. He has breakfast at seven. After that, he goes to school with his friends. They have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. In the evening he does his homework at home. But he often watches TV on Saturday evening. Li Ming likes drawing. He draws better than his sister. He likes reading story-books. Now he is reading an English book in the room.
Name           Liming
Age           小题1:___________
He lives        小题2:___________
He gets up      小题3:______________every day.
He has         小题4:_____________ classes in a day.
He likes        小题5:_____________


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

One day Mother looks at Simon's shoes and says, “L  小题1:   at your shoes. They are very dirty(脏). You must c 小题2:   them.” “ But I cleaned them yesterday,” says the boy. “They are dirty now. You m  小题3:   clean them now.” “I don't want to clean them t  小题4:   . If I clean the pair of shoes today, t  小题5:   will still be dirty tomorrow.” “All right. D  小题6:   do it then.” Simon's mother says.
In the evening, he is very h  小题7:   . He asks his mother to give him s  小题8:   to eat. “You had breakfast in the morning, Simon, and you had l  小题9:   at school.” His mother says. “But I’m hungry a  小题10:   .” “But if I give you something to eat today, you will be hungry again tomorrow.”


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

10 January, 2013
Dear David,
Thank you for your letter. I am glad to know that everything is going w 小题1:
 with you. Thanks also for the photos. Linda looks h 小题2:  and taller than before.
It is very hot here now, but sometimes rains. We love the rain very much. We are enjoying our stay here. I am now s 小题3: in a bigger school. There are m 小题4:  teachers and students in this school than in my school in England. My teachers and classmates are all very friendly to me.
Time goes so quickly. I am having new experience (经历) all the time. It is difficult to l 小题5: Chinese, but I am making progress (进步) w 小题6:  the help of my teachers and classmates.
The summer holiday is coming. Here in Yangzhou the summer holiday usually lasts about two m 小题7:
 . So I’ll be f小题8:  for over sixty days. I h 小题9:  you and Linda could come to Yangzhou for a visit. Then I can show you a 小题10:  the famous “Moon City” in China.
All the best,


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

This is a schoolbag. What’s in the backpack? __A__  They are an eraser, a pencil case, a notebook ... Is this Emma’s eraser? __B__  Is that Ben’s pencil case? __C__ No, it is Jack’s pencil case. Look! These are two dictionaries. And those are five books.  What’s in the pencil-box? Three pens. Oh, what is this? It’s my notebook.
小题1:短文中漏掉了一句:Yes, it is. 应该放在A,B,C中的哪一处?
小题2:Is a notebook in the schoolbag?
小题3:What is in the pencil-box?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Betty:Hi, Mum!
Mum: Hello, Betty! Where are you now?
Betty: I’m小题1:_______________ (stand) on the Great Wall of China and小题2:_____________ (talk) to you.
Mum: Really? That’s great.
Betty: We’re on a school trip.
Mum: What about the小题3:_________________ (other)? Are they with you?
Betty: Well, right now Tony is小题4:_______________ (eat) a delicious ice cream. Wang Hui is (75) ________________ (take) lots of photos. Lingling is小题5:______________ (buy) a few presents and postcards. They’re on sale at the shop. Darming is小题6:_______________ (have) lunch and小题7:________________ (lie) in the sun.
Mum: I’d like a postcard too, but please take some photos of the Great Wall and send小题8:______________ (they) to me by email.
Betty: OK. We’re小题9:______________ (enjoy) the school trip a lot. Anyway, it’s time to go back to school now. Bye, Mum!
Mum: Bye, Betty!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:I borrowed Jimmy’s favorite storybook last week. But I can’t find it now. I think I have left it somewhere.
小题2:I was criticized seriously by my Chinese teacher when I was sleeping in the class. Now I don’t like Chinese classes as before. It makes me feel embarrassed.
小题3:I had forgotten to turn off the mobile phone before I entered the classroom. It rang for a long time in the class. None of my classmates have criticized me, but I am upset about it now.
小题4:I have dreamt of volunteering to clean the city park, but I am afraid that others will laugh at me. They may think I am a cleaner.
小题5:I think I am creative. I always have some new ideas. And I spend lots of time trying to invent something . But my parents let me spend all the time in the school subjects..
A. If I were your Chinese teacher, I would be angry, too. So I think you should realize yourself first. Then have a talk with your teacher and tell him you won’t do that again.
B. We shouldn’t laugh at cleaners. We can’t live a clean life without them. So don’t be shy and be a volunteer as you have dreamt.
C. You’d better buy a new book for him. And then you can explain to him what has happened. Remember to say sorry to him.
D. According to your description, I can see that you are a very nice child. I think you can give a small speech to apologize (道歉) to them after class.
E. I think a creative child should be encouraged. Why not make a good plan with your parents? You can spend most time in school subjects. And in your spare time, you can try your ideas.

