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  Leopards(豹)live in many parts of the world, from Siberia to Africa.They have a very beautiful yellow skin with large black spots.They live for about 15 years and eat small mammals such as zebras, monkeys, and antelopes(羚羊).They sleep for about 12 hours a day.Leopards are very solitary(独居的)animals.They spend most of their time alone in trees, where they wait until a small animal passes.They jump on the animal and then drag it up in to the tree, where they eat it.

  Like many animals, leopards are disappearing because people hunt them.They kill them for their beautiful coats.The Sinai leopard, for example, from Egypt, is probably extinct.


Leopards ________.

[  ]


live in family groups


live alone


live together


live with other animals


Which is not true?

[  ]


Leopards have beautiful fur.


Leopards eat animals and plants.


Leopards sleep 12 hours a day.


The Sinai leopard is probably extinct.


Why do people hunt leopards? Because ________.

[  ]


they kill them for their meat


they attack people all the time


they are dangerous


they kill them for their coats


Leopards spend much time in trees because they want to ________.

[  ]






wait and catch small mammals




科目:初中英语 来源:北京市大兴区2011年中考一模英语试题 题型:050


  Accepting an award may seem like a simple task, but each year the Academy Awards(奥斯卡奖)proves there may be more to it than you might think.Oscar history has seen its fair share of memorable thank-you moments, good and bad.So the question remains:what makes a great acceptance speech? Here are three tips to keep in mind for your next shining moment:

  1.Be thankful and simple.Make sure you thank the important people who helped you reach your goal.Don’t be too arrogant or full of yourself but don’t be so modest(谦逊的)that the audience(观众)thinks you are looking down upon the honor.It’s only natural to be a little excited, so use this to get on well with the audience.At this year’s Oscars, The King’s Speech director Tom Hooper told the story of how he only came to make the movie thanks to the help of his Australian mother, who was in the audience.

  He showed grace and humility(谦卑)when he mentioned her:“So, with this tonight, I honor you and the key point of the story is, listen to your mother.”

  2.Keep it short.Say as much as you can in as few words as possible.There’s no need to thank every single person you know.As Oscar producer Bruce Cohen warned people at the annual nominees luncheon(年度提名人午宴)before this year’s show, “Nothing is more dangerous than a winner reading a list of names.” Make each sentence meaningful and don’t get too carried away.

  3.Finally, make the best use of your moment.Don’t be afraid to have a little fun and say something unforgettable Cleverness and humor will help your speech stand out in a good way and keep everyone entertained.Don’t make rude and unfit jokes, especially about others.Such jokes may get everyone talking, but you may be the only one laughing in the end.

  This time, Melissa Leo’s use of the dirty word during her acceptance speech was the first in Oscar history.She said it before covering her mouth:“I really don’t mean to hurt the audience’s feelings.”


The underlined word “arrogant” may mean ________.

[  ]










To make a great acceptance speech one must ________.

[  ]


thank his mother


be careful not to say too much


thank all the people who once helped him


be humorous and funny to make the audience laugh


What is true with Tom Hooper?

[  ]


He has an Australian mother.


He thanked his father in the shining moment.


He is the hero of the film “The King’s Speech”.


He used some dirty words in his acceptance speech.


What is the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Giving a Thank-you Speech


Accepting the Academy Awards


Some Advice for the Acceptance Speech


How to Win the Academy Awards Successfully


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省温州市滨江中学2011-2012学年七年级下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


  My name is Lisa.I have a bird.She is white.So I call her Xiaobai.Xiaobai is only two years old.She's not big.But she is beautiful and clever.She can speak.

  One day I go shopping with my sister Gina and Xiaobai.At Green Clothes Store Gina sees a red skirt and says, “Look! Lisa! That red skirt is very beautiful.” Xiaobai answers her instead of(代替)me, “No.I think you look nice in that green skirt.” Gina says, “OK.I listen to you.” Then she asks the shop assistant, “How much is the green one? ” The shop assistant looks at Xiaobai, opens her mouth(嘴)but says nothing.At last she says to Gina, “I never see a bird that can speak these words.It's great! You can take this green skirt.Oh, you don't need to pay for(付钱)it.”

  Gina is very happy.She asks me and my bird to have a big lunch in Leo's Restaurant and then we go home.


Xiaobai is ________.

[  ]


Lisa's sister


Lisa's cousin


a bird


a dog


Lisa is Gina's ________.

[  ]










Gina likes the ________.

[  ]


white T-shirt


red skirt


green skirt


red sweater


Gina and Lisa go shopping ________.

[  ]


in the morning


in the afternoon


in the evening


all day


Which of the following is NOT true?

[  ]


Xiaobai is beautiful and clever.


The shop assistant is surprised at Xiaobai's words.


Lisa pays for Gina's clothes.


Gina and Lisa have lunch at a restaurant.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050


Ben: Leo, you work too hard. Let's go and sit in the park.

Leo: I can't do that. I have to study for my English test next week.

Ben: But, Leo You already know that you're going to Tsinghua University! Well, what are you going to be major in?

Leo: English and management. How about you? Which school are you going to next year, Ben?

Ben: Oh, I'm going to work for my dad for a year. Then I'll go to college after that.

Leo: What do you want to study?

Ben: I'm not sure yet. I'd like to study Chinese. So, do you want to be an English teacher or work for a big company after 4 years in Tsinghua University?

Leo: In fact, I hope to go on to study computer science in Peking University.

Ben: Wow. We are quite different! You know, I just want to find an easy job. I guess you will be a computer programmer.

Leo: Uh-huh. I'd like to.

Ben: Well, I hope to work as a teacher and have a nice family in the future.

Leo: Really? I want to make a lot of money.


(1) What does the sentenceI can't do that.mean?

[  ]

AI can't do anything.

BI can't work.

CI can't go to the park.

DI can't study.

(2) What does the sentenceI'll go to college after that.mean?

[  ]

AAfter I left middle school.

BAfter 1 year.

CAfter I work for my father.

DBoth B and C.

(3) Who may become an English teacher after 4 years?

[  ]

AI don't know.



DBoth of them.

(4) What is Leo going to study after he leaves Tsinghua University?

[  ]



CComputer Science.


(5) What plan does Ben have for his future?

[  ]

ATo be a teacher.

BTo make a lot of money.

CTo be a compute programmer.

DBoth B and C.


科目:初中英语 来源:精编教材全解 英语 九年级上册(配译林版) 题型:052


Perfect friends

  Some people believe that some star signs get along better with each other than other star signs.Please read this article carefully and you will find out who can be your perfect friend.

  Let's start with the signs that are incompatible(不一致的;合不来的).Aries and Leo are not a good mix.Both of them are leaders.Aries is energetic and is not compatible(相容的)with Leo because Leo is strong and confident.Also, Pisces and Taurus is not a good pair.Pisces likes dreaming about everything while Taurus is practical and will not be patient enough to wait for Pisces to stop dreaming.

  The best choice of friend for Taurus is Capricorn.Taurus is stubborn but Capricorn is patient and would be willing to wait for Taurus to change his or her mind.Aries should get to know Pisces.Aries is active but Pisces is gentle and easy-going.People born under Leo would be a good choice of friend for people born under Libra because Leo likes to give gifts and Libra likes beautiful things.

  The perfect pair is Libra and Scorpio.Libra does not like to argue with others and love peace.Libra will never ask Scorpio about his or her secrets.Sagittarius loves to travel and Gemini loves to discover new things.Sagittarius has a good sense of humor and will enjoy listening to Gemini talk.

  Capricorn and Cancer also make good friends.Cancer is kind and sensitive and gets on well with Capricorn.

  Virgo and Aquarius is a good match.Sometimes, however, there can be problems in their relation.Acquires has many friends and Virgo worries a lot so meeting a lot of people can be stressful.



Aries is energetic and is compatible with Leo because Leo is strong and confident.

(  )


The best choice of friend for Taurus is Capricorn and Cancer.

(  )


People born under Libra like to argue with others and dislike peace.

(  )


People born under Capricorn can make good friends with people born under Cancer.

(  )


Virgo worries a lot so meeting a lot of people can be stressful.

(  )


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     DICKY lives a poor life with his father. One day his father finds him a strange toy from a junkyard.
Dicky names it Changjiang 7 (CJ7长江七号). CJ7 turns out to be an alien dog with superpowers. Dicky
takes CJ7 to school to help him against bad students.   
      This is the story of CJ7, a popular movie of 2008. Xu Jiao, an 11-year-old girl, plays Dicky. On April
21, Xu won Best New Performer (最佳新人奖) at the Hong Kong Film Awards for her role in CJ7.   
      Xu once said it was difficult to play a boy. "To get a sense of what a boy is like," she said, "I studied
with and watched other boys and played with them a lot."   
About Xu:   
Name: Xu Jiao   
Birthday: August 5, 1997   
Birth place: Ningbo, Zhejiang   
Star sign: Leo (狮子座)
1. DICKY lives a ______ life with his father.   
A. happy     
B. rich     
C. poor     
D. simple
2. Where does Dicky's father find a strange toy that he names Changjiang 7?   
A. in his house 
B. at school  
C. in the park 
D. in a junkyard
3. Dicky takes CJ7 to school to ______.   
A. help him against bad students.
B. help him fight with other students   
C. help him get good grades
D. help him save his father
4. To get a sense of what a boy is like, Xu Jiao ______.   
A. studied with boys   
B. watched other boys 
C. played with boys   
D. All the above.
5. Where was Xu Jiao born?   
A. Hong Kong   
B. Ningbo, Zhejiang 
C. Shanghai   
D. Lianyungang, Jiangsu

