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I put my sunglasses on and took a deep breath. We began to walk down the street on her first day of school with her hand held tightly in mine. I knew she would be crying in a few minutes, because she always did that when she was ______ about a new environment.

On the way to school, I told her repeatedly how ______ her new school life would be and expected she would feel ______. But when she saw the massive group of students everywhere, her face at once fell and the tears (眼泪) came into her eyes. “You can do this, sweetie. Everyone has a place in line; let’s go to find yours.”

We lined up to enter the school. Just as she was about to hold on to my leg, her friend from preschool stood next to her. Suddenly, she became ______ and reached out for her friend’s hand. And as the teacher began to ______ them all into the school, she wasn’t crying, but smiling.

Honestly, I was ______ to say goodbye when I saw those little feet walk into that big building. I hid the tears behind my sunglasses and waved my hand as she walked inside.

All day I ______ what she was doing. As I waited to pick her up, I felt like a child standing in line to ______ Santa. She came out with her hand waving and her arms outstretched (伸展). “I didn’t cry again, Mommy,” she said, ______ hugging (拥抱)me and showing me her backpack full of goodies.

During two hours of listening to the details of her day, we laughed and talked about all the _____she had. And just like her, I didn’t cry again either, I knew my daughter has grown up.

1.A. crazy B. careful C. curious D. nervous

2.A. amazing B. comfortable C. valuable D. important

3.A. safe B. relaxed C. lucky D. proud

4.A. confident B. silent C. active D. serious

5.A. walk B. send C. drive D. push

6.A. brave B. unwilling C. happy D. natural

7.A. followed B. asked C. watched D. wondered

8.A. calm B. feel C. meet D. thank

9.A. shyly B. excitedly C. politely D. suddenly

10.A. experiences B. classes C. students D. teachers


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省2018届九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

--Do you think that Jane can win the competition?

--_______. Every dog has its day, right?

A. I am afraid not B. You got it

C. Yes, I think so D. Sounds impossible


科目:初中英语 来源:2017-2018学年人教版七年级英语上册(毕节专用)课课练:Unit 8 When is your birthday 题型:单选题

When is ________ birthday party?

A. David B. David’s C. you D. him


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级2017-2018学年(浙江地区)下册:Unit 2综合水平测试英语试卷 题型:阅读排序


Hi,my name is Katherine Brunton.I'm 10 years old.I live with my parents and my sister,Hannah,in London.This is a day in my life.

8:00 AM I have my breakfast.Then I walk to school with my sister.

9:00 AM School starts.We have a math lesson first.English is the next class.

12:15 PM We have an hour for lunch.We usually have a hamburger,fruit,salad and sometimes ice?cream.After lunch,I like to play football with my friends.

1:30 PM School starts.We have two classes in the afternoon.

3:30 PM School finishes!Hannah and I walk home.

5:00 PM It's time for dinner.I like chicken best.

6:10 PM I walk to the Cissold Swimming Club with my sister and Mom or Dad.We usually go there three times a week.

7:30 PM to 8:00 PM I do my homework.

9:00 PM Mom comes into my room and tells stories to me,and then I go to bed.


A.Do my homework

B.Have an English class

C.Play football

D.Go to the swimming club

E.Have dinner


科目:初中英语 来源:人教版七年级2017-2018学年(浙江地区)下册:Unit 2综合水平测试英语试卷 题型:完型填空

One Friday morning, Chen Hua ______ up late. ______ he gets to the door of the classroom,Mr. Gao, his math teacher ______, “You are late again. Now how ______times are you late this week?”

“Three times,” says Chen Hua.

“______ are you late ______ class?”

“Because I get up late.”

“Why don't you go to bed ______?” asks the teacher.

“It ______ my fault(过错),Mr. Gao. The TV play is over ______ about eleven.”answers Chen Hua.

“Now, please ______ me your homework.” says the teacher.

“I'm sorry,I ______ do it,”says Chen Hua.

“Why don't you do it?”asks the teacher.

“Because the first part of the homework is ______easy. I don't think I need do it. The second part is too difficult ______ me to do it. I can't ______ it out. So I ______ do it .”answers Chen Hua again.

1.A. gets B. getting C. get D. to get

2.A. What B. When C. If D. Because

3.A. says B. asks C. speaks D. talks

4.A. much B. long C. old D. many

5.A. What B. Where C. How D. Why

6.A. for B. on C. at D. to

7.A. late B. early C. quickly D. well

8.A. is B. isn't C. doesn't D. can't

9.A. on B. in C. at D. for

10.A. give B. carry C. take D. make

11.A. don't B. am not C. doesn't D. can't

12.A. too B. little C. bit D. few

13.A. to B. at C. for D. with

14.A. make B. work C. get D. go

15.A. don't B. am not C. doesn't D. can't


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市毕业暨升学考试模拟英语试卷word版含答案 题型:单选题

I remembered ______ the door before I left the office, but forgot to turn off the light.

A. locking B. locked C. to lock D. lock


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省苏州市毕业暨升学考试模拟英语试卷word版含答案 题型:单选题

— Stress can be very harmful to your health. Exercise, ______, can reduce its bad influences.

— I can’t agree more.

A. otherwise B. instead C. however D. anyway


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省毕业生学业考试信息卷(一)英语试卷 题型:完型填空

In the Name of the People, it is a great successful drama 1. is popular with

Chinese people at present. It is the newest TV series which has just been put on 2.last month. It is quite 3.from other popular TV shows.

The series, about China’s anti-corruption campaign(反腐运动), has attracted 4.

of viewers across the country. Some have compared it to the American political drama House of Cards, which also have been a great 5. .

“This TV show feels so real. It really 6.people up,” one viewer wrote on so-

cial media networkWeibo.” “I am so excited to watch it that my eyes are 7.with

tears.” said another 8. .

Zhou Meisen, the writer of this play, said that he spent several years 9.this

fantastic story. He aimed to show that the good people always 10.the bad guys at

the end of the day.


科目:初中英语 来源:安徽省马鞍山市校2017-2018学年九年级期末英语试卷 题型:单选题

— Do you know the young man was charged ________shoplifting?

— But I don’t think he is guilty________ that crime.

A. for; of B. with; of C. of; with D. with; for

