His new work was a great_____, and he is a _______ composer.

A. success, successful B. success, success

C. succeed , successfully D. successful , success

A ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺ËûµÄÐÂ×÷Æ··Ç³£³É¹¦£¬ËûÊÇһλ³É¹¦µÄ×÷Çú¼Ò¡£¿¼²éÃû´ÊºÍÐÎÈݴʱæÎöÌâ¡£greatΰ´óµÄ£¬ÐÎÈÝ´ÊÐÞÊÎÃû´Ê£»succeedÊǶ¯´Ê£¨³É¹¦£©£¬successfulÊÇÐÎÈÝ´Ê£¨³É¹¦µÄ£©£¬¿ÉÅųýCDÑ¡Ïî¡£composer×÷Çú¼Ò£¬Ãû´ÊÐèÓÃÐÎÈÝ´ÊÐÞÊΣ»successÊÇÃû´Ê£¨³É¹¦£©£¬¿ÉÅųýBÏî¡£¸ù¾Ý¾äÒâÓï¾³£¬¿É֪ѡA¡£

¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÈ˽̰æ¾ÅÄ꼶ϲáÓ¢Óï unit7 µÚ3¿Îʱ ²âÊÔ ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ

¡ª Dear, you need to ____________ by next week, to go to university at home or go abroad. You are going on eighteen.

¡ª OK, Mum, I am considering it.

A. make a promise B. make a suggestion

C. make a decision D. make a difference

C ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺-Ç×°®µÄ£¬ÄãÐèÒªÔÚÏÂÖÜ֮ǰ×ö¾ö¶¨£¬ÔÚ¹úÄÚÉÏ´óѧ»¹ÊÇÈ¥¹úÍâ¡£Äã¾ÍÒªÂúÊ®°ËËêÁË¡£-ºÃµÄ£¬ÂèÂ裬ÎÒÕýÔÚ¿¼ÂÇÕâ¼þÊ¡£make a promise³Ðŵ£¬Ðíŵ£»make a suggestionÌὨÒ飻make a decision×ö¾ö¶¨£»make a differenceÓÐÇø±ð£¬ÓÐ×÷Ó᣸ù¾Ý¾äÒâto go to university at home or go abroad¿ÉÖª£¬ÕâÀï...


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÅ£½òÒëÁÖ°æ°ËÄ꼶ÏÂѧÆÚUnit 6µ¥Ôª²âÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ

I think _____________ necessary to do some morning exercises every day.

A. it B. that C. this D. one

A ¡¾½âÎö¡¿ÊÔÌâ·ÖÎö£º¾äÒ⣺ÎÒÈÏΪÿÌìÔçÉÏ×ö³¿Á·ÊǺÜÓбØÒªµÄ¡£´ËÌ⿼²é¹Ì¶¨¾äʽsb thinks it +adj+to do sthijÈËÈÏΪ×öijÊÂÔõôÑù¡£¸ù¾Ý¾äÒ⣬ӦѡA¡£


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There was ice on the road, and the doctor¡¯s car hit a tree and turned over three times. To his surprise, he was not hurt. He got out of the car and walked to the nearest house. He wanted to telephone the garage (Æû³µÐÞÀíÕ¾) for help. The door was opened by one of his patients. ¡°Oh, Doctor.¡± she said, ¡°I have only just telephoned you. You must have a very fast car. You have got here very quickly indeed. There has been a very bad accident (ʹÊ) in the road outside. I saw it through the window. I am sure the driver will need your help.¡±

1.Where was the doctor going in his car?

A. We don¡¯t know. B. To a patient¡¯s home.

C. To a garage. D. To his own home.

2.The doctor went to the house because

A. he knew one of his patients lived there. B. he had received a call to go there.

C. he wanted to use the telephone. D. he was injured (ÊÜÉË) and could walk no further.

3.Why did the woman patient telephone the doctor?

A. She needed medical treatment.

B. She believed somebody else needed a doctor.

C. To ask how quickly the doctor could come.

D. To ask whether the doctor was coming on his regular visit.

1.A 2.C 3.B ¡¾½âÎö¡¿ÊÔÌâ·ÖÎö£º±¾ÎÄÊÇÒ»¸öС¹ÊÊ¡£Ò»¸öÒ½Éú¿ª³µ×²µ¹Ê÷ÉÏ£¬µ«Ã»ÓÐÊÜÉË£¬Ïë¸øÆû³µÐÞÀí³§´òµç»°ÇóÖú£¬Ò»¸ö²¡ÈËÕÒµ½Ëû£¬Ëµ×Ô¼º¿´µ½ÍâÃæµÀ·ÉÏ·¢ÉúÁ˷dz£ÑÏÖصĽ»Í¨Ê¹ʣ¬¾õµÃÊÜÉ˵Ä˾»úÐèÒªÒ½ÉúµÄ°ïÖú£¬¾Í¸øËû´òÁ˵绰£¬Ã»Ïëµ½ËûÕâô¿ì¾Íµ½ÁË¡£ 1.ÌâÒ⣺ҽÉú¿ª³µÈ¥ÄÄÀïÁË£¿¿¼²é×ÛºÏÀí½âÌâ¡£A. We don¡¯t know. ÎÒÃDz»ÖªµÀ¡£B. To a patient¡¯...


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º½­ËÕÊ¡2018½ì¾ÅÄ꼶ÏÂѧÆÚµÚ¶þ´ÎÔ¿¼Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ

Mo Yan is known _________ a writer.

A. of B. for C. as D. in

C ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺ĪÑÔÊÇһλÖøÃûµÄ×÷¼Ò¡£¿¼²é½é´Ê±æÎöÌâ¡£known forÒÔ¡­¡­¶øÎÅÃû£¬Ëù½ÓÃû´Ê±íʾijÈË»òijÎïµÄÌص㡢Ìس¤µÈ£»known as±»³ÆΪ/¹«ÈÏΪ£¬ºó½ÓÃû´Ê£¬±íʾÉí·Ý¡¢Ö°ÒµµÈ£¬¶¼Êǹ̶¨¶ÌÓï¡£a writer×÷¼Ò£¬ÊÇÖ°Òµ£»¸ù¾Ý¾äÒâÓï¾³£¬¿ÉÖªbe known as·ûºÏÌâÒ⣬¹ÊÑ¡C¡£


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º½­ËÕÊ¡2018½ì¾ÅÄ꼶ÏÂѧÆÚµÚ¶þ´ÎÔ¿¼Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºÌý¶ÌÎĻشðÎÊÌâ

Tiger Watch, _____one-hour documentary, won_____ award for its amazing photography.

A. an; an B. the; a C. a; an D. an; the

C ¡¾½âÎö¡¿ÊÔÌâ·ÖÎö£º¾äÒ⣺¡¶¹Û»¢¡·£¬ÊÇÒ»¸ö³¤´ïһСʱµÄ¼Ç¼Ƭ£¬ËüÒÔÆ侪È˵ÄÉãÓ°Ó®µÃÁ˽±Ïî¡£·ÖÎö£º¿¼²é¹Ú´ÊµÄÓ÷¨£¬Ò»¸ö¼Í¼Ƭ£¬¿ªÍ·ÊÇÒÔ¸¨ÒôÒô±ê¿ªÍ·µÄµ¥´Ê£¬Òò´ËÓò»¶¨¹Ú´Êa; Ò»¸ö½±Æ·ÊÇÒÔÔªÒôÒô±ê¿ªÍ·µÄµ¥´Ê£¬Òò´ËÓò»¶¨¹Ú´Êan¡£¹ÊÑ¡C.


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º½­ËÕÊ¡2018½ì¾ÅÄ꼶ÏÂѧÆÚµÚ¶þ´ÎÔ¿¼Ó¢ÓïÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºÌý¶Ì¶Ô»°»Ø´ðÎÊÌâ

What does the woman want the man to do?

A. She wants the man to see a film with her. B. She wants the man to visit a museum.

C. She wants the man to play basketball.

A ¡¾½âÎö¡¿´ËÌâΪÌýÁ¦Ì⣬½âÎöÂÔ¡£


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2018´ºÂ³½Ì°æÆßÄ꼶ӢÓïϲá¿ÎʱѵÁ·Ì⣺Unit 3 Section B 1a-2e ÌâÐÍ£º¾äÐÍת»»


1.I will live in Shanghai in_ten_years.(¶Ô»­Ïß²¿·ÖÌáÎÊ)

______ ______ will you live in Shanghai?

2.What will teenagers do for fun twenty years from now£¿(¸ÄΪͬÒå¾ä)

What will teenagers do for fun ______ ______ ______£¿

3.There will be lots of cars in the town in five years.(¸ÄΪ·ñ¶¨¾ä)

There ______ ______ lots of cars in the town in five years.

4.Will there be more pollution in the future£¿(×÷¿Ï¶¨»Ø´ð)

Yes£¬______ ______.

5.There is a girl in the room.She is dancing.(ºÏ²¢ÎªÒ»¾ä)

There ______ a girl ______ in the room.

6.It's impossible for me to work out that difficult problem.(¸ÄΪͬÒå¾ä)

It ______ ______ for me to work out that difficult problem.

7.Tom spent two hours finishing his homework.(¸ÄΪͬÒå¾ä)

It ______ Tom two hours ______ ______ his homework.

1.How soon 2.in twentyyears 3.won'tbe 4.there will 5.isdancing 6.isn't possible 7.tooktofinish ¡¾½âÎö¡¿ 1.¾äÒ⣺ʮÄêºó£¬ÎÒ½«»áסÔÚÉϺ£¡£¸ù¾Ý»­Ïß²¿·Öin ten years£¬¿ÉÖªÓ¦ÓÃÌØÊâÒÉÎÊ´Êhow soon¡°¶à¾ÃÒÔºó¡±À´ÌáÎÊ£¬how soonÓÃÀ´¶Ô¡°i...


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÅ£½òÒëÁÖ°æ8ÏÂUnit 4 A good read µ¥Ôª²âÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ

I knew nothing about dolphins I read an article about them.

A. because B. until C. but D. or

B ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺ÎÒ¶Ôº£ëàÒ»ÎÞËùÖª£¬Ö±µ½ÎÒ¶Áµ½Ò»Æª¹ØÓÚº£ëàµÄÎÄÕ¡£A. becauseÁ¬´Ê£¬ÒòΪ£»Òýµ¼Ô­Òò×´Óï´Ó¾ä£»B. untilÁ¬´Ê£¬Ö±µ½£¬Òýµ¼Ê±¼ä×´Óï´Ó¾ä£»C. butÁ¬´Ê£¬µ«ÊÇ£¬±íʾתÕÛ¹Øϵ£»D. orÁ¬´Ê£¬»òÕߣ¬±íʾѡÔñ¹Øϵ¡£¸ù¾ÝÉÏÏÂÎÄÒâ¿ÉÖª£¬±íʾʱ¼ä¹Øϵ¡£¹ÊÑ¡£ºB¡£

