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11.Over a year ago,Liang Bo was just an ordinary college student studying music.Now,after nearly 80 days of competition,he has become"The Voice of China."
The lucky young man was the winner of the firstseason of The Voice of China,the most popular TV talent show last summer.Hecaptured(虏获) the heartsof audience(观众) with hispassionate(激情的) rock'n'rollperformance at the show's final on Sep.30,2012.
Fans describe Li ang's voi ce as"natural,clear and touching."Although he seems cool on stage,he can quickly turn on the power once he starts singing."His performances makeyou imagine things.When I listen to his singing,I see pictures and think ofstories."said Na Ying,one of the four judges on the show.She was also Liang'stutor for the competition.
The 21-year-old boy was born in Changchun,Jilin.Like many young Chinese,he fell in love with music through playing the guitar.Liang got his first guitar as a birthday gift when he was in the middle school.He would spend days and nights practicing."I can't live without my guitar,"hesaid.
"I d on't like talking much but I carry great passion inside me."Liangsaid.There is no better way to let it out than through music like rock'n'roll.Many compare Liang to famous Chinese rockers including Xu Wei,Wang Feng andZheng Jun.But the young man doesn't want to stand in others'shadow(阴影)."I respect those rockers,but I'mnot going to copy them.I will be who I am."he said.

86.What was Liang Bo before the competition?An ordinary college student./He was anordinary college student.
87.How many judges are there in the TV talent show?4/Four.
88.Does Liang Bo come from Changchun?Yes./Yes,he does.
89.Which was the most popular TV show in summer in 2012?The Voice of China
90.Who was Liang Bo's tutor in the competition?Na Ying..

分析 一年前,梁博还是一个在普通大学里学习音乐的学生.现在,经过近乎80天的比赛之后,他现在成为了"中国好声音".这个幸运的男生是去年夏天最受欢迎的电视选秀节目《中国好声音》第一季的冠军,2012年9月30日,总决赛上他用他的激情摇滚俘虏了观众们的心.歌迷们用"真诚、纯净、感动"来形容他的声音.尽管他在舞台上看上去是那么冷酷,可是当他开始演唱的时候,他可以立马充满激情.节目的四个评委之一也是比赛中梁博的导师那英说:"他的声音让你充满想象,当我听他唱歌的时候,我看到了图片并且想起故事."这个21岁的男孩在吉林长春出生.跟中国的很多年轻男生一样,梁博也是通过玩吉他而爱上音乐的.当他中学的时候,他收到了他的第一把吉他作为生日礼物.他会花上整日整夜去练习吉他.他说:"离开吉他,我无法生存."梁博说"我不喜欢说话但是我内心充满激情.没有比摇滚乐更能表现我的内心狂热的想法了"很多人拿梁博跟许巍、汪峰和郑钧这些中国著名的摇滚乐歌手相比.但是这个年轻人不想站在其让人的阴影下生活.梁博说"我尊重那些摇滚乐歌手,但是我不准备模仿他们,我就是我."

解答 86.An ordinary college student./He was anordinary college student.细节理解题.根据语境Over a year ago,Liang Bo was just an ordinary college student studying music.可知梁博在比赛之前是一个普通大学里的学生.故答案为:An ordinary college student./He was anordinary college student.
87.4/Four.细节理解题.根据语境said Na Ying,one of the four judges on the show.可知有四个导师.故答案为:4/Four.
88.Yes./Yes,he does.细节理解题.根据语境The 21-year-old boy was born in Changchun,Jilin.可知梁博来自长春.故答案为:Yes./Yes,he does.
89.The Voice of China.细节理解题.根据语境The lucky young man was the winner of the first season of The Voice of China,the most popular TV talent show last summer.He captured(虏获) the heartsof audience(观众) with his passionate(激情的) rock'n'roll performance at the show's final on Sep.30,2012.可知2012年夏天最受欢迎的电视节目是《中国好声音》.故答案为:The Voice of China
90.Na Ying.细节理解题.根据语境said Na Ying,one of the four judges on the show.She was also Liang'stutor for the competition.可知梁博的导师是那英.故答案为:Na Ying.

点评 本题考查人物故事类阅读理解.文章讲述第一季《中国好声音》冠军梁博的故事.首先要通读全文,了解文章大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息和所给问题,回答出问题的答案.在解题过程中注意时态,人称和单复数统一运用.最后再通读全文,查缺补漏.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.-How far is it from the railway station to the hotel?
--It's about _______ walk.(  )
A.ten minute'sB.ten-minutesC.ten minutes'D.ten minutes


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.I will tell you the story of the ant and the grasshopper(蝗虫)‘it is a cold winter's day and an ant is bringing out some grains of corn(谷粒).He gathered(收集)them in the summer.He wants to dry them.
The grasshopper is hungry.He sees the ant and says,"Give me a few grains corn; l am dying of hunger."
"But,"says the ant,"what did you do in the summer?Didn't you store up(贮藏)some corn?"
"No,"says the grasshopper,"I was too busy."
"What did you do?"asks the ant.
"I sang all day,"answers the grasshopper.
"If you sang all summer,"says the ant,"you can dance all winter."

6l.The ant dries the grains of cornB.
A.in the summer            B.in the winter
C.on weekdays             D.when he is hungry
62.The grasshopper is very hungry because he onlyD.
A,danced      B.dried the grains      C.stared up corn  D.sang
63.The ant gave the grasshopperC.
A.some grains of corn       B.something to eat
C.nothing                   D.some rice
64.The title of the story may beA•
A.The Ant and the grasshopper
B.The Ant Sing and Dances
C.The Happy Grasshopper
D.Store up Some Corn and you'll be Hungry
65.From the story we can knowD.
A.the ant is our good friend
B.we must think about ourselves before we do anything.
C.people must help others
D.we must work hard for a good life.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.-What's the book on your table,Lingling?
-Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.Betty______it to me from England.(  )
A.is sendingB.will sendC.sendsD.sent


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.-Jenny,is this bike     ?
-Oh,no,it's not     .(  )


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.Your watch            exactly like mine.(  )
A.is lookB.lookingC.is lookedD.looks


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.-The math problem is too hard.Could you help me _______?
-Ok,Let me try.(  )
A.look after itB.work it outC.think of itD.put it on


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.When Mr.Gesang _______in Lhasa tomorrow,I'll send you a message.(  )
A.will arriveB.arrivesC.is arrivingD.arrived


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.There        a basketball match this weekend.(  )
A.will haveB.is going to be
C.is going to have   

