£­ is it from Liupanshui to Guiyang?

£­It's about 300 kilometres.

A. How much B. How many C. How soon D. How far

D ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺¡ª¡ª´ÓÁùÅÌË®µ½¹óÑô¶àÔ¶£¿¡ª¡ª´óÔ¼300ǧÃס£how manyÓÃÀ´ÐÞÊοÉÊýÃû´ÊµÄ¸´Êý£¬ËüµÄ¾äʽÊÇ:How many+¸´ÊýÃû´Ê+Ò»°ãÒÉÎʾ䣫?how muchÓÃÀ´ÐÞÊβ»¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê£¬±íʾÊýÁ¿£»ÓÃÀ´Ñ¯ÎÊÊÂÎïµÄÖØÁ¿£»how much ÒâΪ¡°¶àÉÙÇ®¡±Ê±£¬ÓÃÀ´Ñ¯ÎÊijÎïµÄ¼ÛÇ®¡¢¼Û¸ñ¡£ how soon¶à¾Ã£¬¶Ô½«ÓõÄʱ¼ä¶ÎÌáÎÊ£»how far¶àÔ¶£¬¶Ô¾àÀëÌáÎÊ¡£¸ù¾ÝIt's about 300 ...

¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºUnit 3 Could you please clean your room.¾«±àÁ·Ï° ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ

I tried two bookstores for the book I wanted£¬but ____ of them had it.(2016£¬Áú¶«)

A. none B. either C. neither

C ¡¾½âÎö¡¿ÊÔÌâ·ÖÎö£º¾äÒ⣺ÎÒÊÔÁËÁ½¼ÒÊéµêÕÒÎÒÏëÒªµÄÊ飬µ«ÊǶ¼Ã»ÓС£A. noneÖ¸ÈýÕß¼°ÈýÕßÒÔÉϵÄÈË»òÎﶼ²»£»B. eitherÖ¸Á½ÕßÖ®Ò»£»C. neitherÖ¸Á½Õ߶¼²»¡£±¾¾äÖ¸ÎÒÈ¥µÄÁ½¼ÒÊéµêÀﶼûÓÐÎÒÏëÒªµÄÊ飬Á½Õ߶¼²»£ºneither¡£°ïÑ¡B¡£


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1.We don¡¯t like this new film because it ends_____________a sad way.

2.Please be careful with the snakes when you go______________________the forest.

3.Sandy had no difficulty climbing ________________ the Great Wall last Sunday.

4.Lucy doesn¡¯t like maths because it¡¯s too difficult__________________her.

5.I would like to be an astronaut _________________ Jing Haipeng when I grow up.

1.in 2.through 3.up 4.for 5.like ¡¾½âÎö¡¿ 1.¾äÒ⣺ÎÒÃDz»Ï²»¶ÕⲿеçÓ°£¬ÒòΪËüÒÔ±¯É˵ķ½Ê½½áÊø¡£in½é´Ê£¬Óá¢ÒÔ£»in the wayÓÃÕâÖÖ·½Ê½¡£in a sad wayÒÔ±¯É˵ķ½Ê½¡£¹ÊÌin¡£ 2.¾äÒ⣺µ±Äã´©¹ýÉ­ÁÖʱ£¬ÇëСÐÄÄÇЩÉß¡£through½é´Ê£¬´©¹ý£¬³£Ö¸¡°×Ý´©¡¢´ÓÄÚ²¿´©¹ý¡±¡£±¾ÌâÖ¸´Ó¡°É­ÁÖÄÚ²¿¡±´©¹ý¡£¹ÊÌ...


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(2017ɽ¶«ÊÙ¹âʵÑéÖÐѧÔ¿¼)The teacher told us that the earth around the sun.

A. goes B. went

C. going D. to go

A ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺ÀÏʦ¸æËßÎÒÃǵØÇòÈÆ×ÅÌ«Ñôת¡£¿¼²é¶¯´Êʱ̬±æÎöÌâ¡£±¾¾äÊDZöÓï´Ó¾ä£¬´Ó¾äÐðÊöµÄÊǿ͹ÛÊÂʵ£¬ÐèÓÃÒ»°ãÏÖÔÚʱ£»the earthÊǵ¥ÊýµÚÈýÈ˳ƣ¬¶¯´ÊÐèÓÃÈýµ¥ÐÎʽ£»¸ù¾Ý¾äÒâÓï¾³£¬¿É֪ѡA¡£


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2017-2018ѧÄêµÚ¶þѧÆÚÆßÄ꼶ӢÓïµÚÈýµ¥ÔªÌáÓÅ¾í£¨º¬´ð°¸£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁµ¥Ñ¡

Once upon a time there was no tea at all in England. People there used to drink light beer(Æ¡¾Æ).No coffee or milk but large glasses of beer stood on the breakfast table!

When tea was first brought to England, an old couple got some as a special treat. But they did not know how it should be used. They cooked the leaves in hot water, and spread them on a piece of bacon(ѬÈâ)which they were going to have for dinner. They ate the

leaves, and threw the tea away! However, tea is becoming as popular as coffee and milk in England today.

Tea is the leaf of a plant which grows widely in China, Japan and some other countries. Tea farmers usually grow a great many tea plants on a large piece of land. When the tea leaves are ready to be picked, it is the busiest time for tea farmers in the year. They pull off the leaves and dry them. In their spare time, they pick out the best leaves and get them ready for the market. In China, whenever a visitor comes into a house, he/she is served with a cup of tea.

1.How did the old couple deal with the tea leaves?

A. They sold them. B. They ate them.

C. They burnt them. D. They threw them away.

2.Tea farmers are the busiest in the year when they .

A. serve visitors at home B. sell tea in the market

C. pick and dry tea leaves D. look for a piece of land

3.In which part of a magazine can we read the text?

A. Nature B. Culture C. Environment.

1.B 2.C 3.B ¡¾½âÎö¡¿±¾ÎĽ²ÊöÁËÒ»¶ÔÓ¢¹úÀÏ·ò¸¾µÚÒ»´ÎÈçºÎʳÓòèÒ¶µÄ¹ÊÊ£¬Í¬Ê±»¹½éÉܲèÒ¶µÄÀúÊ·ÒÔ¼°²èÅ©²É²èºÍɹ²è¡£ 1.B ϸ½ÚÀí½âÌâ¡£¸ù¾ÝThey cooked the leaves in hot water, and spread them on a piece of bacon(ѬÈâ)which they were going to have for d...


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2017-2018ѧÄêµÚ¶þѧÆÚÆßÄ꼶ӢÓïµÚÈýµ¥ÔªÌáÓÅ¾í£¨º¬´ð°¸£© ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥Ñ¡Ìâ

¡ªWould you please lend me money?

¡ªI¡¯m so sorry, but I don¡¯t take money with me today.

A. some; any B. some; some C. any; any D. any; some

A ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺-ÇëÄã½è¸øÎÒһЩǮºÃÂð£¿-¶Ô²»Æ𣬵«ÊÇÎÒ½ñÌìûÓдøÇ®¡£someһЩ£¬ÐÞÊοÉÊý»ò²»¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê£¬³£ÓÃÓڿ϶¨¾äÖУ»anyһЩ£¬ÈκΣ¬ÓÃÓÚ·ñ¶¨¾äÖС£µÚÒ»¾ä»°ÊÇÒ»°ãÒÉÎʾ䣬ÕâÀïÓÃsome±íʾÓïÆø±È½ÏίÍñ£¬Ï£Íû¶Ô·½ÄܸøÓè¿Ï¶¨µÄ»Ø¸´£»µÚ¶þ¾ä»°ÊÇ·ñ¶¨¾ä£¬¹ÊÓÃany¡£Ñ¡A¡£


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How long does it you to go to the city centre from your home by bus?

A. take B. spend C. cost D. pay

A ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺´ÓÄã¼Òµ½ÊÐÖÐÐÄ×ø¹«½»³µÐèÒª¶à³¤Ê±¼ä£¿It takes sb time to do sth×öijÊ»¨·ÑijÈËʱ¼ä£»sb spent time doing sthijÈË×öijÊ»¨·Ñʱ¼ä£»sth cost sb moneyijÎﻨ·ÑijÈËÇ®£»sb pay money for sthijÈËΪijÎïÖ§¸¶Ç®¡£¹ÊÑ¡A¡£


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¡ªDon¡¯t ________too late£¬or you will feel tired in class tomorrow.

¡ªI won¡¯t£¬Mom.Good night!

A. wake up B. get up C. stay up

C ¡¾½âÎö¡¿¾äÒ⣺¡ª¡ª²»Òª°¾Ò¹Ì«Íí£¬·ñÔòÃ÷Ìì¿ÎÌÃÉÏÄã»á¸Ðµ½ÀÛ¡£¡ª¡ªÎÒ²»»á£¬ÂèÂ裬Íí°²£¡A. wake up ÐÑÀ´£» B. get upÆð´²£» C. stay up°¾Ò¹£»¸ù¾Ýyou will feel tired in class tomorrow¿ÉÖªÊÇ°¾Ò¹£»¹ÊÑ¡C


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ÿ¸öÈ˶¼Óи÷ÖÖ¸÷ÑùµÄÏ°¹ß,ÓÐЩϰ¹ßÄܹ»ÖúÄã³É³¤,ÓÐЩϰ¹ß»á·Á°­Äã½ø²½¡£Çë½áºÏ¸öÈËʵ¼ÊÇé¿ö,ÒÔ¡°My habits¡±ÎªÌâ,дһƪ¶ÌÎÄ¡£







My habits Different people have different habits.I have my own habits. I always go to bed early and get up early to read English books.I am an honest boy and I often help my parents with housewo...

