精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
Mr brown likes football very much, _____ he doesn’t play it.  He often watches
football games on TV.        
[     ]
A. and      
B. but      
C. so      
D. or

科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:026


1.Who can h________ l________ him with his math?

2.I go to school on foot because I live n________ ________r to the school.

3.Yesterday I saw Mr Brown while I was riding a ________ ________ n________ the road.

4.—Where are you from?

  —I'm from C ________ ________n________ . I'm Chinese.

5.—Can you go there with me?

  —I'm a ________ ________ ________ ________d not. I have a lot of work to do.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     A taxi came round a corner and a car ran into it. A window broke and a wheel came off. Mr Brown
fell and his head hit on the taxi door. The car did not come to a stop.
     Mr Brown got out of the taxi. The policeman spoke to M r Brown and to the taxi driver. He was
very angry. He wrote the number of the car in his little black book. The taxi driver was angry, too. He
shouted and waved his hand.
    The policeman asked many questions. Then Mr Brown walked to his bank. There he sat on a chair
and had a cup of tea. He didn't work that morning.
l. Where did the accident happen?
2. What is wrong with the taxi and Mr Brown?
3. What did the policeman write in his little black book?
4. Why were the policeman and the taxi driver angry? 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

自去年“5·12”汶川大地震以来,许多外国朋友来到我们灾区帮助灾后重建。其中有位名叫Brown的美国心理学教授,他10岁的女儿Cindy下周将来广元看望他和过暑假。但因他工作繁忙,不能陪她玩,于是他在广元日报上登了一则广告,招聘一名初三毕业生作babysitter来照顾她。现请你以Li Hua的名义,按以下要点提示写封80字左右的应聘信。信的首尾已为你写好,但不计入总字数。

1.性格外向,喜欢交朋友;                        2.热爱大自然,喜欢旅游;

3.英语学得好,尤其擅长口语;                4.能和睦相处,让他们开心。

Dear Mr. Brown,

I read your ad in Guangyuan Daily.                                           





I'm looking forward to your reply! Thank you.


L i Hua


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

     Mr brown and his family __l  __(be)in Shanghai now.Shanghai and Hangzhou are Mr Brown's favorite cities.On Sunday,they __2      (not have) big breakfast,only milk and eggs. After that, they all go to a park.First they go___3     (swim) in the lake, then they eat lunch under the trees. In the afternoon, son and
daughter play tennis. Mr and Mrs Brown     4     (play) chess. At around five o'clock, Mrs Brown __5     (buy)  apples or ice cream from the shop. Apples are Mrs Brown favorite fruit. They have dinner
at home.Then they go to bed.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

l. Mr Brown _____ (go) to his office by bike every day.
2. Why not _____ (go) to the zoo by bus?
3. It ____ (take) about 15 minutes to walk.
4. There _____ (be) many deer in the forest now.
5. There must _____ (be) many sheep.
6. Kate is walking to her home ____ (quick).

