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(   ) 2. This is a place       we can go to see animals.

   A. when   B. that

   C.  which   D. where


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   bad,he, return,run, simple,speak,really,minute,invite,young,be, usual

Brian was not good at public speaking. One day,he 1       . to make a speech at a church.

His 2.        sister,Ann knew he was nervous

and tried to calm him down. " Don't worry. Everything will be fine.”When the day came,Brian's car had an accident on the way to the church. Luckily,he was not 3.        hurt and

arrived at the church on time. It was 4.        turn. When he stood up, his coat became tangled with his chair. After a few 5.        ,he finally

began his speech, but he was so nervous that he dropped his book. Many people thought he would run,but he went on.

Suddenly,people saw something unusual 6.        down from his nose  blood!He

stopped 7.        when he saw the blood. But he

still tried to finish his speech. Then Ann quietly moved to the front and handed him her handkerchief. Then she gave him a smile and 8.        to her seat.

It was a 9.        simple gesture,and might be the 10.        . She just saw someone in need  and gave him a hand. In the end,Brian finished his talk,with more confidence.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Making friends is a skill. Like most skills,you can improve it if you are patient. If you want to meet people and make friends, you must be willing to take action. You must first go where there are people. You won't make friends staying home 1,a      .

Joining a club or a group,talking to those who like the same things as you do is much 2. e       . Or join someone in some activities.

Many people are 3. n       when talking to new people. After all, meeting strangers means seeing the unknown. And it's human nature to feel a bit unpleasant about the unknown. Most of fears about 4. d       with new people come from  doubts about ourselves. We imagine other people are judging us—finding us too tall or too short,too this or too that. But don't forget that they must be feeling the 5. s       way. Try to accept yourself as you are,and try to make others feel at home. You'll all feel more 6. c       . Try to be brave even if you don't feel that way when you 7. e        a room full of strangers.

Walk tall and straight, look 8.       d at other people and smile.

If you see someone you'd like to speak to,say something. Don't wait for the other person to start a 9. c       ,

Just meeting someone new does not mean that you'll make friends with that person. Friendship is based on mutual(相互的) likings and "give and take". It takes time and effort for us to 10. d       friendship. And there are things that stop a new friendship from growing.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

假如你所在的城市正在创建"国家级卫生城市",作为该城市的一员,你会有许多感触和想法。下面请你以"How to set up a national healthy city?"为题,根据所给提示写一篇80—100词的英语短文。开头和结尾已给出,不计人总词数。


提示:throw rubbish扔垃圾;talk loudly大声喧哗;smoke吸烟;spit吐痰"n public在公共场合;give seats to the old and children给老人和小孩让座;be

polite to others又氺他人有礼貌;obey traffic rules遵守交通规则;form good life habits养成良好的生活习惯;turn off the lights关灯

How to set up a national healthy city? Our city is trying to set up a national healthy city. As a member of the city,I think

I'm sure our city will become more and more beautiful and cleaner as long as we all try our best to do something for it!


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2.The girl       won the gold medal yesterday- comes from Shanxi.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 5. You are talented young adults       are full of hope for the future.

   A. which   B. who

   C.  when   D. where


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 7. ―       difficult question it is!Can you help me with it?

―OK. Let me see.

   A. What   B. What a

   C.  How   D.How a


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 14. My father plans         a bowl that is made wood. 

     A. buying;of   B. to buy;from

   C.  to buy;of   D. buying;from


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4.The children played happily in the park.(改为感叹句)

                 the children played in the park!

