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send     expensive    waste     problem    cool
Dear headmaster,
I’m a student of Grade 9. I want to tell you something. In our school, many students have mobile phones. They think it’s   1   to have a mobile phone. Yes, the phones let students talk with their parents and friends at any time. But I don’t think it’s good for students to use them at school. Many students spend lots of time in  2   messages by mobile phone, some students even use them to play games in class or cheat (作弊) in the exams. Some students
always hope to buy the new or   3   mobile phones and this will   4   their
parents’ money. And my father tells me that most mobile phones can cause (引起)
many health   5   . Could you do something to stop it?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: Good morning, Madam.          1         
B: Yes, please. I’m afraid I left my handbag in a taxi this morning.
A:         2         
B: About 50, 000 dollars.
A:         3         
B: Yes, my ID card, I think.
A: What’s your name?
B: Betty White.
A:Just a moment.          4         
B:Yes, it’s mine. Thank you so much.
A:         5          The taxi driver found it and brought it here.
B:Oh, what a kind person he is! I want to meet him and thank him.
A. Nice to see you.
B. Anything else?
C. You’re welcome.
D. Excuse me.
E. Is this your handbag?
F. What’s in your handbag?
G. May I help you?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

repair     take        visit       not  let        mean
小题1:My watch doesn’t work. It needs to ______ .
小题2:Who ______  away my pen? I can’t find it.
小题3:Lucy said she ______ the primary school the next month.
小题4:It’s correct ______ strangers come into your house.
小题5:It’s ______to join a charity walk than to play computer games.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: Can I help you?     B: What kind of noodles would you like?
C: We have small, medium and large.   D: And what size would you like?
E: I’d like mutton and potato noodles, please.
A: ___66____.
B: I’d like some noodles, please.
A: ____67___
B: What kind of noodles do you have?
A: We have beef, chicken, mutton, cabbage, potato , tomato….
B: Ok, ___68___
A: Sure. ____69____
B: What sizes do you have?
A: ____70___
B:  Oh, a medium bowl, please.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A.This way,please.
B.What can I do for you?
C.Do you live here?
D.5 yuan each.
E.What time is the last one?
F.It's my pleasure.
G.It takes forty minutes.
A: Excuse me, sir?
B: Yes?   1 
A: I want to go to the train station, but I don't know how to get the ticket from the TVM  (自动售票机).
B:   2  Well, just press here.
A: How much is the ticket?
B:   3  
A: All right. By the way, how often do the trains come?
B: About every six minutes.
A:   4  
B: At 11:00 pm.
A: OK. Got it. Thanks for your help.
B:    5
A: Goodbye!
B: Bye- bye !


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A. I’ll take them.
B. Can you go to other shops?
C. I feel sorry about it.
D. May I have a look at other another pair?
E. How much are they?
F. I’d like a pair of shoes for my daughter.
G. She likes white and black.
A: What can I do for you?
B:     1    ?
A: For your daughter? Look, the shoes are really nice. Do you like them?
B: Yes. But I’m afraid my daughter doesn’t like the color.    2    ?
A: Sure. There are different kinds of shoes over there. What color does she love?
B:   3    And black is her favorite color.
A: What size of shoes does she wear?
Angela: Size 9. Let me see. Um, this pair of shoes must fit her.    4    ?
A: They are not expensive, Only 199 Yuan.
B: That would be OK.    5    . Here is the money.
A: Thank you very much.
B: That’s all right.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: What can I do for you?
B:  1  
A: For your daughter ?Look , the shoes are really nice . Do you like them ?
B: Yes . But I’m afraid my daughter doesn’t like the color . ___2______
A: Sure . There are different kinds of shoes over there . What color does she like ?
B: __3_____And black is her favorite .
A: What size does she need?
B: Size 9. Let me see . Um ,this pair of shoes must fit her ._4______
A: They are not expensive ,only 199 yuan .
B: That would be fine .___5______ Here is the money .Thanks very much.
A: You’re welcome.
A.I’ll take them.
B.Can you go to other shops?
C.I feel sorry about it.
D.May I have a look at other shoes?
E.How much are they?
F.I’d like a pair of shoes for my daughter.
G.She likes white and black.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A young man was going to spend his  56  in a village.That night he decided to sleep at a small hotel near the train  57 . Before going to bed, he said to the owner(所以者)of the hotel,“Excuse me,sir. Will you please  58  me up at a quarter to five tomorrow morning? I’ll get on the train at five o’clock.” “Oh, sorry,” the owner said.“I’m afraid I can’t. I won’t be able to get up so  59 .”
The young man asked, “Have you  60  an alarm clock? Maybe it can  61  me. “Yes, here you are, young man,” the owner said. The young man  62  the owner happily. But when he looked at the alarm clock closely, it  63  there was something wrong with it. “Will it  64  on time?” he asked.“Sure! You just shake(晃动) it at a quarter to five and it will ring,” answered the owner. The young man couldn’t fall  65  all the night. Because he was afraid of missing the train.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

friend  polite  through  which  travel  remind  whether  sad  balance  pour
Make time for friendships.
Nothing makes closeness fade away(褪色) more than never talking to or seeing each other. If
you cherish a person’s friendship, make time for him or her,   1  it’s just a phone call, e-mail or a weekly get-together.
Remember: a true friend doesn’t flee when changes happen. Nothing is   2  for new parents
than to find that their unmarried friends have left them because of the coming of baby. A good friend is one who stays true   3  it all in life – marriage, parenthood, new jobs, new homes, and so on.
Make sure you aren’t being a burden to a friend.
Friendships will lose if there isn’t a   4  between the give and the take. Be sensitive to how much your friend can and can’t offer you –and don’t overstep the mark.
Be a good listener.
It can be the hardest thing in the world to do – simply to listen as he or she   5  it all out or is seeking your advice or opinion. To be a better listener, follow this advice:
Keep eye contact. Offer nods and murmurs to show that you understand his or her point of view. Don’t finish your   6  sentences. While your friend keeps on talking, you should gently   7  yourself to focus.
Be in your friend’s corner if he or she’s not there to defend him or herself.
If you’re at a gathering at   8  someone says something bad about your friend, stop him or her   9 . Say, "Mary is my friend, and it makes me feel bad to hear you talk this way." Sooner or later, news of your loyalty (忠诚) will   10  back to your pal, and it will deepen your friendship.

