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  The Sound of Music is one of the most popular American movies. (1)       people all over the world like it very much. And the (2)       Do Re Mi in the movie is also popular in the world. It can be heard everywhere.

  The movie is a (3)       about a tutor,Maria. She was a young and outgoing woman. She went to (4)       for a family with seven children. Their family (5)       was Von Trapp. Mr. Von Trapp was a captain. He and his family lived in Austria.

  The family were very (6)       after the children's mother,Mrs. Von Trapp died. (7)       took care of the children. They cried and shouted every day. The lonely father often became angry because of the (8)       children.

  Maria was able to (9)       the family by teaching them to sing lively songs and perform short,funny plays. At first the father was sad and irritated,        (10) the smiling faces of the children pleased him and made him happy again. Then Mr. Von Trapp fell in love with Maria. At last they got married.

(   ) 1. A. Few   B. Many   C. Some   D. Several

(   ) 2. A. song   B. film   C. voice   D. sound

(   ) 3. A. picture   B. book   C. story   D. poem

(   ) 4. A. pay   B. look   C. care   D. stand

(   ) 5. A. name   B. house   C. address   D. street

(   ) 6. A. sad   B. happy   C. excited   D. surprised

(   ) 7. A. Somebody   B. Everybody   C. Anybody   D. Nobody

(   ) 8. A. quiet   B. noisy   C. lovely   D. lucky

(   ) 9. A. cheer up   B. show up   C. call up   D. wake up

(   ) 10. A. so   B. and   C. but   D. or

1. B根据上句可以推测出,世界各地许多人都非常喜欢这部电影。

2. A众所周知,Zfo fte是一首歌曲。

3. C picture图画;book书;story故事;poem诗歌。根据语义,应选story。

4. C考查短语辨析。pay for为……付款;look for寻找;care for照顾;stand for代表。在这里,Maria去照顾有七个孩子的一个家庭,故选care for。

5. A根据下句的Mr. Von Trapp可知选name。family name姓。

6. A母亲死了他们当然非常难过。

7. D根据—Jr.句the children's mother,Mrs. Von Trapp died和下句They cried and shouted every day.可知,没有人来照顾这些孩子。

8. B从上句They cried and shouted every day.可知,父亲常常由于孩子们的喧闹而生气。

9. A考查短语辨析。cheer up somebody使振奋;show up揭穿;call up somebody给... 打电话;wake up somebody把……叫醒。根据语义,Maria通过教唱歌曲和表演短剧,让整个家庭振作起来。

10. C考査连词。so表结果;and表并列;but表转折;or表选择或警告。根据题意,开始父亲很生气,但是孩子们灿烂的笑容让他重新感到满意和高兴。

题目来源:中考英语丢分题修订版 > 完形填空


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 12. She found her calculator        she lost it.

   A. where   B. when   C. in which   D. that


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 23. ―Don't make so much noise,Jack. Your grandpa is sleeping now.


   A. Yes,I won't   B. No,I will

   C. Yes,I will   D. Sorry,I won't


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  My 14-year-old brother John and I saw the coat at the same time. The thick black wool of the coat was soft,and it cost only $28. We looked at each other,saying (1)       but John's face was shining with joy. Dark woolen coats were (2)       with boys just then,and could cost several hundred dollars. But this coat was even better and much (3)       John (4)       the coat and bought it at once. John wore the coat to school the next day and came home with a big smile.

  (5)       did the kids like your coat?" I asked. "They loved it," he said. I started calling him "Lord (老爷) John".

  Over the next few weeks,a change came over John. He became more polite,more thoughtful and more pleasing. He would (6)       his classmates his pens; he would bring his father a cup of tea when he (7)       ;he would help a blind man cross the road.

  When my mother told this to one of his teachers,he said , "It must be (8)       ! ”One day,in the library,my brother and I ran into a friend. "Could this be John?" he asked. John shook hands with him,like (9)      

What really changed John was his own attitude (态度) .If you think you are a gentleman or a lady,you can become a (10)       one.

(   ) 1. A. something   B. anything   C. nothing   D. everything

(   ) 2. A. common   B. popular   C. fit   D. excellent

(   ) 3. A. cheaper   B. more expensive   C. softer   D. thicker

(   ) 4. A. watched   B. wore   C. put on   D. tried on

(   ) 5. A. What   B. What for   C. How   D. How about

(   ) 6. A. give   B. lend   C. take   D. show

(   ) 7. A. got home   B. went out   C. came in   D. went to school

(   ) 8. A. his friend   B. his brother   C. his coat   D. himself

(   ) 9. A. a teacher   B. a gentleman   C. a big man   D. a father

(   ) 10. A. good   B. talented   C. suitable   D. perfect


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  There is good news for the children in the countryside. We may still remember the girl (1)       big eyes. Her big eyes are (2)       us her dream:I wish to (3)      

  In China,there are still (4)       girls and boys like her. They want to go to school,but their (5)       are too poor. If the family has two or three children,it is harder to (6)       the money for all the children. So the parents often ask (7)       to stay at home,and boys to go to school.

  Now they needn't (8)       the money. From 2006 on,children can go to school for free in some poor places. They don't have to pay for books and other things. Some of them can even get money from the government (政府) to make their life (9)       Soon,all the children in the countryside can go to school for free. All families are very happy with the news. It is (10)       great.

(   ) 1. A. with   B. on   C. to   D. in

(   ) 2. A. saying   B. telling   C. speaking   D. talking

(   ) 3. A. go to work   B. go to bed   C. go to school   D. go home

(   ) 4. A. a lot   B. lot of   C. a lot of   D. much

(   ) 5. A. schools   B. cities   C. houses   D. families

(   ) 6. A. pay   B. take   C. buy   D. lend

(   ) 7. A. teachers   B. girls   C. boys   D. all the children

(   ) 8. A. look up   B. turn on   C. worry about   D. make sure

(   ) 9. A. better   B. shorter   C. longer   D. worse

(   ) 10. A. not   B. never   C. hardly   D. really


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  In the park I sat down to read on the bench,disappointed by life with good reason to complain,for the world was (1)       letting me down.

Then a young boy came up to me and said with great excitement , " Look what I found!" In his hand was a flower,and he placed it to his nose. He said with overacted surprise, "It sure (2)       pretty and it's for you."

The flower before me had withered and wasn't pretty (3)       But I knew I must (4)       it,or he might never leave. So I        (5) the flower and replied, " Just what I need. " But (6)       placing the flower in my hand,he held it midair without reason. It was then that I noticed for the very first time that the boy was blind.

  With my voice trembling (颤抖) and tears (7)       in the sun I thanked him for picking me the "best" one. I sat there and wondered how he managed to see a selfpitying woman.

  Through the eyes of a blind child,I could see the problem was not with the (8)       ;the problem was me. I finally realized that all of those days,I myself had been (9)       I made up my mind to see the (10)       in life.

(   ) 1. A. once   B. hardly   C. always   D. seldom

(   ) 2. A. feels   B. smells   C. keeps   D. seems

(   ) 3. A. at all   B. once more   C. much   D. very much

(   ) 4. A. get   B. try   C. give   D. take

(   ) 5. A. reached at   B. get   C. reached for   D. reached

(   ) 6. A. as for   B. instead of   C. except for   D. because of

(   ) 7. A. shining   B. falling   C. running   D. drying

(   ) 8. A. world   B. flower   C. boy   D. life

(   ) 9. A. annoyed   B. silly   C. proud   D. blind

(   ) 10. A. future   B. problem   C. beauty   D. reason


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Once upon a time,there was a child ready to be born. So (1)       he asked God, "They tell me you are sending me to (2)       ,but being so small and helpless ,        (3) am I going to live there?"

  " (4)       the many angels (天使) ,I chose one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you," God replied.

  "But here in Heaven (天堂) ,I do (5)       else but sing and smile!That's enough for me to be happy."

   God said, "Your angel will sing and smile for you every day. And you will feel your angel's love and be (6)      

  The child said , " And how am I going to be able to understand people when they talk to me (7)       I don't know the language that men speak?"

God told the child, " Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweetest words you will ever hear,and with (8)       patience (耐心) and care,your angel will teach you (9)       "

  The child said, "I've (10)       that on the earth there are bad men. Who will protect me?"

  God said, "Your angel will protect you (11)       it means risking her own life (冒生命危险) ."

  "But I'll always be sad because I can't see you any more."

  "Your angel will always talk to you about (12)       ,and in fact,I will always be next to you."

  At the moment there was much peace (静寂) in Heaven,but voices from the earth could already be heard. And the child,in a hurry,asked , "Oh,God,if I am about to (13)       now,please tell me my angel's (14)       !"

"It is not hard to remember," God replied (15)       . "You will call your angel Mommy."

(   ) 1. A. every day   B. any day   C. one day   D. some day

(   ) 2. A. the earth   B. the moon

   C. the country   D. the sea

(   ) 3. A. where   B. how   C. why   D. when

(   ) 4. A. Between   B. For   C. Among   D. With

(   ) 5. A. nothing   B. everything

   C. anything   D. something

(   ) 6. A. lonely   B. happy

   C. excited   D. surprised

(   ) 7. A. though   B. whether   C. after   D. if

(   ) 8. A. no   B. little   C. much   D. some

(   ) 9. A. where to go   B. how to speak

   C. what to say   D. which to choose

(   ) 10. A. heard   B. remembered

   C. forgotten   D. said

(   ) 11. A. when   B. as soon as   C. since   D. even if

(   ) 12. A. me   B. you   C. us   D. her

(   ) 13. A. die   B. work   C. study   D. leave

(   ) 14. A. address   B. name   C. number   D. job

(   ) 15. A. angrily   B. sadly   C. softly   D. shyly


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

                   Protect Yourself When Home Alone 

  There are many things that you should be careful with when you are alone at home. Read the following solutions (方法) to protect yourself.

  Keep the door locked when you are alone at home. Many people think it's the best way to protect themselves.

  Keep a list of phone numbers to call for help一such as 110,the number of the nearest police station,or a neighbour's telephone number.

  Be careful with the electrical appliances (电器) .If you don't know how to use them,ask your parent. Make a safety check before going to sleep.

  Look through the keyhole when you hear the doorbell. If there are strangers,ask " Who's that?" with the door locked,and say "Come back later". Don't tell them that your parents are away. Say "Mum's having a shower" or "Dad's having a sleep". To ignore (忽视) the doorbell is not a good idea because sometimes bad people ring doorbells to see if anyone's at home.


Protect Myself When Home Alone



(   )1. When I am alone   at home ,

A. I should keep a list of phone numbers.

(   )2. To call for help,

B. I should keep the door locked.

(   )3. Before going to   sleep,

C. I should ask,   "Who's that?" with the door locked.

(   )4. If there are strangers ringing the doorbell ,

D. I should   say, "Mum's having a shower" or "Dad's having a sleep".

(   )5. Instead of saying   "My parents are away" to the strangers,

E.   I should make   a safety check of the electrical appliances.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear editor,

  I'm a 16-year-old girl. My problem is that I seldom meet boys!I go to a girl school and I haven't got any brothers. I want to go to school with boys and girls,but my parents don't agree with me. We often quarrel about it. I feel fed up (烦) and lonely. Is it wrong to make friends with boys?

  Lynn Dear editor,My father died two years ago and I live with my mother and my brother. The trouble is that my mum isn't very well at the moment and I have to look after her. Fm five years older than my brother,so I do everything for him,too. Sometimes I get fed up when I see my friends going out together and having fun. I'm also suffering from (苦恼) school work.

Eva Dear editor,

I can't decide what to do next year. This is my last year at school and my parents say I must go to university. I don't really like studying that much. I want to get a job and make some money. I'm interested in fashion and I want to work in a clothes shop. My father gets angry whenever I talk about it.


(   ) 1. Lynn wants to make friends with boys.

(   ) 2. Eva has to take care of her mother.

(   ) 3. Emily is a university student.

(   ) 4. Emily's father would like her to get a job.

(   ) 5. The three girls have different problems.

