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Traveling has been popular with people for a long time. Many of today’s travelers are trying to find an unusual experience or adventure. Hiking may be a good choice.
Instead of spending your vacation on a bus, in a hotel or sitting on the beach, you may want to try hiking. Hiking is a great way to travel. You will get close to nature and take exercise at the same time. Hiking is easy to do and doesn’t have to be very expensive. The basic equipments you need for hiking are simple: good shoes, clothes and a backpack. You can hike in the mountains, in a forest or along a river. You can also go for a hike in the city.
Hiking is fun and exciting, but you shouldn’t forget safety. Here are some basic tips for successful hiking:
Don’t hike alone.
Bring water, a good map and a mobile phone.
Wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun.
Answer the questions according to the passage.
小题1:Is hiking a good way to get close to nature?
小题2:What basic equipments do you need if you go hiking?
小题3:Where can you hike according to the passage?
小题4:How many tips on hiking are there in the passage?
小题5:What shouldn’t you forget during a hiking?

小题1:Yes, it is.
小题2:I/We need good shoes, clothes and a backpack./ They are good shoes, clothes and a backpack./ Good shoes, clothes and a backpack.
小题3:I/We can hike in the mountains, in a forest, along a river or in the city.
小题4:There are three./Three.
小题5:I/We shouldn’t forget safety./It’s safety./ Safety.

小题2:第二段倒数第三句“The basic equipment you need for hiking is simple:good shoes,clothes and a backpack.”
小题4:根据Don’t hike alone. Bring water, a good map and a mobile phone.Wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun.可知为三条建议。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Nearly all of us have an unpleasant habit, whether we realize it or not, and we want to get rid of it but didn't know the proper ways. Here’s some advice on how to get rid of bad habits(习惯).
Make a list. Write down all the reasons why you want to stop a certain behavior----how it’s hurting you and why getting rid of it will help. Look at that list regularly.
Join other activities .It’s wise of you to do something else when you want to stop your bad habits.(1) If you get angry easily, for example, you can practice deep breathing or go for a walk.
Give yourself a reward. Before you get rid of a bad habit, decide what you’ll do to celebrate it if you achieve your goal.
Keep off bad habits. If you are fat and want to lose weight, keep junk food out of your house. If you are a heavy smoker, keep away from smoky bars or friends who like smoking.
Be patient. Bad habits develop over years, so you probably won’t be able to get rid of them quickly. In fact, people often  give up several times before being successful, so you should (2)     ,        .
Find support. Don’t be afraid to ask for support from friends, family or other people who have the same bad habits as you. When you talk to others,  they might be able to give you some advice or encouragement that you normally wouldn’t get from yourself.
小题1:将(1)句译成中文: ______________________________________________
小题2:在(2)句的空白处填一个短语使句意完整,上下文通顺;______  ________
小题3:回答问题 What should you do if you are a heavy smoker?_________________________
小题4:在文中找出与You can get support from others that have the same problems as you.意思相近的句子,并将它写在横线上。


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

My name is Dave. I have two good friends. On Saturdays we often go to see the animals in the zoo. Tom likes pandas because they’re kind of shy. He likes Ling Ling best. Ling Ling is three years old now. Tom often goes to see her. Mary likes to play with dolphins. There are two dolphins in the zoo. They’re friendly to people. My favorite animals are lions. I think they’re smart. But Mary doesn’t like them. She says lions are too scary. We have a little dog. Its name is Bargo. It’s black and white. Bargo often goes with us to the zoo. It’s cute. We all love it very much.
小题1:When do they often go to the zoo?
They go to the zoo ________ ________.
小题2:How old is Ling Ling?
She is__________ ___________ old.
小题3:Why does Mary like dolphins?
Because they’re ________  ________ people.
小题4:What kind of animal is Bargo?
Bargo is a __________. It’s ___________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

India is the home of tigers. Every year many people are killed by tigers. The tiger, however, doesn’t always eat men. It likes wild animals better. It is only when the tiger is old enough or wounded (受伤的) that it eats men. But when it tastes the meat of men, it will go on killing men for food. When a man-eater like this is discovered (发现)people are very afraid. They have to stop working in the fields.
There are many ways to put an end to such dangerous animals. One way is that some men with long guns (枪) ride on elephants while other men drive the tiger towards them.
For a hunter another way is to sit in a tree near the place where a tiger has eaten somebody. If the tiger returns for another meal, the hunter will kill it in the hiding place. A goat may be tied to the tree for the tiger to kill.
The most dangerous way is to hunt a tiger on foot. But the man must be brave and can shoot well or he would be killed by the tiger.
小题1:Where is the home of tiger?
小题2:which does the tiger like better to eat, men or wild animals?
小题3:What will the tiger do when it tastes the meat of men?
小题4:Are there any ways to put an end to such dangerous animals?
小题5:What is the most dangerous way to hunt a tiger?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Spring   1  is the Chinese New Year .It usually comes in February . everyone in Chinese likes it very much .When it comes ,Li Lei helps his parents clean the house and do some other housework . on that day , everyone  2  dumplings and some other delicious food . Li Lei likes New Years cakes vevy much. But Lingling says jiaozi is nicer than New year’s cakes. Chinese people eat jiaozi and cakes in the house .How happy they are!
小题1:1 处的单词是:              
小题4:When does the Chinese New Year come ?
小题5:What does Li Lei do when New Year comes ?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Some people believe that your nationality can influence your personality. This is why you might hear someone saying “She is a typical(典型的) Australian” or “He is so French”. It seems that people from a certain country share certain similar characteristics.
French people are often seen as romantic and outgoing people with a great love for life, food and wine. They are good at singing and dancing.
Chinese are friendly people who are hard-working. They are polite because they are careful about “saving face” when dealing with other people.
Australians are merry people who spend a lot of time outdoors. They enjoy a slower life. They laugh a lot but sometimes people think they are loud and rude.
Germans are often described as being serious and careful. They are hard workers and pay a lot of attention to details. However, sometimes people say Germans have no sense of humour.
All these national types can be true for some people, but very wrong for others. For example, you might meet a German who is a confident singer with a great sense of humour, or an Australian who is shy and quiet.!
Personalities and Nationalities
People from a certain country (1)   similar characteristics
l Romantic and (2)   
l Love life, food and wine
l Good singers and (3)   
l Friendly, hard-working and polite
l Afraid of “(5)   face” before others.
l Like to stay (6)   ,enjoy a slower life.
l (7)   a lot.
l Merry, sometimes loud and rude.
Pay attention to (8)   .
Serious and careful, not (9)   .
Nationalities may(10)    personalities, but not for all!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Personal Data 
Name: David              Age: thirteen                Sex: Male
Address: Ningbo, Zhejiang, China                 Postal code: 315010
Fax : 87256931          Telephone: 87254721     E-mail: david @sina.com 
Fruit: apples, oranges      Animal: pandas 
小题1:Is David thirty? ________________________________.
小题2:Does he live in Zhejiang? _________________________________.
小题3:What’s David’s telephone number? ___________________________.
小题4:What fruit does he like? ____________________________________.
小题5:What animal does he like? ______________________________________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Today is August 17th. It’s my sister Mary’s ninth birthday. 73In the morning, my parents take us to Heima Clothes Store. There my mother buys a red sweater for Mary. After that we go to Huaxing Bookstore. At the bookstore, I buy some CDs for Mary. My father buys a book for her. Its name is Harry Potter. It’s Mary’s favorite book.
74In the afternoon, my parents have a party in our home for Mary. Mary’s friends Mike, Jim and Cindy come to the party. Mike brings a new pencil case to Mary. Jim gives Mary a soccer ball. My sister likes playing soccer. Cindy gives Mary an English-Chinese dictionary. At the party Mary is very happy. Oh, do you know me? I’m Mary’s brother. My name is Nick.
小题1:How old is Mary?
小题2:Does Nick’s sister like playing soccer?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Are you the only child in tile family? If so, you are the most important in your family. Parents are the closest people to you in the world. But a lot of middle school students have a problem. They feel they’re not as close to their parents as before. (1) They even think their parents are unfair to them.
Some students complain that their parents say a lot to them, but never listen to them. Some say,
"(2)My parents don’t allow me to play computer games, but other classmates are doing that". Others say, when they’re making phone calls to friends, their parents like to ask if they’re speaking to a boy or a girl. These make them very unhappy. Some students even decide to leave home. But they don’t know running away may bring them some more problems. Show your parents you’re growing up. Then they’ll feel you’re no longer a small child.
(3)If you follow the advice, you’ll have a happy life and never think of running away.
They even                         their parents are fair to them.
       my classmates are playing computer games, my parents          me from doing that.
           you follow the advice, you             not have a happy life and think of running away.

