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Betty works really hard. Finally, she won the first place.

A. In the end B. At first

C. At the end of D. Luckily

A 【解析】句意:贝蒂工作很努力。最后,她获得了第一名。考查同义词(短语)辨析题。A. In the end最后;B. At first当初;C. At the end of在……最后;D. Luckily幸运地。finally最后,和in the end同义;根据句意语境,可知选A。

科目:初中英语 来源:2018年中考模拟冲刺英语专题复习试卷:阅读理解 题型:阅读单选


1.Tian Yuanyuan, a 22-year-old beautiful and lovely girl, like to show and wear different beautiful clothes. I want to have a job that I can wear many different free clothes.

2.Rodney is a writer for a Chinese newspaper. In order to improve my writing and know about the different lives. I’d like to do a part-time job as a cleaner during the vacation.

3.Li Li, a sunny girl from Foreign Language University. I want to seek a job that I can make good use of my language learning.

4.Pan Di, a 28-year-old boy. I have good communication ability. And I have been working in International Hotel for 4 years.

5.Pu Jun, 21, a music lover. When I was 8 years old, my mother taught me to play the piano. She is a music teacher. I play it well now. I want to be a member of a band.

A. Manager Wanted

Sode Company is now looking for a manager with minimum 3 years’ experience in services management. Aged 27 to 30.

B. Models Wanted

Alibaba is in offering logistical support to small online businesses. Now Alibaba is looking for 50models classified as “Japanese” or “Korean”. Aged 20 to 25.

C. Musician Wanted

Can you play the piano or the guitar? We need two new band members for our group. Are you interested? Then come to us on Saturday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. , Hopewell Center.

D. English Tutor Wanted

Can you speak English? Do you like kids? I need someone to help my daughters learn English during their vacation. Please call Mrs. White at 5237889.

E. Part-time Cleaning Help

Are you looking for a vacation job? Can you clean house and cook? Then, I need you. The work is boring, but the pay is good. I need you from 2:00 to 5:00, Monday to Saturday. Please call Emily at 988632.

F. Waiters Wanted

Can you speak English? Do you like working at night? If you want to be a waiter in Red Flower Restaurant, please call Cindy at 456742.

G. Volunteer Wanted

Are you willing to help others? We need you to help the children who are homeless. If you are interested, please call Zhao Fei at 433554.

1.B 2.E 3.D 4.A 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要是根据五个人的各自能力介绍,从中找到与其能力相适应的招聘岗位。 1.B细节理解题。根据“like to show and wear different beautiful clothes. I want to have a job that I can wear many differ...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年徐州市中考总复习七上 阶段复习综合测试(含答案) 题型:单选题

I live _______ the market. So I have to drive to buy some fruits and vegetables.

A. far away B. near to C. far from D. next to

C 【解析】句意:我住的离超市远。所以我不得不开车去买些水果和蔬菜。far away遥远的,作表语;near to靠近;far from离……远;next to紧挨着。根据So I have to drive to buy some fruits and vegetables.可知我需要开车去买水果和蔬菜,因此我住的地方离超市远,此处表示离的距离远,故用far from,故选C。 ...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018春鲁教版七年级英语下册Unit 7 单元测试卷(有答案) 题型:单选题

To our_________, the little girl is the first to go to bed.

A. surprises B. surprise C. surprised D. surprising

B 【解析】试题分析:句意:使我们吃惊的是,这个小女孩是第一个上床睡觉的。短语to one’s surprise表示使……吃惊的是;surprise吃惊,这里是名词;C. Surprised使人吃惊的;D. Surprising令人吃惊的。根据题意,故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018春鲁教版七年级英语下册Unit 7 单元测试卷(有答案) 题型:单选题

Victor can play ______ piano. He can join the music club.

A. a

B. an

C. the

C 【解析】试题分析:a用在以辅音(指辅音音素)开头的词前,an用在以元音(指元音音素)的词前。the表示特指或者一些固定用法,比如用在乐器的前面,必须用定冠词the. 故选C.


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级下册英语 unit5 第4课时 练习 题型:补全短文5选5


A. Spread (传播) the word!

B. Ask for help!

C. Keep going!

D. What is it?

E. Name it!

Do you want to change something at your school or in your area? Now let’s find out how to start your own campaign (运动).

1. Think about what you want your campaign to be about. What’s important to you? What do you want to change? Maybe you want girls to be able to play football with boys or a new playground (游乐场) for your area?

2. Tell your family and teachers about your ideas and see what they think. If they like your ideas, ask them to join you.

3. Coming up with a cool and meaningful name for your campaign will help it stand out. Discuss it with your classmates, and even see if you can get all students at your school to join.

4. Now you need to let people know about your campaign. Make posters (海报) with your message and show them around your school or in your area. But remember not to give out any of your personal information, like your e-mail or telephone number to people you don’t know.

5. It may take a long time to get your campaign going, but don’t give up. If it’s important to you, then try your best.

1.D 2.B 3.E 4.A 5.C 【解析】本文主要介绍了怎样开始你自己的竞选活动。首先知道竞选活动是什么;考虑竞选目标是什么。寻求帮助。告诉你的家人和老师你的想法,看看他们的想法。请他们加入你。和同学讨论,给他起个好名字。做宣传,散布消息!现在你需要让人们知道你的竞选活动。坚持,坚持!你的竞选活动可能需要很长时间,但不要放弃。如果它对你很重要,那么尽你最大的努力...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018春鲁教版七年级英语下册课时训练题:Unit 3 Section A 1 (1a-2d) 题型:单选题

To live a green life, we should try to save ______ energy and produce ______ pollution.

A. less; more B. more; less

C. more; fewer D. more; least

B 【解析】句意:为了过上绿色的生活,我们应该努力节约能源,减少污染。less更少的,little的比较级,修饰不可数名词;more更多的,many和much的比较级,修饰不可数名词和可数名词复数;fewer更少的,few的比较级,修饰可数名词复数;least最少的,little的最高级,修饰不可数名词。根据“为了过上绿色的生活”可知“我们应该努力节约能源,减少污染。” energy(能源)...


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省高邮市2018届九年级下学期第一次月考英语试卷 题型:单选题

— _______ exciting news it is! — Yes. ______ great Dianna is! She won the first prize.

A. What; How B. What; What C. What an; How D. What a; How

A 【解析】句意:——它是一个多激动人心的消息啊!——是的,蒂娜太棒了。她赢了一等奖。感叹句结构:what(a/an)+形容词+名词+主语+谓语+---!how+形容词/副词+主语+谓语+---!news新闻,消息,不可数名词;故选A


科目:初中英语 来源:2018春鲁教版七年级英语下册课时练习题:Unit 8 Section B (1a-2e) 题型:单词填空


This moring I’m talking with a very generous young man,Jimmy,the Bike Boy ,Jimmy is the boy1. fixes up old bikes and gives them2. .

A:Good morning Jimmy.

B:Good morning.

A:So,Jimmy,tell our listeners3. you do.

B:Well,just as you said,I find or buy old bikes 4. nobody wants.Then I fix up the bikes and give them away to kids who don’t have enough5. to buy their own bikes.

A:That’s fantastic.What gave you the idea?

B:I guess I 6. after my father.He’s always helping people.

A:Wow!Your parents must take pride 7. you.

B:I guess so.But now I’ve run 8. of money to buy old bikes.

A:Oh,that’s too bad.

B:Yeah.I need to9. up with some way of getting money or I’ll have to 10..

1.who /that 2.away 3.what 4.that 5.money 6.take 7.in 8.out 9.come 10.stop 【解析】对话中单车男孩吉米向作者介绍了如何收集并修理那些废旧的自行车,并把它们送给那些没有足够钱买辆自行车的孩子们的故事。但现在他也面临资金的困难,如果没有资金,这项活动就无法进行下去,因此需...

