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My parents ____ at home on weekends.

A. are all B. are both C. all are


科目:初中英语 来源:译林牛津版8上 Unit 1 Friends 单元检测卷(A) 题型:单选题

Betty is one of my_______.

A. best friends B. best friend C. good friends D. good friend


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版8A 英语期中复习专题练习-首字母填空 题型:单词填空

There was once a wise woman who lived back in the hills .All the children liked to come back and ask her questions . She always gave the right answers .

There was a naughty (调皮地)little boy a1. the children . One day he caught a bird and held it in his cupped hands . Then he gathered his fingers (手指) around . He said “Let’s trick the old woman. I’ll a2. her what I’m h3. in my hands . Of course ,she’ll answer that I have a b4. . Then I will ask her if (是否)the bird is living or dead . If she says the bird is dead ,I’ll o5. my hands and let the bird fly away . If she says the bird is alive , I’ll quickly crush(压碎) it and show her the dead bird .Either way , she’ll be w6. .”

The children agreed that this was a c7.plan .Up the hill they went to the old w8.hut (小屋)。

“Granny ,we have a question for you ,”they all shouted .

“What’s in my hand?” asked the little boy.

“Well , it must be a bird,” answered the old woman .

“But is it living or dead ?”asked the excited boy .

The old woman t9. for a moment and then a10.,“It is as you wish ,my child.”


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年徐州市中考总复习七年级上册Unit2单元过关英语测试卷 题型:单选题

---Shall we go for a picnic in the park this Saturday?

---Oh, that good.

A. feels B. looks

C. tastes D. sounds


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新课标八上英语试卷-Unit3 I 题型:单选题

I think Chinese people are ____ than Japanese.

A. friendlier B. much friendly C. more friendlier


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新课标八上英语试卷-Unit3 I 题型:单选题

A good friend makes me ___________.

A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新课标八上英语试卷-Unit3 I 题型:单选题

Which do you think is ___________ , your computer or mine?

A. cheaper B. much cheap C. more cheaper


科目:初中英语 来源:人教新课标八上英语试卷-Unit4 What 题型:单选题

-How did you at school this morning? -I rode my bicycle.

A. get B. reach C. arrive


科目:初中英语 来源:湖北省武汉市2018年中考英语试卷 题型:单选题

---Hello, haven' t seen you for a long time! You1ook fine! ---________________

A. Oh,on B. Thanks C. Great D. Not at all

