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will the weather like tomorrow?

A. What, / B. What, be C. How, be D. How,/

B 【解析】试题分析:句意:明天的天气怎么?英语中表示明天天气,用一般将来时,be like表示像…样,故选B

科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版八年级下学期Unit 6单元测试卷 题型:补全对话5选5


Kitty: I hear Mr. Wu told you to organize a charity show. When is it?

Sandy: It will be on next Sunday. Come and help me. I hope our charity show will be a success. I’m nervous 1.

Kitty: I’ll phone my cousin, Ricky. He can help us2..

Sandy: 3.. I hope he’s not too busy.

Kitty: Don’t worry. His show is over. 4.. I’m sure he’d like to help.

Sandy: I wish 5..

Kitty: I wish we could have a lot of pop stars in the show.

A. we could have our show at a big theatre

B. That’s a good idea

C. so he has lots of free time now

D. because I don’t know how to organize a show

E. because he has organized a charity show before

1.D 2.E 3.B 4.C 5.A 【解析】本对话主要谈论组织一次慈善演出的情况。下星期日,吴先生叫桑迪组织一个慈善演出。桑迪很紧张,因为她不知道如何组织一场演出。桑迪希望基蒂能帮帮她。基蒂说她将给她的表弟瑞奇打电话的,他可以帮助他们,因为他以前组织过一次慈善演出。最后桑迪希望晚会能在大剧院演出,并且在演出中能有很多流行歌星。 1.句意:我很紧张,因为我不知...


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省2018届九年级下学期第二次月考英语试卷 题型:听短文回答问题



Two kinds of colours

______ colours and cool colors

The warm colours

red,____________and yellow

good colours for a living room and restaurant

The cool colours

People like cool colours, they are usually __________.

Cool colours are better for offices or factories.

1.A. strong B. warm C. cold

2.A. green B. black C. orange

3.A. active B. noisy C. quiet

1.B 2.C 3.C 【解析】此题为听力题,解析略。 1.听力题,解析略。 2.听力题,解析略。 3.听力题,解析略。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版九年级英语中考一模专题练习-任务型阅读 题型:填空

A language professor was explaining to her class that French nouns are grammatically designated as male or female. “Pencil, in French, is male; House, in French, is female.”

One puzzled student raised his hand and asked, “What gender(性别) is a computer?”

The teacher did not know, and the word wasn’t in her French dictionary. So for fun she divided the class into two groups and asked them to decide whether a computer should be a male or female noun.

Both groups were required to give four reasons for their recommendation.

The men’s group decided that computers should definitely be of the female gender because:

1.No one but their creator understands their internal logic.

2.The native language which they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible(无法理解) to everyone else.

3.Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long-term memory for possible later retrieval(检索).

4.As soon as you buy one, you’ll find yourself spending half of your salary on accessories(零配件) for it.

The women’s group, however, concluded that computers should be male because:

1.In order to get their attention, you have to turn them on.

2.They have a lot of data but they are still stupid.

3.They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they are the problem.

4.As soon as you buy one, you’ll be aware that if you had waited a little longer, you could have a better model.

What Gender is a Computer?




2. their creator understands their internal logic.

◆The native language used to communicate with other computers can’t be 3. by everyone else.

◆It even 4.the smallest mistakes in the memory for possible later retrieval.

◆Accessories for a computer will 5. half of your salary after you buy one.


◆In order to get their attention, you 7. turn them on.

◆They have a lot of data but they are still knowing 8..

9. they are supposed to help you solve problems, half the time they are the problem.

◆As soon as you buy one, you’ll 10. that if you had waited a little longer, you could have a better model.

1.Reason(s) 2.Only 3.understood 4.stores 5.cost 6.Male 7.must 8.nothing/little 9.Although/Though 10.realize/know 【解析】试题分析:本文以辩论的形式,分“男子组”和“女子组”论证了计算机的“性别”,“男子组”认为是女性,而“女子...


科目:初中英语 来源:2018春鲁教版七年级英语下册课时训练题:Unit 3 Section B 1a-2e 题型:单选题

—I think math is more useful than P.E.

—I don't______you.They are both useful.

A. get on with B. catch up with

C. talk with D. agree with

D 【解析】句意:——我认为数学比体育更有用。——我不同意你的看法,他们都是有用的。A. get on with与…相处;B. catch up with赶上、追赶;C. talk with与…交谈;D. agree with同意、赞同。根据They are both useful可知是和对方的观点不一致,所以应是不同意对方观点;结合选项,故答案选D。


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版九年级英语中考一模专题练习-完成句子 题型:完成句子


He believed that the moment _______________________________________ .


The man ______________________________________ writing for ten years.


Please remember happiness never __________________________________________.


Her teaching style ______________________________________________ most teachers.


Our car ______________________________________________ the icy road.


Our head teacher ____________________________ our behavior after we are in Grade Nine.


It turned out that __________________________________________________ the fighting.


Don’t always get angry. You should _________________________________ people.


If you _____________________________, you may tell them in the right way.


He ______________________________________ his elder twin brother.

11.Chairman Xi asks each of us Party members to ____________________ (对自己严格要求).

1.was well worth waiting for 2.in his forties has kept 3.depends on how much your car costs/is worth 4.is similar to that of 5.was out of control because of 6.will be stricter with us i...


科目:初中英语 来源:Unit 12 单元同步测试卷 题型:看图识词


1.Linda doesn’t like ______, because they are scary.

2.The water in the ______ is very clean.

3.We like to walk along the ______.

4.I can see two ______ in the picture.

5.There are three ______ in the kitchen.

1.snakes 2.lake 3.beach 4.kites 5.mice 【解析】 1.句意:Linda不喜欢蛇,因为他们很吓人。snake蛇,是一个名词。根据下句话中because they are scary可知,they代指的是这里的名词, 是复数的,故这里填复数形式snakes。 2.句意:湖里的水是非常干净的。lake湖,是一个名词。根据句意...


科目:初中英语 来源:牛津译林版8下Unit 4 A good read 单元测试卷 题型:阅读单选

If you're making a list of the most attractive places to visit when you grow up, Italy is one you shouldn't drop.

Italy lies in southern Europe. It is home to 58 million people. It's about twice the size of

China's Shanxi Province.

Why does this not-too-big country attract people from all over the world?

To 14-year-old Zhi Rui in Beijing, Italy is a country with a long history, special beauty and taste.

"I would like to visit Rome and boat in the moonlight in Venice. Would the pasta ( 意大利) and pizza there taste the same as what I have in Beijing?"

Rome, in the west of the county, is the biggest city in Italy. The city is like a great museum, open to all. It has a history of more than 2,700 years. Historical sites are everywhere,such as the Colosseum (Arena of Death) (竞技场), and Pantheon (万神殿), to name just two.

Venice, a city on water, is one of the wonders of the country. This city in the north-east of Italy is built on more than 110 islands. Seawater is everywhere in and around the city. People

there move from place to place by boat.

Art: No matter where you are in Italy, you are sure to come across paintings and statues in museums and churches. In Milan Cathedral (米兰大教堂) alone are more than 3,000 statues.

1.If China's Shanxi Province has an area of 150,000 square kilometres, Italy is

square kilomotres in area.

A. 150,000 B. 300,000 C. 580,000 D. 75,000

2.How many cities are talked about in the passage?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

3.People in Venice usually take a to go out.

A. train B. bus C. subway D. boat

4.The underlined phrase "to name just two" means ________

A. 命两个名字 B. 仅有两个名字 C. 一举两得 D. 仅举两例

5.What is the best title of the passage?

A. A country on water B. A country with a long history

C. Pasta and pizza in Italy D. A taste of Italy

1.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.D 【解析】短文大意: 意大利这个国家是一个吸引人的地方,本文主要介绍了意大利与众不同的风情。 1.根据第二段最后一句 It's about twice the size of China's Shanxi Province.可知,意大利面积是山西省的两倍。故选:B。 2.根据倒数第二段与第三段的描述可知,本文谈论到两个...


科目:初中英语 来源:天津市 2018年 中考英语 语法-名词 专项复习 题型:单选题

She studied________medicine before she became________writer.

A. the; the B. the;a C. /; a D. /; the

C 【解析】句意:在她成为一名作家之前,她学习医学。a是不定冠词,修饰可数名词单数,表示泛指一个…;the是定冠词,修饰名词,表示特指。第一个空后的名词medicine是一个专业的名称,前面不用冠词;第二个空前became是一个系动词,作表语的名词前应加不定冠词。故选C。

