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(2014·江西中考)—Why don’t you join us for breakfast?


A. Good luck! B. Congratulations! C. What to do? D. Why not?

D 【解析】--为什么你不加入到我们中吃早饭呢?--当然可以!为什么不呢?A. Good luck!祝你好运! B. Congratulations!祝贺你! C. What to do? 做什么? D. Why not?为什么不?根据上句提出建议,故选D。

科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省七年级下学期Unit7 单元练习 题型:单选题

Jacky is old enough, and he look after himself well.

A. looks forward to B. is ready to C. is able to D. is good to

C 【解析】句意:Jacky年龄足够大,他能照顾好自己。look forward to期望;is ready to准备;is able to能;is good to对……好。根据Jacky is old enough,可知他长大了,因此有能力照顾好他自己,故选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:四川省资阳市毕业班适应性检测英语试卷 题型:单选题

Today’s young people can’t live without smart phones. They keep their hands on the phones whenever they go, even while they______ meals.

A. had B. will have C. were having D. are having

D 【解析】句意:如今的年轻人没有智能手机就无法生存。当他们吃饭的时候,他们随时都会拿起手机。考查动词时态辨析题。while当……的时候,表示从句动作和主句动作同时发生,常用进行时态。根据句意语境,可知选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级英语上册Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation 单元测试卷 题型:单选题

I haven’t played sports for a long time. I I need a walk.

A. look like B. seem like

C. feel like D. sound like

C 【解析】 句意:我很长时间没有做运动了,我感觉我需要散散步。look like看起来像;seem like好像…;feel like感觉像,想要;sound like听起来像。根据句意可知这里应表示“感觉.像…”,故应选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级英语上册Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation 单元测试卷 题型:单选题

(题文)—The new restaurant is for 500 people.

—Wow, let’s have a big party there.

A. enough big B. enough small

C. big enough D. small enough

C 【解析】 句意:-这家新的餐馆足够大可以容纳500个人。-哇,让我们在那里举行一个大的聚会吧。enough足够,可以做形容词、副词,在这里是一个副词,修饰形容词,应放在形容词的后面,故先排除A和B。根据句意for 500 people和let’s have a big party可知,这个餐馆非常的大,故应选C。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018人教版八年级英语下期 Unit1- 2单词拼写 专题复习 题型:单选题

It is not easy to such a strong soccer team.

A. communicate with B. compete with C. compare with D. argue with

B 【解析】和这么强的一支足球队竞争是不容易的。A. communicate with和……交流; B. compete with 和……竞争;C. compare with把……和……进行比较; D. argue with和……争吵。结合句意,故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018人教版八年级英语下期 Unit1- 2单词拼写 专题复习 题型:单选题

—I have a toothache.

A. How are you? B. What do you have? C. What do you do? D. What’s the matter with you?

D 【解析】--你怎么了?-我牙痛。A. How are you?你怎样,是问候语,经常用I’m fine 来回答; B. What do you have?你有什么? C. What do you do? 你是做什么的,用来问职业; D. What’s the matter with you?你怎么了?用于他人身体不舒服时,物品出现问题或者发生意外情况时的询问。根据回答,故选D。 ...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018人教版八年级英语下期 Unit1- 2单词拼写 专题复习 题型:单选题

)China is going to ______a manned space station around 2020 to explore more space.

A. set up B. put up C. wake up D. turn up

A 【解析】 句意:中国将在2020年前后建造一个载人空间站,以探索更多的外层空间。本题考查动词短语辨析。set up建立,创立;put up张贴,搭建;wake up唤醒;turn up出现。根据题意选A项。


科目:初中英语 来源:福建省龙岩市2018届九年级适应性练习英语试卷(三) 题型:看图作文


假如你是李华,你的英国笔友 Jenny 对中国的茶文化很感兴趣。请你用英语给他写一封邮


国茶的历史、茶的益处等。词数 80 左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。


Fujian Tea Culture Festival 时间:2018. 7. 3—7. 5 地点:武夷山



1. 词数 80 左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;

2. 意思清楚,表达通顺,行文连贯,书写规范;

3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名。

Dear Jenny,

I’m glad you’re interested in tea. Now I have good news for you.

I hope you’d come and experience Chinese tea culture. Best wishes!

Yours, Li Hua

Dear Jenny, I’m glad you’re interested in tea. Now I have good news for you. Fujian Tea Culture Festival will be held in Mount Wuyi from July 3 to 5 this year. I’d like to invite you to the festiva...

