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Did Li Ping ________ down and hurt his leg in the match?

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fall down意为“摔倒”。


科目:初中英语 来源:四川省达州市2011年高中阶段教育学校招生统一考试英语试题 题型:001




1.What will the boy do after the basketball match?

2.What are they talking about?

3.How does Walter help his father?

4.What fruit would Judy like?

5.In which direction is the woman going?




6.What’s the weather like today?

A.It’s sunny.

B.It’s rainy.

C.It’s windy.

7.When did Tina go to the space museum?

A.Last year.

B.This year.

C.Last month.

8.How can they get to the museum?

A.By bus.

B.On foot.

C.By subway.


9.Where is Celia from?




10.What are people supposed to do when they meet in Mexico for the first time?


B.Shake hands.


11.In which country are people supposed to bow when they meet for the first time?

A.Brazil and Mexico.

B.Korea and Mexico.

C.Japan and Korea.


12.Who left his watch on the girl’s desk just now?

A.Li Ping.

B.Zhang Qian.

C.Li Ping’s sister.

13.Who did Li Ping go to clean the street with?

A.All his classmates.

B.Five boys and two girls.

C.His group.

14.How many times has Li Ping cleaned the street?





15.What is the present for?

A.A wedding.

B.A birthday.

C.A holiday.

16.What does Tom like doing?

A.He likes watching TV.

B.He likes fishing.

C.He likes playing football.

17.What does the woman decide to buy for her brother?

A.Some stamps.

B.Some coins.

C.A movie ticket.


18.Obama visited China for _________ in November, 2009.

A.four days

B.four weeks

C.50 minutes

19.Obama visited the Forbidden City and the Great Wall _________.

A.to show respect to China’s culture

B.to relax himself

C.A and B

20.Obama said the Great Wall could remind him of _________.

A.the stories of the Great Wall

B.the long history of China

C.many historical places in China


科目:初中英语 来源:考前百天点拔与千题解答(中考阅读) 题型:050

The Cat That Showed Up

  Li Ping was the pet (宠物) cat of a young woman named Vivian. Vivian lived in Ohio. She decided to take a job in Florida. She could not take Li Ping with her right away, so she left the cat with her sister.

  In a month, Vivian found a good place to live. She wrote to her sister and asked her to send Li Ping to Florida. Vivian missed her cat very much. She mailed the letter and went to visit a friend. She started up the steps of her friend' s house. Suddenly, something caught her eye. A cat was coming toward her. It looked thin and very hungry.

  “That cat looks like Li Ping, ” thought Vivian. But it couldn't be. Li Ping was more than a thousand miles away. The cat ran straight to Vivian. She picked it up and looked at it. The cat opened its mouth and let out a tiny squeak(吱吱叫声) . Then Vivian knew the cat was hers. Li Ping got hurt when he was a kitten (小猫) . The only sound he could make was a little squeak.

  Vivian called her sister in Ohio. Li Ping had been missing for two weeks, her sister said. She was afraid to tell Vivian. She knew how much Vivian loved her cat.

  How did Li Ping make such a long trip? How did the cat find Vivian? She was not even at her own home. No one knows the answers to those questions. No one knows how a cat's mind works.

1.Vivian moved to Florida so she could ________.

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A.start a new job

B.find a new cat

C.visit a friend


2.The only sound Li Ping could make was ________.

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A.a growl

B.a squeak

C.a scream


3.At first Vivian could not tell if the cat was Li Ping because


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A.it was running

B.it looked thin and hungry

C.it got hurt


4.The story does not tell ________.

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A.why Vivian left Ohio

B.where Vivian moved

C.how Li Ping got to Florida


5.Another title for this story could be ________.

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A.“Cats in Florida”

B.“ The Strange Story of Li Ping”

C.“How To Care for a cat ”



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

Did Li Ping ________ down and hurt his leg in the match?

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.


科目:初中英语 来源:四川省中考真题 题型:听力题

1. Who left his watch on the girl's desk just now? ?
A. Li Ping.
B. Zhang Qian.
C. Li Ping's sister.
2. Who did Li Ping go to clean the street with? ?
A. All his classmates.
B. Five boys and two girls.
C. His group.
3. How many times has Li Ping cleaned the street? ?
A. Once.
B. Twice.
C. Never.

