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Life is a song, sing it; life is a challenge, ____ it; life is a dream,

      achieve it.

A. drop                   B. encourage      C. refuse                    D. meet


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1. Take your ________(照相机) to enjoy the beautiful sights with us!

2. What’s your ________(计划) for the summer vacation?

3. This glass of water is too hot to drink. Let’s put some ________(冰) in it.

4. Can you believe that I met Song Zuying in Laiwu? What a ________(小的) world!


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1.I want play games.

2.He'd like some chickens.

3.She doesn't like comedys.

4.He often looks those pictures of Beijing Opera.

5.I like China action movies very much.

6.Liza has eggs for breakfast and Lizy doesn't have any.

7.It's monday today.

8.The comedy is really funy.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

—Hi, guys. Where are you heading now?

 —Home. We ________ all our money, so we have to walk home now.

     A. spend                  B. spent                     C. have spent           D. are spending



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



Robot Vogel is a police officer in New York. One morning, he was drinking coffee in a restaurant. Suddenly a man ran in and shouted, “Officer! A car is going down the street, and a little kid   1  (drive) it!”

Officer Vogel ran out of the restaurant and saw a car  2  (go) slowly at about 25 miles an hour. He jumped into his police car and followed it. When he was behind it, he turned on his red light and siren(警笛). The car moved to the side of the road and stopped.

Officer Vogel got out of his police car and looked inside. The driver was a little boy. His name was Rocco, and he was five years old. In the back seat was his little sister who was only two years old. Both children   3  (cry).

“I want my mommy!” Rocco cried. “But she can’t get here. I have the car.” Then he had an idea “Just a minute,” he told Officer Vogel. “I can drive. I   4  (go) to get her.”

“No!” Officer Vogel said. “You stay with me.”

Officer Vogel   5  (drive) Rocco and his sister to the police station. Then he called their mother. Rocco told Officer Vogel and his mother that he got the car key from the refrigerator while his father was at work and his mother was sleeping.

Newspapers and TV stations heard about Rocco, and a lot of reporters went to his house. One reporter asked Rocco, “What do you want to be when you  6  (grow) up?”

Rocco smiled, “I want to be a truck driver,” he said.

  1. ___________________   2. ___________________ 3. ___________________

4. ___________________  5. ___________________ 6. ___________________


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

We all need friends. True friends share ___ happiness ____ sadness.

A. neither; nor      B. either; or                  

C. between; and    D. not only; but also


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


When I knocked into a stranger, “Oh, excuse me, please.” was my  1  . He said, “Please excuse me, too.” We were very  2  , this stranger and I. But at home a different story is told.

    Later that day, while I was cooking the evening meal, my daughter stood beside me quietly. When I turned, I nearly made her fall onto the floor. “Get out of my way!” I said  3 . She walked away with tears(眼泪) in her eyes. I didn’t 4 how rudely I’d spoken. Later, I went into the  5  again, and found some flowers there by the door. Those were the flowers she picked for me. I felt really  6  and my tears began to fall. For a stranger, we can be polite, but for the ones we love, we seem to be rude.

If we die tomorrow, the company we are working for could easily take our place soon.  7  the family we left behind will feel the loss(损失) for the rest of their lives.

  8 is behind the story? You know what is the full word of  9  ?

FAMILY = (F)ather    (A)nd    (M)other    (I)   (L)ove   (Y)ou

    Fill life  10 love and courage, and we shall live an uncommon life.

1. A. report                        B. reply                     C. reason                    D. review

2. A. proud                        B. rude                      C. upset                      D. polite

3. A. quietly                       B. happily                  C. angrily                    D. deeply

4. A. check                        B. ask                       C. realize                    D. mean 

5. A. kitchen                      B. living room            C. office                     D. building

6. A. excited                      B. lonely                    C. disappointed            D. sorry

7. A. Because                     B. But                       C. Unless                    D. Since

8. A. What                         B. How                     C. Why                      D. Who

9. A. love                          B. family                   C. home                     D. courage

10. A. of                           B. for                        C. with                       D. from


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

The teaching building ________ 10 years ago,but it looks quite new now.

A. built   B. was built   C. has built   D. is built


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Good _____habits help me get good grades.

A. studying  B. study  C.studied  D.studies

