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A few minutes before six o’clock, Mr. Smith decided to leave. He was about to start the car when a gunman jumped up from the back seat. He held a gun to Mr. Smith’s head. “Drive me to Paris!” he shouted.

“All right”, Mr. Smith answered. He started the engine, pulled away from the side of the street and drove down. Being eighty-one years old, he knew he could not fight the gunman. He knew he needed help. Where were the police? As he drove through a crossing, he looked up and down the side streets, hoping to meet a police car. But he could see nothing. “Just my luck,” he thought, “If I was driving too fast, there would be a police car on every corner.”

Suddenly he pushed his foot down on the accelerator(油门), and the car ran much faster. “What are you doing?” shouted the gunman. “Keeping off the police,” Mr. Smith answered. “I thought I saw a police car back there.”

He ran lights, drove the wrong way on one-way streets. On two-way streets he drove on the wrong side of the road. Not one policeman saw him. Again Mr. Smith’s plan was not working. He had to try a new plan. He turned a corner and saw the police station in front. Then he drove his car as fast as he could towards the police gate. The car hit a police motorbike down and stopped. Mr. Smith shouted, “Help! Help!” Then he reached back to grab(夺) the man’s gun. At the same time the policeman heard the noise and quickly caught the gunman.

1.Why did Mr. Smith drive much faster suddenly?

A. Because he wanted to keep off the police.

B. Because he saw a police car behind his.

C. Because his plan was working.

D. Because he wanted the police to see him.

2.Which of the following is not TRUE?

A. Mr. Smith ran lights, drove the wrong way on one-way streets.

B. Mr. Smith knew he didn’t need any help.

C. Mr. Smith drove his car as fast as he could towards the police gate.

D. Mr. Smith looked up and down the side street, hoping to meet a police car.

3.From the passage, what can we infer(推测)?

A. Mr. Smith is a strong man.

B. Mr. Smith is a shy man.

C. Mr. Smith is a wise man.

D. Mr. Smith is a stupid man.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏盐城东台市九年级下第一次月检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My coat costs little. What about ________?

―_______ is expensive.

A. you, It B. him, His

C. yours, Mine D. hers, She


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏无锡宜兴市九年级中考一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

动词填空 (本大题共8分,每小题1分)

1.That kind of cars we like _________________(sell) well this year.

2.From 3p.m. To 5p.m. yesterday, that girl together with her brothers _______________(watch) a film at a cinema.

3.Look! All the birds ________________(fly) away. We can’t see one in the sky now.

4.Last week my son emailed me. He said he______________(return) to see me the next month.

5.What should we pay attention to is ________________(reduce) the pollution.

6.Tim and Tom, ______________(not be) absent from school next time.

7.Our school _________________(organize) a visit to Hangzhou unless it rains tomorrow.

8.At a fixed time every morning last month, a big cake _______________(divide) into many parts to those poor children in this shop.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏无锡宜兴市九年级中考一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---“Which would you like to drink, coffee or orange juice?”

---“ . Please give me a cup of tea.”

A. Neither B. Both C. All D. None


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏无锡天一实验学校九年级中考一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

You may know that more people drink coffee than tea around the world. And that, after oil, it is the second biggest traded commodity(商品). You may also know that the drink comes from beans which are first roasted and then ground(研磨). But what else do you know about this popular drink?

It is said that the story of coffee started with an Ethiopian goatherd(牧羊人)named Kaldi. One day Kaldi was surprised to see that his goats were behaving very strangely. Instead of grazing(吃草)quietly, they were jumping around, almost dancing. He also noticed some red “cherries” from a plant that the goats were eating. He tried some himself and was surprised by the feeling of extreme happiness and excitement. He felt like dancing too!

But it wasn’t used as a drink at first. It was used as food. The coffee berries, mixed with animal fat, were used by monks to stay awake during long hours of prayer. From Ethiopia, coffee was later cultivated(培育)in Yemen and the first hot drink was developed there around AD 1000. Three centuries later Muslims were keen coffee drinkers and as Islam spread, so did coffee. Coffee houses appeared in Cairo and Mecca.

For hundreds of years the plants were protected safely. But some beans were smuggled(偷运)out of Arabia and taken to India. In the 17th century, coffee was soon grown in a new continent. From India to Indonesia, a century later the beans were once again smuggled to Brazil. Brazil is now the largest coffee producer in the world.

It was the caffeine(咖啡因)that made the goats dance and kept the monks awake. Although it is found in other soft drinks and tea, coffee has the most caffeine. In the short term(短期), a couple of cups of coffee can prevent fatigue and delay sleep. But several cups a day, every day, can cause anxiety and restlessness.

The1. _______of coffee


Kaldi found that his goats had strange 2._______ after they ate some red cherries.

Kaldi himself tried some, and he became very happy and excited.

At first

Coffee was used as food instead of a drink.

In AD1000

Coffee was cultivated in Yemen and the first hot drink was 3.______.

In AD1300

Coffee 4._______ appeared in Cairo and Mecca.

In the 17th century

Coffee was soon grown in a new continent, from India to Indonesia.


Coffee has become a5._____drink, but too much coffee may cause anxiety and restlessness.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏无锡天一实验学校九年级中考一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Elvis Presley was famous _______ the king of rock and roll while Bruce Lee was famous _______ his kung fu.

A. for; for B. as; as

C. for; as D. as; for


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏无锡天一实验学校九年级中考一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

You can’t believe how terrible the fire is __________ you see it with your own eyes.

A. though B. because C. unless D. Since


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏无锡市九年级3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— The novel isn’t easy for Xiao Wang to read, is it?

— ________. His foreign language is far better than expected.

A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t

C. I don’t think so D. I’m afraid not


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏省扬州宝应县九年级一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

About Fairy Tales

There are many books of fairy tales. Some are old stories and some are new. Everyone loves fairy tales. They help t 1. children how to be good. In many fairy tales, children or weak people fight a 2. strong and bad people. They always w 3. in the end.

No one knows who wrote the f 4. fairy tales . Most fairy tales are very old stories and many are s 5. . Often a child is in t 6.. He or she finds a secret which helps to fix the troubles.

Fairy tales are o 7. than TV or radio. They are probably older than books. Fairy Tales are stories that people told e 8. other on long winter nights. Nowadays, we have books, radios and TV, but we still like fairy tales. Maybe it is because we like to d 9. . We dream that we can fight giants and witches(巫婆) or b 10. a prince or princes.

