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The poor man has been _______ for five years.

A. die B. died C. dead D. death


科目:初中英语 来源:2017九年级英语期末试卷(unit1-10)(邵阳中考题型版) 题型:阅读判断

Everybody makes mistakes—whether you are a parent,a teacher or a policeman!


Some mistakes are little,like forgetting to feed the dog. Other mistakes can be bigger,like breaking your grandma's favorite cup.


Making mistakes is an important part of learning. Sometimes when you are learning something new,you will make lots of mistakes before you can do the new thing easily. For example,when you are learning how to spell difficult words or riding a bike.


No matter how hard we may try to do things the right way,making mistakes is a part of life,whether you are young or old. Because everyone makes mistakes from time to time and because making mistakes is part of learning to do things better,you shouldn't be too hard on yourself when a mistake happens.


Your friends,your family and even your teachers might make mistakes sometimes. When someone around you makes a mistake,treat them like this:

•Try to be kind.

•Let them know that everyone makes mistakes sometimes and that it's important not to get

too upset about it.

•Help them to see how they could do it better next time.


Most mistakes can't be undone (撤销),but they can be fixed. When you realize that you have made a mistake,it helps to think:

•Why did I make that choice?

•Did that choice make me feel good or bad?

•What can I do to fix it now?

•Do I need to ask for some help to fix it?

•What would I choose next time?

A.Mistakes help you learn

B.Fixing mistakes

C.Mistakes come in all shapes and sizes

D.When someone else makes a mistake

E.Everyone makes mistakes

F.I usually make mistakes.


科目:初中英语 来源:徐州市毕业、升学考试英语模拟试卷(十二) 题型:阅读单选

One Sunday morning, I decided to buy a computer to use for school. I went to the biggest store in town, which sold all kinds of computers. There were so many computers there that I didn’t know how to choose a right one.

“Hi! What can I do for you?” A young man greeted me with a sweet smile. He looked like not a salesman but a student like me. I sensed a strange feeling -- as if I had met him before. He began patiently showing me each model. With his help, I decided to buy one computer with enough functions at a very low price. I enjoyed this shopping experience because of his smile. A few months later, something was wrong with my computer. I went back to the store to have it fixed. When I arrived there, what I saw was still his smile. As soon as I told him my problem, he comforted me immediately and tried his best to solve the problem for me. I was quite grateful for his sweet smile and good service.

When I went back to school, his smile often appeared in my mind. I don’t know whether we’ll meet each other again, but his sweet smile will stay there in my memory and deep in my heart. Smiling is the most peaceful language in the daily life.

1.After reading the story, we can know that the writer is a __________.

A. student B. salesman C. doctor D. reporter

2.According to the passage, why was the writer grateful to this salesman?

A. Because the salesman recommended the cheapest computer.

B. Because the salesman gave the writer his sweet smile and good service.

C. Because the salesman recommended the computer with enough functions.

D. Because the salesman showed how to use the computer correctly.

3.What does the writer mainly want to tell us in the story?

A. The way to choose a right computer.

B. The way to use a computer correctly.

C. The importance of smiling in the daily life.

D. The importance of computers in the daily life.


科目:初中英语 来源:武汉市新洲区2017-2018学年度上学期12月调考九年级英语试卷 题型:阅读单选




prevent / treat / take place / attend / deal with / regret

1.Don’t ________ this serious matter as a joke.

2.He is going to Shanghai to ________ a meeting next week.

3.They think the stones can ________ illness and keep people healthy.

4.Candy told me she used to be really shy and took up singing to ______ her shyness.

5.The tea trade from China to western countries didn’t ________ in the 18th century.


科目:初中英语 来源:武汉市新洲区2017-2018学年度上学期12月调考九年级英语试卷 题型:单选题

– What a nice camera! – Yeah. It _______ Beijing and my father bought it for me.

A. is made by B. is made in C. is made of D. is made from


科目:初中英语 来源:武汉市新洲区2017-2018学年度上学期12月调考九年级英语试卷 题型:单选题

– When will you leave this afternoon?

– I won’t go _______ he comes back.

A. when B. why C. while D. until


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年人教版英语七年级下册(浙江地区)期中综合水平测试 题型:阅读单选

My name is Dave.I have two good friends.On Saturday we usually go to see the animals in the zoo.Tom likes pandas,because they are kind of shy.He likes Ling Ling best.Ling Ling is three years old now.Tom often goes to see her.Mary likes to play with giraffes.There are two giraffes in the zoo.They're friendly to people.My favorite animals are lions.I think they're strong.But Mary doesn't like them.She says lions are too scary.We have a dog.Its name is Bargo.It's black and white.Bargo often goes with us to the zoo.It's cute.We all love it very much.

1.Who are Dave's good friends?

A. Ling Ling and Tom. B. Tom and Mary.

C. Mary and Bargo. D. Ling Ling and Bargo.

2.Why does Mary like giraffes?

A. Because they're shy. B. Because they're friendly.

C. Because they're scary. D. Because they're strong.

3.What are Dave's favorite animals?

A. Pandas. B. Giraffes. C. Lions. D. Dogs.

4.Why doesn't Mary like lions?

A. Because they're lazy. B. Because they're scary.

C. Because they're strong. D. Because they're cute.


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版八年级英语下册Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came单元测试卷(无听力部分) 题型:阅读单选

Dear Miss Hooper,

I’m writing to thank you for your help this year. There were lots of subjects (主题) in class, but you made sure that I could understand every one. To tell the truth, you’re the best teacher I’ve met. You explain things so clearly, and are also so kind. I really enjoyed every minute of your class.

There were so many best parts this year. Whatever the subject, you made it fun and interesting to everyone. All of your students found learning new things so easy because of you. I really believe you have a great teaching skill. You should be very proud (自豪的) of the way that you help children learn. It is because of you that I’ve decided to become a teacher when I grow up.

I have mixed feelings about school next year. I’m sad that you won’t be my teacher anymore. However, I’m happy that other children will get to share your knowledge (学问). I’m sure that they’ll thank you for your good work.

I didn’t enjoy school much before this year. I was new to the school this year. At my old school, I found learning quite difficult. The last nine months have changed all of that. I’m now confident (自信的) and looking forward to the next school year.

Thank you once again for all of your help. You are really a great teacher and you’ve helped me greatly. I hope that we can share the same classroom again one day.


Jacob Maclean


1.In Miss Hooper’s class, Jacob ________.

A. heard lots of jokes

B. answered questions a lot

C. sat in the front of the classroom

D. had no difficulty understanding her

2.What does Jacob want to be in the future?

A. A doctor. B. A teacher. C. A scientist. D. A reporter.

3.How does Jacob feel about Miss Hooper’s stopping teaching him?

A. Upset and angry.

B. Surprised and angry.

C. Upset but understanding.

D. Surprised but understanding.

4.At his old school, Jacob ________.

A. fought a lot

B. had few friends

C. was not confident

D. often slept in class

5.Jacob wrote this letter mainly to ________.

A. say sorry to his teacher

B. ask his teacher for help

C. give advice to his teacher

D. say thank you to his teacher


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版8BUnit 5单元卷 题型:单选题

All the drivers drive carefully to prevent the traffic accident .

A. happen B. to happen

C. from being happened D. from happening

