精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


  This Thursday, across the US, kids are skipping school(缺课)and going to work with their parents.They'll be making copies, sending faxes(传真)and sweeping floors.This is because April 28 is Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day all over the US.This holiday shows kids what it means to be a grown-up in the working world.

  I still remember when this day started, I was very happy.Not only did I have the chance to miss school, but I also got to sit in my dad's taxi all day long and we would go to a restaurant for lunch.

  But after only 20 minutes of driving around the city.I was very bored.I couldn't read my book in the car as I would get carsick(晕车)and my dad didn't like to turn on the radio.I got hot and uncomfortable.people wouldn't get into his taxi because they thought he already had a passenger:me-so nothing happened.It seemed years before we went out for lunch.I actually started to miss school.

  While the point of the day is to give kids a chance to experience real-life jobs and give them an idea of the possibilities(可能性)for their futures, I got something completely different from the day.I learned to appreciate(重视)school.Where else do you get to play with your friends, do science experiments, read great books and write stories all in one day?

  Just as you'll have to learn to love your job later in life, learn to love school now.If you don't already, try spending the day at work with your dad.


When is the “Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day”all over the US?

[  ]


On February 28.


On March 28.


On April 28


On May 28.


That day the writer was happy at first for the following reasons except ________.

[  ]


she didn't have to go to school


she would work as a grown-up


she could sit in her father's taxi all day.


she would go our for lunch with her father


Why didn't people get into the writer's father's taxi?

[  ]


Because her father didn't like to turn on the radio.


Because they thought the writer was a passenger.


Because her father's car was hot and uncomfortable.


Because her father didn't stop to take any passengers.


Which of the following is NOT the purpose of the “Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day”?

[  ]


To teach kids to appreciate school.


To give kids a chance to experience real-life jobs.


To give kids an idea of the possibilities for their futures.


To show kids what it means to be adults in the working world.


What did the writer learn that day?

[  ]


It's boring to drive a taxi.


Working with dad is fun.


It's hard to make money.


School life is much better.



细节理解 根据短文第一段中This is because April 28 is Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day all over the US.故选C。


细节理解 根据短文第二段Not only did I have a chance to miss school, but also got to sit in my dad's taxi all day and we would go to a restaurant for lunch.可知:“我”高兴不但是因为不上学,而且还可以做父亲的车,还可以去饭店吃午饭。故选B。


细节理解 根据短文第三段中People wouldn't get into his taxi because they thought he already had a passage:me-so nothing happened.可知:人们没有上他的出租车因为他们认为他有了旅客。故选B。


细节理解 根据短文第一段中This holiday shows kids what it means to be a grown-up in the working world.以及第四段…to give kids a chance to experience real-life job and give them an idea of the possibilities for their futures, …可知选A。


细节理解 根据短文第三段最后一句话I actually started to miss school.以及第四段中 I learned to appreciate school.可知经过一天的生活,作者开始懂得珍惜学校生活。故选D。

  难句释解:Not only did I have a chance to miss school, but also got to sit in my dad's taxi all day and we would go to a restaurant for lunch.我高兴不但是因为不上学,而且还可以做父亲的公交车,还可以去饭店吃午饭。

  I couldn't read my book in the car as I would get carsick and my dad didn't like turn on the radio.我不能在车里读书因为我晕车,并且父亲不喜欢开收音机。

  Where else do you get to play with your friends, do ….?你到过其他的可以与朋友在一天里一起玩,做……地方?



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


  You will have a lot of reading to do in this grade this year.You can do more of it in less time if you learn to read rapidly.

  Perhaps you have been told about some habits (习惯) which keep a person from reading fast and have been strongly asked to break those habits which you might have.

  Do you still have any of these bad habits?Check yourself by answering“yes”or“no”to these questions.

  (1) Do you move your lips (嘴唇) when reading silently?

  (2) Do you point to words with your finger as you read?

  (3)Do you move your head from side to side as you read?

  (4)Do you read one word at a time?

  If you answer“yes”to any of these questions,start at once to break the habit.If you move your tips,hold your fingers over them,or hold a piece of paper be-tween your lips while you are reading.Then if your lips move,your will know it and can stop them.

  If you point to words,hold the two sides of your book,one side with your left hand,the other side with your right hand.Then you won't have a free finger to use in pointing while reading.If you move your head,place your chin (下巴) in one hand and hold your head still (静止不动的).

  If you read no more than one or two or three words at a time,you need to work very hard in learning to take in (吸收) more words at each glance (一瞥) as your eyes travel across the lines of words.

  Even if you do rather fast now,you can learn to read even faster.As you probably have been told,the secret of fast reading is to take in whole groups of words as each glance.Read in through groups and force (迫使) your eyes along the lines of words as fast as you can to make them go.Anyone who practices doing these things will he able to read faster.


You may hold your fingers over your lips while reading so as ______.

  A.to tell others to be silent

  B.to feel whether your lips move or not

  C.to hold a piece of paper between them

  D.to keep yourself from talking to others

[  ]


When you read,______.

  A.don't keep your head still

  B.don't hold your books with your hands

  C.don't stand up near a desk

  D.don't use your finger to point to words

[  ]


If you learn to read fast,______.

  A.you can read more in less time

  B.you can write faster

  C.you can understand better

  D.you can read less in more time

[  ]


You must _______ those habits that we are talking about in this reading.

  A.remember  B.have C.get rid of D.keep

[  ]


This reading is mainly about ______.

  A.the way of reading fast

  B.the importance of fast reading

  C.the bad habits in reading

  D.how to speak quickly

[  ]


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


  Good afternoon.Welcome to England.We hope that your visit will be a pleasant one.Today I'd like to tell you something about a few of our laws.

  The first one is about drinking.Now you may not buy wine in this country if you are under 18 years of age,nor may your friends buy it for you.

  The second one,noise.Enjoy yourselves by yourself,but don't make unnecessary noise,especially at night.We ask you to respect other people who may wish you be quiet.

  The third one,crossing the road.Be careful.The traffic moves on the left side of the road in this country.Use pedestrian crossing (人行横道) and don't take any chances when crossing the road.

  My next point is about rubbish.It isn't lawful to drop rubbish in the street.When you have something to throw away,please put it in your pocket and take it home,or put it in a dustbin.

  Finally,smoking.It is against the law to buy cigarettes if you are less than 16 years of age.

  I'd like to finish by saying that if you need any kinds of help,you should contact the police.They will be glad to help you.You can call,write or go to ask any policemen.


Who do you think is most likely to make the speech?

  A.A guide. B.A person who makes laws.

  C.A teacher. D.An English officer.

[  ]


How many laws are discussed in the speech?

  A.Four.  B.Three.  C.Six.  D.Five.

[  ]


The main purpose (目的) of this speech is to ______.

  A.tell people that those above 18 can drink and smoke in England

  B.declare (宣布) the different laws in England

  C.give advice to the travelers in England

  D.warn people against going to England

[  ]


The underlined word“contact”in the last paragraph means“______”.

  A.keep up  B.go to see C.make a call to D.bring trouble

[  ]


From the passage we can learn______.

  A.in England,if you are under 18 years of age,you can't buy wine,but your friends can buy it for you

  B.you may not buy cigarettes unless you are above 16 years of age

  C.because the traffic moves on the left side of the road,you must use the pedestrian crossing when crossing the road

  D.you can't make a noise except at night

[  ]


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


  My family lives in this street. In the morning, my father goes to work and all the children go to school. My father takes us to school every day. My mother is at home every day. She does the housework. She always has lunch at home, and sees her friends in the afternoon. In the evening, all the children come home from school early. My father comes home from work late. At night, my two brothers and I always do our homework. We go to bed at ten. My father and mother usually read newspapers. On Saturday we all watch TV.


  1. ______ goes to work in the morning.    

[  ]

   A. No one  B. We all   C. My father   D. My mother

  2. ______ lunch at home.          

[  ]

   A. My mother has        B. My father has

   C. Only the children have   D. All the family have

  3. ______ home early.            

[  ]

   A. The children come     B. My father comes

   C. My mother comes       D. My parents come

  4. We all watch TV______.          

[  ]

   A. three times a week     B. every day

   C. usually           D. on Saturday

  5. There are ______ people in my family.  

[  ]

   A. three  B. four   C. five   D. six


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


  One day, Mr and Mrs White received two theatre tickets for a wonderful concert. They were very pleased because the tickets were hard to get. But they couldn't know who sent the tickets. The person didn't write his name and address in the letter.

  The Whites called all their friends in order to find out who sent the tickets, but none of them did so. And nobody knew who itwas. They couldn't help(情不自禁)wondering who sent the tickets.

  That evening, husband and wife attended the concert. It was nice performances, but they couldn't enjoy it properly because they were still worrying about where the tickets came from.

  When they returned home from the theatre, they found most of their things stolen(偷). On the table was a note. It said, "Now,you know who sent you the tickets."


  1. One day, the Whites got two tickets from a friend of theirs.

                        (  )

  2. Mr and Mrs White made telephone calls to all their friends to find out who it was.

                        (    )

  3. The concert was not at all interesting.

                        (    )

  4. Their things were taken away while they were out.

                        (    )

  5. Mr and Mrs White were quite clever and careful.

                        (    )

  6. This story is a lesson(教训)we should remember.

                        (    )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


  No one knows how man learned to make words. Perhaps he began by making sounds like those made by animals. Perhaps he made sounds like those he heard all round him. As the centuries(世纪) went by, he made more and more new words, This is what we mean by language.

  People living in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred different languages in

the world. Each has many thousands of words. A very large English dictionary, for example, has four or five hundred thousand words.  But before you leave school you will learn only a few thousands more. Then you should learn more and more words. Read as many books as you can. There are plenty of books written in easy English for you to read. You will enjoy them. When you meet a new word, find it in your  dictionary. Your dictionary is your most useful book.


1. The main idea of the first paragraph is ______.  


[  ]

A. how animals make sounds

B. how man made words

C. man heard different sounds round him

D. man made more and more words

2. About how many different languages are there in the world?


[  ]

A. 150  B. 1500  C. 5000  D. 500

3. A very large English dictionary might have over ______ words.


[  ]

A. 400,000  B. 50,000  C. 40,000  D. 800,000

4. After you leave school, you should learn ______.


[  ]

A. only a thousand words  B. all the words

C. more words         D. all kinds of languages

5. If you want to know more new words, you can ______.


[  ]  

A. read many difficult books  B. read easy books

C. written easy English     D. look them up in your dictionary

