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What should you think about when trying to find your career? You are probably better at some school subjects than others. These may show strengths that you can use in your work. A boy who is good at mathematics can use that in an engineering career. A girl who spells well and likes English may be good at office work. So it is important to know the subjects you do well in at school. On the other hand, you may not have any specially strong subjects but your records show a general satisfactory standard. Although not all subjects can be used directly in a job, they may have indirect value. A knowledge of history is not required for most jobs but if history is one of your good subjects you will have learned to remember facts and details. This is an ability that can be useful in many jobs.
  Your school may have taught you skills, such as typing or technical drawing, which you can use in your work. You may be good at metalwork or cookery and look for a job where you can improve these skills. If you have had a part-time job on Saturdays or in the summer, think what you gained from it. If nothing else, you may have learned how to get to work on time, to follow instructions and to get on with older workers. You may have learned to give correct change in a shop, for example. Just as important, you may become interested in a particular industry or career you see from the inside in a part-time job.
  Facing your weak points is also part of knowing yourself. You may be all thumbs when you handle tools; perhaps you are a poor speller or cannot add up a column of figures. It is better to face any weakness than to pretend they do not exist. Your school record, for instance, may not be too good, yet it is an important part of your background. You should not be apologetic about it but instead recognize that you will have a chance of a fresh start at work.
小题1:We can infer from the first paragraph that ________.
A.learning better at school shows power in your job
B.the better you are at school subjects, the more helpful they are in your career.
C.learning each subject well is an ability in many jobs.
D.we should think about how to find our career
小题2:From the passage we learn that if a student’s school performance is not good, he  will _____.
A.have no hope in his future work
B.be hopeful to find a suitable job
C.regret not having worked harder at school
D.have an opportunity of a new beginning in his future work
小题3:All the subjects may have direct value for job hunting except _________.
A.mathematicsB.EnglishC.historyD.technical drawing
小题4: The passage mainly discusses ___________.
A.The relationship between school performance and career
B.how to get a job
C.How to show strengths in your work
D.working experience and knowledge at school


小题1:B段落大意题。A. learning better at school shows power in your job在学校学习成绩更好能在工作中显示出能力B. the better you are at school subjects, the more helpful they are in your career.学校的功课学习得越好,对职业生涯越有帮助;C. learning each subject well is an ability in many jobs.学好每一门课在许多工作中是一种能力;D. we should think about how to find our career我们应该思考怎样找到我们的职业。第一段的主要内容是说学校里的任何课程对于我们的职业都具有价值,有些是直接的,有些是间接的。即使像历史那样的学科,学得好也对许多工作有作用。根据段意可知答案是B。
小题3:C推理判断题。题目的意思是“除了……之外,所有的学科对找工作都有直接的价值。”根据第一段中的内容“Although not all subjects can be used directly in a job, they may have indirect value. A knowledge of history is not required for most jobs but…”可以判定答案是C.
小题4:A主旨大意题。A. The relationship between school performance and career在学校表现与职业的关系;B. how to get a job怎样找工作;C. How to show strengths in your work如何在工作中显示能力;D. working experience and knowledge at school工作经验与学校里学到的知识。这段文字主要讨论的是学习表现与职业的关系。不是怎样能找到工作,怎么在工作中发挥力量,也不是讨论工作经验与学科知识。故选A。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Some students think it difficult to learn English well. That’s because they don’t find the right way. I think reading is very important for students. The more you read, the better you’ll understand.
Reading is helpful to listening, speaking and writing. If you often read English aloud, you’ll improve your listening. On the other hand, listening a lot can help you to read better. Reading English everywhere when you are free, if you wish. You can get a lot of knowledge when you read. Sometimes you need to express your ideas, you can either speak or write. That means you are using what you learned from reading. The same as Chinese, the more you read, the better you can write. If you want to remember something, you should read again and again.
So from now on, you’d better do more reading. It’s a good way to learn English well.
小题1: Some students think it difficult to learn English well because _________.
A.they don’t work hard B.they are afraid of English.
C.they don’t find the right way D.they aren’t clever
小题2: Reading is helpful to ________.
A. speaking            B. listening            C. writing           D. A. B & C
小题3:The writer thinks ________ is a good way to learn English well.
A.the better you write B.doing more reading
C.the more you remember D.the more you write
小题4: In Chinese studying, the more you read , _________.
A.the better you speak B.the better you write
C.the more you remember D.the more you write
小题5: The title of this passage may be _________.
A.English is important B.Reading is helpful
C.English is difficult D.Reading is important


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The Slender West Lake Scenic Spot lies in the northwestern part of Yangzhou, with its south gate facing Great Rainbow Bridge Road. It covers an area of about 123.6 hectares. The Slender West Lake was named a National Key Scenic Spot in 1988 and National AAAAA Tourist Area in 2010.

The Slender West Lake used to be a long river named the Baozhang Lake, which is 4 kilometers in length and less than 100 meters in width. A famous poet Wang Hang in the Qing Dynasty once composed a poem (诗歌), from which the Slender West Lake gets its present name and to which it owes its great fame (名声) both at home and abroad.
During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, many gardens were built along the Slender West Lake. Following the lines of the natural landscape, a large number of buildings along the moats(护城河) were constructed(建造) in different locations during different periods. Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty both visited the Slender West Lake.
The Slender West Lake Scenic Spot is an outstanding representative (代表) of the lake gardens in China. In a word, the Slender West Lake not only represents the beauty of natural landscape(风景), but also embodies (体现) the richness of its history and culture.
The Slender West Lake
The Slender West Lake, about 123.6 hectares in ___小题1:____, lies in the ____小题2:____ of Yangzhou, whose south gate ___小题3:____ Great Rainbow Bridge Road.
It used to be a long river ___小题4:____ the Baozhang Lake.
It gets its ____小题5:____ name from a poem and becomes ____小题6:____ both at home and abroad.
Many gardens were built along the Lake during the Sui and Tang Dynasties.
More buildings appeared along the moats during different periods.
Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong both ____小题8:____ to the Slender West Lake.
It ___小题9:____ the lines of the natural landscape and creates the unique beauty for the Slender West Lake. 
It also contains rich historical and ___小题10:___ meaning which attracts a lot of tourists.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If you wish to become a better reader, here are four important points to remember about speed* of reading.
1.Knowing why you are reading will often help you to know whether to read rapidly* or slowly.
2. Some things should be read slowly throughout. Science and history books are full of important information. You must read such things slowly to remember each important step and understand each important idea.
3.Some things should be read rapidly throughout. Examples are simple stories meant for enjoyable, letters from friends, news from local or hometown paper, telling what is happening to friends and neighbors.
4. In some of your readings, you must change your speed from fast to slow and slow to fast, as you go along. You will need to read certain pages rapidly and then slow down and do more careful reading when you come to important ideas.
小题1:This passage mainly tells us some important points about how to               .
小题2:How many important points are mentioned here in order to be a better reader?
小题3:               should be read slowly. 
A.Science books
B.Stories meant for enjoyment
C.Letters from friends
小题4:The best title of this passage is                 
A.How to Read fastB.How to Read Slowly
C.How to become a Better ReaderD.How to Remember Things.
achieve  vt. 达到、完成           bank  n.    岸              Castle   n. 城堡
human   n.  人                 own    vt.拥有            prince    n. 王子          rapidly   adv. 迅速地             speed   n. 速度              without  prep. 没有
the amusement park   游乐场       the princess and the frog  公主和青蛙


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Most English people have three names:a first name,a middle name and a family name.For example,my full name is Jack Henry Green.Green is my family name .Jack and  Henry are my given names.The given name comes first,the family name comes last.People don’t use their middle names very much.So we can say Mr. Jack Green.We can say Mr.Green.But in China,the family name comes first and the given name comes last.
小题1:How many names do most English people have?
小题2:In China,the ______ comes first.
A.first nameB.middle nameC.given nameD.family name
小题3: English people don’t use their ______ very much.
A.first nameB.middle nameC.given nameD.family name
小题4:The teacher’s name is Jenny Kim Hand.You can say ______.
A.Miss HandB.Miss JennyC.Miss KimD.Mr. Hand


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Hello, everyone! My name is Betty. I’m thirteen years old. I’m in Class Two, Grade Seven. This is our school.
There are 800 students in my school. There are twenty-four classrooms in our school. In our school we have a big library. It’s behind our classrooms. There are many books in it. We can read them and learn a lot from them. The science building is near the library. There are some science labs in it. The playground is between the science building and the dining hall. We often have our lunch in the dinning hall. It’s our playground. After school, we can play football on the playground. Some of us love running. We can also run there.
小题1:There are _____ classrooms in Betty’s school?
小题2:Where is the library?
A.Behind the classroomsB.In front of the classrooms
C.Near the classroomsD.On the left of the classrooms
小题3:There are some _______ in the science building.
A.science labsB.computer rooms
C.classroomsD.teacher’s offices
小题4:We have ______ in the dining hall.
小题5:We can  ______ on the playground.
A.play basketballB.play football
C.play table tennisD.swim


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Do you know something about the holiday camps in Hong Kong? The students in Hong Kong used to take part in an English holiday camp in their holidays. And their parents weren’t with them. Though they were very young.
Now they still enjoy taking part in many kinds of holiday camps without their parents. Many parents let their children take part in some kinds of holiday camps in order to learn some practical knowledge in their life. And also learn some knowledge about living skills, science, reading and writing... The most important for the children is to learn to look after themselves.
Holiday camps in Hong Kong are not so expensive. Most of the families can afford to send their children there for further study, for making their bodies strong... And the government never charges (收费) for them.
It is said that students in Hong Kong have much knowledge about many things. Perhaps it has something with the kinds of holiday camps.
小题1:Students in Hong Kong like to take part in the _________.
A.holiday camps
B.English holiday camps
C.science holiday camps
D.Chinese holiday camps
小题2:The most important thing for the students to take part in the holiday camps in Hong Kong is _________.
A.to make their bodies strong
B.to learn much knowledge about many things
C.to learn to look after themselves
D.to have a further study about many subjects
小题3:The cost to take part in a holiday camp is _________.
A. very dear       B not cheap        C. very high       D. low
小题4:The students who often take part in the holiday camps _________.
A.must have much knowledge about many things
B.must he very thin
C.must he very tall
D.must be very beautiful


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Everyone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It makes your heart and body strong. Children who often exercise are more alert(灵活). That means they do better in tests and schoolwork than those who don’t exercise.
They are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games. Make sure you exercise in the following ways: You have to like what you are doing. Exercise enough--- but not too much. It’s best to exercise twice a week. Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all kinds of sports until you find one, two or even three sports that feel right for you.
You can exercise at fitness centers. They have a lot of equipment(设备)there. The equipment will help exercise your arms, legs and other parts of your body to make you healthy. Some people buy equipment for their homes. But it’s very expensive.
小题1:the underline word “fitness centers” in the passage means _____.
小题2:The sport “_____” is not told in the passage.
A.playing soccerB.skateboarding
小题3:The doctors say that exercise can make your heart and body _____.
小题4:About “exercise”, which statement of the following is NOT right?
A.Thirty minutes’ exercise each time is enough.
B.You have to exercise too much every day.
C.You needn’t do all kinds of sports to keep healthy.
D.You have to like the sports that you are doing.
小题5:It’s best to exercise _____.
A.at fitness centersB.in groups
C.in the morningD.twice a week


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

To protect the environment, we are on the way. Here are a few things we can do.
Unwanted gifts? Give them away!
Have you ever received a gift that you didn’t like? Did you throw it away? If so, you can have another choice now. Two British companies hopes people will give away their unwanted gifts to them. And they will resell the gifts to raise money for the poor. In this way, the gifts can be refused and have a future life. And people can make a difference to the world.
Wear the trousers that reduce(减少) pollution!
A chemistry scientist and a fashion designer (时装设计师) have created a new kind of trousers. The trousers are made of a new material which can help reduce air pollution around us. Scientists have tested the material. The result shows that it isn’t harmful to human. This new kind of trousers may appear at the market in two years. Professor Ryan said, “If thousands of people wear the trousers, the air quality will be improved.”
Plant trees with Felix
Felix Finkbeiner, a 14-year-old German boy, is not famous as a child actor but an environment hero. At the age of 9, Felix got the idea that children could do something to protect the environment. So he started a club. Felix soon got support from children all over the world. Some of them have become his good friends. The club has an aim of planting 212 million trees. They have planted over 3.5 million trees all around the world. Felix said, “The answer to controlling global(全球的) warming is trees—lots of trees!”
小题1:The companies resell the unwanted gifts      .
A.to make the unwanted gifts usefulB.to help people learn to think carefully
C.to save money from itD.to make money for themselves.
小题2:The trousers mentioned in the passage         .
A.have been created by a physics scientist and a fashion designer
B.can help make air pollution less
C.will do harm to people
D.will be popular in two years
小题3:Felix started a club          .
A.to become famous
B.to become a child actor
C.to protect the environment with other children
D.to make friends with the children around the world

