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Stephen Hawking had a serious illness, _______ he kept studying physics.

A. and B. but C. so D. or

B 【解析】句意:史蒂芬·霍金得了严重的疾病,但是他一直研究物理。and而且,表示递进关系;but但是,表示转折关系;so因此,表示结果;or或者,表示选择。结合句意,前半句表示霍金生病了,后半句表示他一直研究物理,前后表示转折关系,故用连词but,故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:2018年江苏省连云港市中考英语试卷 题型:单选题

will the project of high-speed railway connecting Xuzhou to Lianyungang be completed?

—In about two years.

A. How long B. How far C. How soon D. How often

C 【解析】句意:——连接徐州和连云港的高铁项目还有多久完成?——大约2年后。A. How long多长,主要对做某事用多长时间进行提问; B. How far 多远,提问两地距离; C. How soon过多久,指将来某个动作发生这段时间提问,常用于一般将来时态中, D. How often多久,对频率进行提问,根据In about two years. 大约2年后,可知问过多久完成;故选...


科目:初中英语 来源:八年级下 Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.测试卷 题型:句型转换



There's little time _____.I'm afraid we ________ ______ make a decision as soon as possible.


______ _______ ______ ____,there lived an old man who had two beautiful daughters.


They _______ everything _________ ______________________.

1. left have to 2. Once upon a time 3. kept for themselves 【解析】 1.时间所剩无几,恐怕我们不得不尽快做出决定了。根据have to不得不;there be sb/sth +过去分词,表示动作被动,这里指时间被留下;故填(1) left (2) have (3) to。 2.从前,有一个老人,他有两个美丽的...


科目:初中英语 来源:八年级下 Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.测试卷 题型:单选题

(题文)He often __________ us funny stories.

A. talks B. says C. tells D. speaks

C 【解析】 句意:他经常给我们将有趣的故事。A. talks talk一般为不及物动词,交谈,taik to/with sb 和某人交谈; B. says说,通常指说话的内容,say to sb对某人说; C. tells tell常作及物动词,意思是“讲,告诉”,动词常跟双宾语,tell sb sth告诉某人某事; D. speaks强调说的动作,不强调说的内容,作及物动词时通常指...


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市门头沟区2018届九年级5月综合练习(一模)英语试卷 题型:阅读单选

When I was 14 years old, I used to babysit (做临时保姆) for the lady next door. Every two weeks she would pay me $80. I always looked forward to getting paid so I could go to the shopping centre with my friends on Saturday and spend the money on my favourite things.

One Friday evening I heard my mom on the phone with our neighbor and I heard her say a fewtimes, “Oh, that is terrible.” After my mom hung up, I asked what was wrong. She said that the neighbor had no food in her house and that she didn’t know what she was going to feed her daughter with. Her husband had spent their money on beer and got angry because his wife asked for money to buy groceries (食品杂货). He began to pull dishes out of the cupboards (壁橱) and threw them at the wall. So, the lady didn’t have any groceries or dishes.

I had an idea. I asked my mom to drive me to McDonald’s.I bought the lady and her daughter dinner with the babysitting money she had given me. After I had taken them dinner, I asked my mom to take me to the store and I bought the lady dishes and groceries with the rest of the money. When I knocked on the front door, the lady gave me a big hug and told me how grateful she was that I helped her. When Saturday came around, I didn’t have any money to go to the shopping centre with my friends, but I didn’t care, because I felt great that I was able to help this family.

Later, we moved away from the area. I saw our neighbor three times and she always told me how much she thanked me for caring her and her daughter.

1.The writer always looked forward to getting paid, so she could ________.

A. buy dishes for her mum B. spend money on McDonald’s

C. buy food for the lady’s daughter D. spend the money on her favourite things

2.What did the writer buy for the lady?

A. McDonald’s, dishes and beer. B. Groceries, cupboard and dishes.

C. McDonald’s, dishes and groceries. D. McDonald’s, groceries and cupboard.

3.How did the lady feel when the writer helped her?

A. Surprised. B. Thankful. C. Terrible. D. Angry.

1.D 2.C 3.B 【解析】本文讲述了作者帮助邻居的一位女士,作者用自己的挣得钱给她买了麦当劳快餐,菜肴和杂货。那位女士非常感激作者。 1.D 细节理解题。根据I always looked forward to getting paid so I could go to the shopping centre with my friends on Saturda...


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市门头沟区2018届九年级5月综合练习(一模)英语试卷 题型:单选题

— ______ you make a paper plane?

— Yes, I can.

A. Can B. Must C. Shall D. Could

A 【解析】句意:——你会做纸飞机吗?——是的,我会。can会,能,表示能力;must必须,表示要求;shall应该,表示建议;could可能,表示没有把握的推测。根据答语Yes, I can.可知此处是Can you ……?故选A。


科目:初中英语 来源:浙江省杭州市2018年中考英语试卷 题型:完型填空


My friends and I joined a two-day survival (生存) training course in the mountains. The first day was really______---there was so much to do! Arriving at the campsite, we were divided into groups and given a tent , some food, a______and a compass(指南针). Standing next to a small river. Fanny______camping in the grassy area nearby. However, our instructor, Mr. Lee, pointed out that it might flood (淹没) if it rained. In the end, we found a______area. Putting up the tent was very hard.______Mr. Lee helped us a lot.

By the time we had put up the tent,______was really hungry. "We wouldn’t have got this hungry if we had brought some snacks, "Peter said. We all told him to______complaining(抱怨) and help us start a fire to cook our food_____, Realizing we were having trouble making the fire, he finally ____.

The next day started early. Woken by a strange noise. Peter went to see what was ____ . "Some cows have eaten our breakfast!" he shouted. "That's all because you didn't ______ he food properly last night." said Mr. Lee.

Worried that Mr. Lee was angry with us, we tried very hard on our next______---using the map and compass to find a secret location. We made it to the location______the other groups did. We all felt very proud of______.

The survival training course was a great______. Now I feel I could survive anywhere!

1.A. disappointing B. difficult C. different D. boring

2.A. map B. book C. light D. knife

3.A. suggested B. finished C. imagined D. enjoyed

4.A. nearer B. lower C. bigger D. higher

5.A. Surprisingly B. Suddenly C. Luckily D. Usually

6.A. everyone B. anyone C. someone D. no one

7.A. start B. mind C. stop D. continue

8.A. yet B. too C. again D. instead

9.A. helped out B. gave out C. worked out D. started out

10.A. developing B. happening C. beginning D. following

11.A. throw off B. put away C. eat up D. sell out

12.A. pian B. lesson C. task D. problem

13.A. till B. after C. when D. before

14.A. him B. them C. you D. ourselves

15.A. example B. experience C. activity D. competition

1.B 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.B 11.B 12.C 13.D 14.D 15.B 【解析】文章大意:本文讲述了我和我的朋友们参加生存训练课的经历。 1.句意:第一天真的很困难——有那么多要做的事情!考查形容词及语境的理解。A. disappointing...


科目:初中英语 来源:重庆市2018年中考英语试卷(B卷) 题型:单选题

Lots of people exercise every morming_________bad weather stops them.

A. if B. unless C. until D. since

B 【解析】考查连词词义辨析。A. if“如果”;B. unless“除非;如果不”;C. until“直到”;D. since“自从;既然”。句意:很多人每天早晨锻炼 _______ 恶劣的天气阻拦他们。结合选项的意思和句意可知,用unless。故选B。


科目:初中英语 来源:2018年广州中考英语压轴专题练习卷:被动语态(选择题) 题型:单选题

The earth is a planet and it around the sun.

A. goes . B. go . C. will go . D. went

A 【解析】句意:地球是一颗行星,它围绕太阳转。考查时态辨析。英语中,凡是客观事实、客观真理或谚语,应用一般现在时。因it是第三人称单数主语,故谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。故选A。

