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Very often, new-born babies aren’t beautiful. They’re wrinkled (皱褶), or they have an angry look on their faces. They seem to say, “Get away!I hate everybody.” But to a parent, that wrinkled, angry-faced baby is the most beautiful and perfect child in the world. When a proud (自豪的) parent asks you, “Well, what do you think…? Isn’t she beautiful?” What are you going to say? Is this the time for the truth (真相)? Of course not!

You look at that proud parent in the eye and say, “Yes, she is! She is really a beauty. She’s going to be a movie star! I can tell!”

In English this is a white lie. White lies don’t hurt (伤害) people. They aren’t angry words. People use them to make a difficult thing a little easier. When people don’t want to meet someone, or they eat something new that they really don’t like at a friend’s house, they’ll tell a white lie. They are trying to be kind. They don’t want to hurt anyone. It’s important to be honest, but being kind is sometimes more important.


1.根据短文内容填空:Parents are usually ______________ when their babies are born.

2.The word “white” in the phrase “a white lie” means ________.

A. 白色的谎言 B. 善意的谎言 C. 真实的谎言

3.Which of the following is a white lie?

A. You break the window but you say you don’t know who breaks it.

B. You know Jim has picked up (捡起)a wallet but you say you don’t know.

C. You don’t think your friend’s first picture is great but you say it is.

4.从文中找出下列句子的同义句。Sometimes it’s more important to be kind.


5..回答问题:Why do people use white lies? ___________________________




4.Being kind is sometimes more important

5.Because white lies don’t hurt people./ People use them to make a difficult thing a little easier. / They are trying to be kind. / They don’t want to hurt anyone.




2. lie善意的谎言。根据短文可知,white lie不会伤害别人,反而是用来安慰别人的话。


4. it’s more important to be kind. 在此句中,to be kind做真正的主语。结合最后一段,可知诚实固然重要,但是有时善良会更加重要。所以需要填being kind is sometimes more important。




科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年河南三门峡市九年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— Who's ________ girl in yellow?

—She is Judy. And she plays ________ chess quite well.

A. a, / B. the, / C. the, the D. a, the


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江泰顺县七年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--- _________________?

--- I’m fine, thanks.

A. How old are you B. What day is it today

C. What’s the weather like D. How are you


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江育英寄宿学校八年级实验A班1月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—_______ do you talk to your teacher at the School Air?

—Once a week.

A. How long B. How much

C. How soon D. How often


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江育英寄宿学校八年级实验A班1月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

?_______the population of China??_______over 1,300,000,000.

A. How many are; They are B. How?s; It’s

C. What’s; It’s D. How much is; It’s


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东崂山第十一中学八年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

“I don't like my parents. They always tell me I should do this, and should not do that. It sometimes makes me angry,” said Zhang Hua,a middle school student in Guangzhou. Do you have the same problem? Perhaps your parents had the same problem when they were your age long ago. Why does it seem that some parents are not so friendly in their children's eyes?

One of the biggest things is when someone becomes a parent, he/she likes worrying about things. They worry about everything about you, from the time you were born (出生). They do a lot for you, though something would make you angry, because they care about you and worry about you. They worry about your choice (选择) of friends, the food you eat, your work at school, how much sleep you get, etc. All these things are part of your life. They want you to grow up healthily and happily.

So how can you make things easier on yourself? It's easier than you think. Just make sure your parents know what you're doing. Get them to know your friends. Phone if you stay somewhere else so that your parents don't call everybody in the phone book looking for you. Say sorry to them when you make mistakes. Take responsibility (负责任) for what you did. Talk about your ideas with them. They may talk about theirs with you.

Most of all, try to think about why your parents do this or do that. They are still practicing being parents and need help from you. Someday, when you become a parent, they may be able to help you how to get on with your children.

1.Parents sometimes look so unfriendly because ______.

A. they are older than us

B. they worry about almost everything about us

C. they have the same problems as us

D. they are often unhappy

2.Parents worry about ______.

A. who you make friends with B. what you eat

C. your schoolwork D. all the above

3.The writer thinks we should ______ if we go back home later than usual.

A. tell our friends

B. tell the teacher

C. say sorry to our parents

D. make a telephone call to our parents

4.The writer thinks ______.

A. it's wrong of parents to worry about their children too much

B. some parents are unfriendly, and this makes their children angry

C. parents love their children very much and the children should understand them

D. children should do everything as their parents say

【小题】Which is the best title (题目) for the passage?

A. How to Get on with (相处) Parents?

B. Parents' Responsibility

C. Zhang Hua's Problem

D. What Are Parents Worrying about?


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东崂山第十一中学八年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Do you know that Ann is ill in hospital?

Yes, I do. I _______ her tomorrow.

A. visit B. was visiting

C. will seeing D. am going to see


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东崂山第十一中学八年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Tigers wait ______ it is dark, then they go out to find their food.

A. though B. as C. because D. until


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏无锡前洲中学八年级上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Sometimes I feel lonely,

Like I’m by myself with no one here.

When I’m that way, I call a friend.

My lonely mood(心情) soon disappears(消失).

Sometimes I feel excited,

Like I have some news I have to share!

My friends open their ears to me.

They always listen, talk, and .

Sometimes I feel so sad,

Like my world is cold and darkest blue.

At those times my friends let me know

They’re with me, standing strong and true.

Sometimes I feel mixed-up,

Like I just don’t know how I should feel.

My friends then help me figure out

What’s right and wrong, what’s false and real!

1. What happens when the poet(诗人) has something to talk about?

A. His friends feel mixed-up.

B. His friends listen to what he says.

C. His friends don’t want to hear about it.

D. His friends are in a bad mood.

2.Please think of a word to complete the sentence “They always listen, talk, and ”.

A. care B. read C. dance D. sing

3. In this poem, the color blue is _________________.

A. a beautiful color

B. a color of sadness

C. the color of someone’s eyes

D. a color that makes the writer happy again

4.What does “figure out” mean?

A. Look out. B. Feel better.

C. Say something true. D. Find out.

5.Which feeling is NOT mentioned(提及) in the poem?

A. Excitement. B. Anger. C. Sadness. D. Loneliness.

