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(   ) 9. [2013 • 咸宁]—Let’s go to the community if it       tomorrow.

—But nobody knows if it       to morrow.

   A. won’t rain;rains

   B. doesn’t rain;rains

   C. doesn’t rain;will rain

   D. won’t rain;will rain


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 4.        young should try        after their parents.

   A. The;looking   B. A;to look

   C. A;looking     D. The;to look


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  part,be, fast,decide,angry,they,hide,share,throw,good 

A long time ago,the monkey and the turtle 1.       good friends. One day,they saw a fallen banana tree and 2.        to plant it.  They divided the tree into two 3.      . The monkey took the part with leaves,thinking that it would grow 4.        than the one without leaves,then they went home and planted it. Many days passed,the monkey’s plant died but the turtle’s grew 5.       and produced fruit. When the fruit was ripe,the turtle asked the monkey 6.        it with him. The monkey climbed up the tree and ate all the fruit. So the turtle got angry. He found some sharp sticks and put 7.        round the tree.

When the monkey came down,he hurt himself.  The turtle laughed and 8.        himself under a big shell. The monkey took the sharp sticks from his body. He sat 9.        on the big shell and the turtle pulled his tail.

“I’ll cut you into pieces ,” said the monkey. “Good,so there will be many turtles. ”

“No,I’ll put you into the fire. ”

“That’s better,and my skin will be red. ”

“No,throw you into the river. ”

“No,” said the turtle ,“I’ll die. ”

The monkey 10.        the turtle into the river,and the turtle swam happily.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 King Akbar was in the habit of putting riddles (谜语) to his people. He often asked strange 1      . His people had to use words in a 2       way to answer these questions. Once he asked a very strange question. He looked at his people. 3       he looked,one by one the heads began to hang low in search of an answer. It was at this moment that Birbal entered the palace. Birbal 4        the habit of the king. He understood the 5        at once and asked, “May I know the question vso that I can 6        for an answer?”

Akbar said ,“How many crows (乌鸦) are there in this city?”

7       even a moment’s thought,Birbal replied , “There are fifty thousand five hundred and eighty nine crows,My Lord”.

“How can you be so 8        ?”  asked Akbar.

Birbal said, “Make your men 9      ,My Lord.

If you find more crows,it means some have come to visit their relatives (亲戚) here. If you find 10        crows,it means some have gone to visit their relatives somewhere else. ” Akbar was pleased very much by Birbal s wise answer.

(   ) 1. A. questions   B. help

   C. promise   D. advice

(   ) 2. A. common   B. friendly

   C. clever   D. silent

(   ) 3. A. Though   B. Because

   C. If   D. As

(   ) 4. A. knew   B. developed

   C. hated   D. doubted

(   ) 5. A. order   B. information

   C. clanger   D. situation

(   ) 6. A. ask   B. wait

   C. try   D. reach

(   ) 7. A. Before   B. Without

   C. Through   D. In

(   ) 8. A. smart   B. brave

   C. funny   D. sure

(   ) 9. A. catch   B. discuss

   C. count   D. visit

(   ) 10. A. fewer   B. larger

   C. faster   D. older


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 4. [2014 • 庐州]The movie is       wonderful       I want to see it again.

   A. too;to   B. so;that

   C. as;as   D. so;as


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 4. Don’t make me       chores now. I’m too busy.

   A. do   B. does

   C. did   D. to do


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 11. I love the book       by my teacher.

   A. wrote   B. write

   C. written   D. writing


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2. His sister is one and a half       (米) high.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 4. Please        the table with a news paper.

   A. covered   B. cover

   C. reach   D. run

