精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
用所给词的适当形式填空 。
小题1:Will you invite the exchange students          (take) part in the activity?
小题2:The doctor can make Neil            (feel) better than before.
小题3:Our paintings are quite different from              (they).
小题4:Read more, and you            (be) better at English.
小题5:Look ! Simon            (fix) the broken bike for his classmate.

小题1:to take
小题4:will be
小题5:is fixing

小题1:句意:你将邀请留学生参加这个聚会吗?invite sb. to do sth邀请某人做某事,故此处用to take。
小题2:句意:这位医生能让尼尔感觉比以前更好。make sb. do sth 让某人做某事,此处用动词原形做宾语补足语,故用feel。
小题4:句意:多读,然后你将会更擅长英语。祈使句+and+一般将来时的从句,故此处用一般将来时,be good at 擅长,故此处为will be。
小题5:句意:看!西蒙正在为他的同学修理那辆坏了的自行车。根据look!可知此处用现在进行时,因为主语是Simon第三人称单数,故谓语用is fixing。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Jack loved ice cream. He wanted to have ice cream every day.
On his birthday, Jack wanted ice cream, but his parents小题1:_______ (give)him a pet turtle as a present instead. Jack tried to teach his turtle to play games, but it couldn’t carry a ball in its mouth. It couldn’t jump high or run very小题2:_______ (quick). Jack didn’t really like his turtle. He thought it was a boring pet.
One day, he 小题3:_______ (take)the turtle out of its box and found it didn’t move. Jack took it to his mom. “Mom,” he said. “My turtle is not 小题4:_______ (move). I think it’s dead.”
“Don’t be sad,” she said. “We’ll put him in a box and bury (埋) him. Then we’ll go to the store and have some ice cream to make you feel 小题5:_______ (good).”
Ice cream! Jack began to feel happy. Then his mother saw the turtle move.
“It’s all right!” she said. “Your turtle isn’t dead after all!”
“Oh,” said Jack. “Can I kill it?”


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:When I got home, my parents ______________ (discuss) the traveling plan happily.
小题2:The students will not go to the Summer Palace if it ______________ ( rain) tomorrow.
小题3:He ______________ (not realize) the importance of learning English until two years ago.
小题4:Many people are against ______________ (smoke) in public places.
小题5:The queen refused  ______________ (accept ) an interview when she went to Africa.
小题6:I hear that you ______________ (lie) in bed for a lot of days. Are you feeling better now?
小题7:---Where is Jack?   --- He ______________ (ride) an indoor roller coaster over there.
小题8:I like reading the book very much. I ______________ (renew) it in a week.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--Oh! I came in a hurry and forgot to bring food.
--Never mind. You can have ________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

There is ________ with your computer. Why not have it ________?
A. wrong something,  mended     B. something wrong; mend
C. something wrong; mended                     


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Tina Lin was not like many of her classmates. She didn’t listen to pop music. She didn’t 小题1:_____many movies , and she wasn’t小题2:_____ in beautiful clothes. When she got together with her friends at a party , Tina found her friends preferred rock music and pop music . When Tina asked if they would like to try小题3:_____ music, they all looked at her strangely. “Classical music is小题4:______old people.” One of her friends said. Tina was worried that something was小题5:_____ with her . She decided to talk to her father . As she went into his study , he could feel something was wrong.
“ Dad, am I strange?” she asked .
“Of course not ,” he answered , “Why do you ask that ?”
“ Because I don’t like 小题6:_____ same things as my classmates. They want to listen to pop music. But I like classical music.”
“Never mind, Tina . It’s all right to hav小题7:_____ own style. You don’t have to copy 小题8:______other people do. 小题9:______ has different tastes . Some of them are popular , but others aren’t.”
小题10:______ Tina spoke with her father, she felt better about herself . She realized that being different made her special. It was an important lesson for her to learn.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Happiness is for everyone. In fact, happiness is always around you if you care about it. When you are in t小题1: at school, your classmates will help you; when you study hard at your l小题2: , your parents are always taking good c小题3: of you; when you get success(成功), your friends will say congratulations t 小题4:  you; when you do something w小题5: , people around you will help you correct it; and when you do something good to o小题6: , you will feel happy, too. All these things are your h 小题7:. If you pay attention to them, you can see happiness is always a 小题8: you. Happiness is not the same as money. When you are poor, you can say you are very happy, because people can’t buy happiness w小题9: money. When you meet problems, you can also say loudly you are very happy, because you have many friends to help you. So you can’t always say you are poor and you have bad luck. If you agree with me, you can be a happy and l 小题10: person.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

We couldn't see_____ because the light in the room was poor.
A. enough clear              B. enough clearly         C. clearly enough


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Policemen were called by a shop early one Christmas morning. When they arrived, they found two burglars(破门偷盗者)were kept in a lift w 小题1:  a heavy box of money. The two men were in their twenties. They b 小题2:  into an office in the shop and t 小题3:  the money box and ran into the lift. They were in such a h 小题4:  that they did not see the s 小题5: on the door saying that it carried no more than two people.
“They were trapped b 小题6: the floors because they had a heavy box, ” the police said, “they w 小题7:  there for six hours, sitting on what they hoped to be their Christmas p 小题8: . They were doing this at a time when people were at home for Christmas with their families. It was a very special m 小题9:  when the policemen opened the door and they walked out holding our arms. They said they had never been so p 小题10:  to see policemen.” The policemen said they were glad to see them, too.

