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Good Habits
¡øGood habits have a great effect on people's life.
Good habits develop good grades and help us live happily. So let's go for it.

¡¾´ð°¸¡¿Good Habits
Good habits have a great effect on people's life. As teenagers, what should we do to develop good habits? First, we should eat more fresh fruit and vegetables and have less junk food. We should also exercise every day to keep healthy. In school, we should listen to the teachers carefully and finish our schoolwork on time every day. In our spare time, we had better do more reading to open our eyes and know more about the world. What's more, we should try to help others and benefit the society.
Good habits develop good grades and help us live happily. So let's go for it.
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The 14th sports meeting of Xincheng Middle School _______ _______ last month.


The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Maco Bridge has been in use and I _______ ______ to see its amazing view.


It is unwise for some students to _______ _______ about Tik Tok.


The famous martial arts novelist Jin Yong passed away on October 30, 2018. His works influenced _______ _______ post-80s but also post-70s.


If you want to know more about space, please _____ _______ the book A Brief History of Time.


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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Using iPads to Make Learning Fun

Paper, pencil, whiteboard, textbook are the tools you need if you want to go to school.But recently, you can add another one to the l¡¾1¡¿: an iPad.Because the popular Apple tablet is not only useful for s¡¾2¡¿ the Internet and watching videos, but it is also being used to make learning fun.

Scientists now know that we learn b¡¾3¡¿ when we are enjoying ourselves, so recently software developers have made iPad applications (Ó¦ÓóÌÐò) that look like video games, but have strong e ¡¾4¡¿content. One of the best e¡¾5¡¿of this new form of teaching application is Futaba , a game in which up to four children try to recognize a spinning (ÐýתµÄ) object, and then identify w¡¾6¡¿it is. The game can be used to teach English, math, foreign l¡¾7¡¿, or just about anything,and students love it. Teachers can even make their o¡¾8¡¿questions. The important thing is that children enjoy the game, and don't even r¡¾9¡¿how much they are learning!

So the next time you have to choose between making your child study or letting them play a game, just remember... they could do b¡¾10¡¿ at the same time!


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¡¾1¡¿Many parents don't allow their children _________ (watch) TV on school nights.

¡¾2¡¿It is _________ (usual) to see a boy wearing a dress.

¡¾3¡¿Why don't you __________ (say) sorry to your mother? She must be happy.

¡¾4¡¿No matter how busy I am, I will never give up __________ (read).

¡¾5¡¿Just now I saw a man __________ (sudden) rush out of the store with a bag.


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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿¡ªMr. Green ________ by the reporter yesterday.

¡ªHe¡¯s great! He helped so many disabled people.

A.interviewedB.is interviewing

C.is interviewedD.was interviewed


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Mrs. Jones is over 80, but she still drives her old car a young woman. She loves driving very fast, and she says that she has never broken the traffic rules.
One day,, she nearly broke her record. A police car followed her, and the policeman in it saw her pass a red light without (stop).
When Mrs. Jones came before the policeman, he looked at her seriously and said that she was too old (drive) a car, and that her eyes had probably become weak with old age,she had not stopped at the red light.
After the policeman finished his words, Mrs. Jones quietly opened the big handbag she was carrying and took out her sewing (ÕëÏß»î) kit. She (choose) a needle (Õë) with a very small eye, and threaded (´©Ïß) it at her first try.
When she had successfully done this, she took the thread of the needle again and handed both the needle the thread to the policeman, saying, ¡°Now it is your turn. You drive a car and you must see clearly.¡±
The policeman took the needle and tried to thread it. After trying six (time), he still didn't succeed. So Mrs. Jones (not punish) and her record remained unbroken.


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One day, a woman traveled alone in the mountains£®When she was walking, she found a precious (Õä¹óµÄ) stone£®She was very happy and put the stone into her bag.
The next day, the woman met another traveler£®The traveler was hungry and the woman opened her bag to s hare her food with him£®The hungry traveler saw the precious stone and said, ¡°How beautiful the stone is! Can I have a look?¡± The woman gave it to the traveler£®The traveler looked and looked, and then he asked the woman whether she would like to give it to him£®She gave the stone to him without hesitation (ÓÌÔ¥).
The traveler left£®He was very happy because he knew he could get lots of money by selling the stone and he could live a rich life£®But a few days later he came back to return the stone to the woman.
¡°I know how precious the stone is,¡± the traveler said£® ¡°But I gave it back£®I hope that you can give me something even more precious.¡± ¡°Even more precious? What is that?¡± the woman asked£® ¡°Your beautiful mind is more precious than the stone,¡± the man said.
£¨1£©What did the woman find when she was walking in the mountains?
A.A bag with a precious stone in it£®
B.A beautiful and valuable stone£®
C.A beautiful but cheap stone£®
D.A precious ring£®
£¨2£©What did the traveler think when he got the stone?
A.He could live a rich life by selling the stone£®
B.He could win the heart of the woman.
C.He could travel all over the world£®
D.He could help more people.
£¨3£©Which sentence is true according to the passage?
A.The traveler didn't like the stone at last£®
B.The traveler became very rich at last.
C.The woman was happy when she found the stone£®
D.The woman didn't want to give the stone to the traveler£®
£¨4£©What's the main idea of the passage?
A.A woman is helpful£®
B.A woman is foolish.
C.Honesty is more precious than the precious stone.
D.The beautiful mind is more precious than the precious stone.


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There are many sporting heroes, such as hurdling, marathon heroes on sports yearbook.Many of them broke the r and were awarded prizes in tough matches.They represent their country to get m in match season.Sometimes they are also invited to appear in advertisements.
As sportsmen and sportswomen, they all know there is no overnight success.They must train hard.First of all, their coaches always e them to train regularly.Their races were recorded and their coaches used the information to change their training m.
We'll never forget the scenes: An athlete got hurt in a r .He s a lot from his leg problem, and went on running and reached the finishing line.The audience all left their seats and c for him.An old man began to practice Taekwondo at the age of sixty and got a black belt in less than five years.
So, in some degree, all these athlete s up a good example for us in spirit.They s for courage, fearlessness and strength.We take great p in them.


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