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参考词汇:big大的;happy快乐的;here is这里有;photo照片;or或者

Hello,everyone!I'm a student in Huanggang Middle School.MynameisLiRui.Hereisaphotoofmyfamily.Theoldmaninyellowismygrandfather.Theoldwomannexttohimismygrandmother.Themaninyellowismyfather.Heisaworker.Heworksinafactory.Thewomanbesidehimismymother.Sheisateacher.Shelikesherstudentsandtheyalsolikeherbecauseherclassesareinteresting.Theboyismybrother.Thegirlnexttomymotherismysister.Thegirlinredisme.Mytelephonenumberis838-5219.Youcanalsoemailmeatliming2013@163.com.Ihaveabig family.Ilikemyfamilyverymuch..

分析 本文是介绍自己的家庭照,介绍自己的家人,所以句子应该用一般现在时,要句子不要遗漏照片上的人物,要把每个人都介绍一下,要注意上下文的衔接.

①Here is a photo of my family.这是我家的一张照片.句子中a photo of 表示…的一张照片.
②The old man in yellow is my grandfather.穿黄色衣服的那个老人是我的爷爷.句子中in yellow作定语修饰man.

解答 Hello,everyone!I'm a student in Huanggang Middle School.(引出话题) My name is Li Lei.Here is a photo of my family(高分句型).The old man in yellow is my grandfather.(高分句型) The old woman next to him is my grandmother.The man in yellow is my father.He is a worker.He works in a factory.The woman beside him is my mother.She is a teacher.She likes her students and they also like her because her classes are interesting.The boy is my brother.The girl next to my mother is my sister.The girl in red is me.(具体介绍家庭成员) My telephone number is 838-5219.You can also email me at liming2013@163.com.(介绍我的联系方式)I have a big family.I like my family very much.(我热爱我的家)

点评 短文用了一些短语和句式,如:The old man in yellow is my grandfather.The old woman next to him is my grandmother.She likes her students and they also like her because her classes are interesting.用了连词and和because增加了文章的亮点.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.On the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific,some villagers cut down trees in a special way.If a tree 
is too large to be cut down with an ax(斧子),they try something else--yelling(喊叫) at it.
Woodsmen with special powers climb up a tree at dawn and yell at it at the top of their voices.They continue doing this for 30 days.After 30 days,the tree dies and falls over.It seems like the yelling kills the spirit of the tree.According to the villagers,it always works.
     It's too bad they don't have the advantages of modern technology and a scientific mind.
     No matter how true the story actually is,it reminds me of something.I often yell at my wife,the telephone and workers.And sometimes I even yell at the TV,the newspaper and my children.I have been known to shake my fist(拳头) and yell at the sky at times.
     The man next door yells at his car a lot.And this summer I heard him yell at a ladder for most of an afternoon.We modern,educated people often yell at traffic,bills,banks and machines.Machines and relatives get yelled at the most.
     It doesn't do much good.Machines and things just sit there.Even kicking it doesn't usually help.
As for people,well,the Solomon Islanders may have a point.Yelling at living things does tend to(有做…的倾向) kill the spirit in them.Sticks and stones may break our bones,but words will break our 
54.From Paragraph 3,we learn that the writer seems to beD.
A.a nice husband        B.a patient father         C.a gentle boss             D.a complainer
55.Which is true according to the passage?C
A.Solomon Islands is a modern place.
B.Solomon Islanders never use an ax to cut down trees.
C.Modern people are often in a bad mood(情绪).
D.The man next door lives a peaceful life.
56.Wht does the writer think about yelling in life?D
A.It solves traffic problems.B.It helps people at the bank.
C.It makes machines work.D.It does no good for people.
57.What does the story want to tell us?A
A.Yelling hurts both sides.B.Yelling is bad for our health.
C.Every living thing has its own spirit.D.Solomon Islanders are very clever.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.Mulan took her father'splace to fight in the army.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.-Who's ______boy under the tree?
-Bill.He's ______ active boy.(  )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.-Many young people usually offer their seats to the old on the bus.
-That's good.The old should be ______.(  )
A.looked forB.listened toC.depended onD.cared for


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:补全对话

The Boy and the Drum     There was once a poor woman with only one son.One day,she asked her son if there was anything he
wanted.(62)E.The mother left for the market,feeling very sad,because she did not have
enough money to buy a drum.
     On the way home,she found a piece of wood and gave it to her son to play with.Later that day,the
boy went outside to play.Along the road,he saw an old woman crying.The old woman was trying to start a fire to cook some food,but she didn't have any wood.(63)D.The old woman gave him a
piece of the bread she had made.
     Then,further down the road,the boy met a pot maker's wife and her crying child.The boy asked her what was wrong.(64)C.The boy gave the woman the piece of bread,and she gave him a pot.The boy walked on.
     Before long,he saw a husband and wife arguing.He asked them why they were arguing.They
said,"We have broken our pot and have nothing to clean our clothes in."The boy gave his pot to them,and they gave the boy a new coat.
     Next,the boy saw a man who had no shirt.The man said he had been robbed on his way home.The
robbers had taken his money,and his shirt.(65)B.The man was so happy,he gave the boy
his horse.
     Finally,on his way home,the boy met a huge group of people going to a wedding.There were
musicians,the bridegroom,and his family.Everyone looked sad.The bridegroom's father said,"We
are waiting for a horse.If it doesn't come soon,we will be late for the wedding."The boy gave them his new horse.The group asked the boy what they could give him,and he replied,"A drum."So,the
musicians gave him their drum.The boy ran home to tell his mother how he had at last gotten the drum he had wanted.
A.The boy hadn't at last gotten the drum he had wanted
B.The boy gave the man his new coat
C.The woman said she had no food to give to her hungry child.
D.Hearing this,the boy gave her his piece of wood
E.The boy said he wanted a drum


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

词汇:铺床叠被 make the bed  洗碗碟 do the washing up
Tomorrow is Saturday.Sandy is going to have a happy weekend.                            .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.A theater taken the place of the old temple.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

11.This story has touched many people's hearts.

