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I have two pen pals. One is from    . Her name is Jessica. She lives     her parents in Toronto. She is      outgoing(外向的) and smart girl .She likes singing and    .Chinese music is her favorite. So she often writes letters to me to talk     Chinese music. The other     from Tokyo .She is a      girl .She keeps many cats at home,       she likes little animals so much. In her letters, she often tells me about her pets and interesting Japanese cartoons .I often write to her     Chinese, because she is       Chinese by herself.
A.ChinaB.EnglandC.CanadaD.the US
A.with B.andC.orD.about
A.soB.but C.becauseD.if
A.atB.inC.onD. for


小题1:考查名词及语境的理解。A. China 中国;B. England 英国;C .Canada 加拿大;D. the US美国。句意:一个来自加拿大。根据She lives   her parents in Toronto.可知他们住在多伦多,加拿大的首都,故选C。
小题2:考查介词及语境的理解。A. with 用;B .and 和;C. or 或者;D. about关于。句意:她和她的父母住在多伦多。live with sb.和某人住在一起。故选A。
小题3:考查冠词及语境的理解。A.a 一个;B .the 那个;C. / D .an一个。句意:她是一个性格外向而且聪明的女孩。因为有形容词outgoing修饰,元音音素开头,故用不定冠词an来修饰。故选D。
小题4:考查动词及语境的理解。A.dance跳舞;B. dances 跳舞;C. dancing.跳舞;D.danced跳舞;句意:她喜欢唱歌和跳舞。and前后并列,接相同成分,前面是singing,故and后用dancing。故选C。
小题5:考查介词及语境的理解。A.to向;B. with 用;C. about 关于;D .in在……里。句意:她给我写信的目的是讨论关于中国音乐。talk about讨论关于某事;talk to/with跟某人谈论。此处接的宾语是Chinese music,故用介词about.故选C。
小题6:考查动词及语境的理解。A. be 是;B. are 是;C.come 来;D. is是。句意:另一个来自东京。根据I have two pen pals.可知此处是两者中的另一个,故谓语用单数形式is,故选D。
小题7:考查名词及语境的理解。A.Japan 日本;B. France 法国;C. Japanese 日本的,日语;D .French法语。句意:她是一个日本女孩。根据The other     from Tokyo .可知她来自东京,日本的首都,故选C。
小题8:考查连词及语境的理解。A.so所以;B. but 但是;C. because 因为;D .if如果。句意:因为她非常喜欢小动物。根据She keeps many cats at home可知她在家养了那么多动物,是因为她喜欢动物。故选C。
小题9:考查介词及语境的理解。A.at在;B. in 在……里;C .on 在……之上;D.  for为了。句意:我经常用汉语跟她写信。in Chinese用汉语。故选B。
小题10:考查动词及语境的理解。A. learn 学习;B .learning 学习;C. learns 学习;D. learnt学习。句意:因为她正在自学汉语。位于be动词之后,表示主动,故用现在分词learning,故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Hello, I’m Frank.  I’m twenty-four years old. I live in Shanghai now. There are many tall buildings, big houses and busy streets in this city. My flat(公寓) is on the eighth floor of a ten-floor building. There is a nice park. In the morning, there are many people doing exercise in it. My flat is small. It has no kitchen. There is only one bedroom. It looks nice and tidy. My favorite place is the balcony(阳台). I often sit on the balcony to have a rest .
I work in a restaurant on a busy street. It is a good place to meet friends and taste nice food. I’m always busy cooking food and making coffee for the customers(顾客). When I’m free, I’ll help the waiters clean the chairs and tables. Sometimes I feel a little tired, but I’m happy here.
小题1:There is no ________in Frank’ s flat.
小题2:What is Frank’s flat like?
A.It’s small and busy.B.It’s big and tidy.C.It’s small and tidy.D.It’s big and busy.
小题3:The flat is on the _______ floor.
小题4:Frank works as a _________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Every day we use money to buy what we want. But have you ever really noticed the bill (钞票) in your hand? There are different pictures on both sides of banknotes (纸币) and interesting stories behind them.
Most banknotes have famous people on the front, such as a country’s leader or a great scientist, while on the back of the paper note there are usually some well-known scenes or national buildings.
The latest editions of Chinese banknotes use the picture of Mao Zedong, founding father of the People’s Republic of China, on the front of all yuan bills. However, the backs of the bills are different. The Great Hall of the People, on the 100-yuan note, is a landmark (地标) in Beijing. Important meetings are always held there. The Lijiang River in Guilin, on the 20-yuan note, is one of the most beautiful scenes in the world.
The US 1-dollar bill has the first president, George Washington, on the front side. A 13-level pyramid is on the back. Benjamin Franklin, a great scientist and politician (政治家) from the US, appears on the front of the 100-dollar bill. You can see the White House, where the presidents live, on the back of the 20-dollar bill.
小题1:According to Paragraph 2, which one probably appears on the back of the banknotes?
A.Abraham Lincoln.B.Elizabeth II.
C.Taishan Mountain.D.Titanic.
小题2:The Lijiang River of Guilin is __________.
A.on the back of 20-yuan noteB.on the front of 20-yuan note
C.on the front of 100-yuan noteD.on the back of 100-yuan note
小题3:On the front of the 100-dollar bill, we can see __________.
A.George WashingtonB.Benjamin Franklin
C.a 13-level pyramidD.the White House


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Many years ago, I had my first chance to visit Russia. "Russians are a very polite people," I had been told before my arrival. One of my friends explained that a gentleman will pour the lemonade for the ladies and show other good manners.
Toward the end of my three-week trip, I was invited by my Russian friend Nicolai Vasilevich and his wife Yulya out to dinner. At the end of a wonderful meal, Yulya asked if I would like a banana. I politely declined(婉谢) and thanked her, and explained I was most satisfied with the meal. But my mind was racing: "What should I do? Should I offer her a banana though they are as close to her as they are to me? What is the polite thing to do?"
"Would you like a banana?" I asked Yulya.
"Yes," she smiled, but didn't try to take any of the three bananas in the fruit basket.
"Which one would you like?" I asked again.
"That one," she pointed at one of the bananas. So thinking about Russian politeness, f picked the banana Yulya had pointed at. Then I peeled it half way and handed it to her.Smiles on Yulya's and Nicolai's faces told me I had done the right thing. Alter this experience, I spent much time letting the world know that in Russia, the polite thing was to peel bananas for ladies.
However, sometime during my third trip i learned I was wrong.
"Oh no, David," a Russian politely corrected me.  "In Russia, when a man peels a banana for a lady, it means he has a romantic interest in her." How embarrassed (尴尬) I felt.
So to communicate properly with people of different cultures, we should watch carefully how people of the same culture communicate with each other. Besides, don’t be afraid to ask questions about their culture.
小题1:Before his first visit to Russia, the writer learned Russian gentlemen are polite to____.
小题2:The underlined word "peeled" in Paragraph 6 means "_________".
A.took the skin off something
B.put something hack
C.made something clean
D.cut something in two
小题3:Which of the following seems to be true according to the passage?
A.The writer's third trip lasted about three weeks.
B.Russian gentlemen never peel bananas for ladies.
C.The writer tried to follow Russians~ behavior in Russia.
D.Yulya was pleased with the writer's behavior but Nicolai wasn't.
小题4:The writer wrote the passage mainly to___________.
A.show us how polite Russian people are
B.tell us his funny experience in Russia
C.ask us to care about cultural differences
D.remind us what we should do in Russia


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Today, people want to keep healthy through sports and exercise. But some of them have some wrong ideas about it.
 “A plate of chicken is a good meal before games because it has much energy.”
 In fact, the best meal before games should have carbohydrates (碳水化合物). Food like potatoes, bread, bananas are rich in it, but chicken and meat are not.
“The best time to exercise is early in the morning.”
Morning is a good time to exercise,but it may not be good for you.If afternoon or evening is OK for you,and you enjoy the feeling of getting healthier,you can choose (选择)any time to exercise.So there is no fixed time for you to exercise.
“If you drink water when you exercise,you’ll feel tired.”
You must have some water during breaks (在休息期间) when you exercise. And after exercising, you must
have enough water. If you don’t drink enough water, then you may feel tired.
 “ Exercising every day is quite important.”
 Wrong. Too much exercise is bad for our health. You need to give your body a day of rest.
小题1:Before games it is good for you to eat ___________.
小题2:The underlined word “fixed” probably means (意思是) ___________.
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Don’t drink water when you exercise, or you’ll feel tired.
B.Evening is the best time to exercise because it’s always cool.
C.You should eat enough meat because they can give you energy before games.
D.Exercising too much is not good for us.
小题4:Which of the following will be the best title (标题)?
A.Results (结果) of sports and exercise.
B.Best time for sports and exercise.
C.Reasons for sports and exercise.
D.Wrong ideas about sports and exercise.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Travel in Europe
France is a great place for all the people in the world to travel. The Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔), which is 320 meters high, is the symbol of Paris. It was built in 1889. The Triumphal Arch(凯旋门) was finished in 1836. It’s a world famous building, too. Besides, you can also enjoy the colorful streets, the beautiful river Seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic people, and the old history.
Spain (西班牙)
When traveling in Spain, you shouldn’t miss Madrid(马德里), the capital of Spain. It has many fantastic travel sights including Royal Palace of Madrid.(马德里皇宫) Royal Palace of Madrid is the third largest palace in Europe. You can’t imagine how beautiful it is until you take a trip there. If you happen to be in Madrid in the bullfighting(斗牛) season, you can try watching it, because bullfighting(斗牛) plays a crucial role in Spanish culture!
Switzerland (瑞士)
As we all know Switzerland is the land of watches. Whatever you do, don’t miss watching its clock and watch museum. And you can find it in Geneva, the capital of Switzerland. If you like skiing(滑雪), Switzerland has the world's best Ski resorts, Mount Titlis(铁力士雪山).It’s known as the Ski paradise(天堂) all over the world.
小题1:Where can you enjoy the beautiful river Seine?
A.In FranceB.In SpainC.In BritainD.In Switzerland
小题2:If you are crazy about skiing, which travel spotlight might you go to?
A.The Eiffel Tower.B.Royal Palace of Madrid
C.The Triumphal ArchD.Mount Titlis
小题3:The three passages above may be from____________.
A.story booksB.travel magazines
C.science booksD.newspapers


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Danny was just tired about the way things were going. His mom came to the school and went on and on about Rick Jackson. It seemed that she would never stop talking. "Somebody's got to stop that boy!" she was shouting. "Rick's troubling everybody in the neighborhood. And he loves to pick on little boys like Danny. "
Mrs. Green, Danny's teacher, was concerned (担心) a lot."I didn't know that Danny was being picked on," she answered."He's never said anything about this to me!"Mrs. Green looked at Danny."How long has this been going on?" she asked. Danny could only shake his head and look at the floor. He knew if he said a word about this, he would have trouble after school.
Danny hadn't said anything about the problem because he wanted to do things with the boys in the neighborhood. After all, most of them were nice to him. He hated to leave the gang just because of Rick. Maybe the time had come to find new friends. He felt it hard to make up his mind.
小题1:We learn from the reading that ___________,
A. Danny was not a good student
B. Danny's mother was quite worried about Danny
C. Danny wanted to get away from Rick
小题2:When Danny’s mother came for Mrs. Green, Mrs. Green __________.
A. was still in the dark about it
B. said sorry to Danny's mother
C. called Rick in to explain it.
小题3:Danny now _________.
A. was tired of the school and his friends
B. was always alone to stay away from Rick
C. was not sure what he should to do with the problem
小题4:Danny didn't say anything about the matter to Mrs. Green because__________.
A. she had known it
B. The other boys would tell her
C. He didn't want to be in trouble
小题5:The word ‘gang’ in the reading means __________.
A. a place for boys to play games
B. a group of young people
C. a school bus for children to and from school


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Life is not easy, so I’d like to say “When anything happens, believe in yourself.”
When I was 14, I was___ nervous to talk to anyone. My classmates often____me. I was sad but could do nothing. Later,___ happened. It changed my life. It was an English speech contest. My mother asked me to take part in it. What a (n)___ ideal! It meant I had to___ in front of all the teachers and students of my school!“Come on, boy. Believe in yourself. You are sure to    .” Then, Mother and I talked about many different topics(题目). At last I      the topic “Believe in yourself”. I tried my best to     all the speech and practiced it over 100 times.      my mother’s great love, I did well in the contest. I could not     my ears when the news came that I had won the first place. I heard the cheers(喝彩声)    the teachers and students. Those     who once looked down on(瞧不起)me, now all said “Congratulations” to me. My mother hugged me and cried        .
Since then, everything has changed for me. When I do anything, I try to tell    to be sure and I will find myself. This is true not only for a person       for a country.
A.soB.too C.veryD.quite
A.made faces atB.looked after C.caught up with D.laughed at
A.somethingB.nothing C.anything D.everything
A.interestingB.exciting C.terrible D.wonderful
A.write B.speak C.tell D.say
A.reached B.brought C.chose D.thought
A.remember B.see C.spell D.hear
A.At B.To C.WithD.As
A.hit B.hurtC.say D.believe
A.aboutB.on C.toD.from
A.teachers B.classmates C.boysD.girls
A.angrily B.sadly C.quietlyD.excitedly
A.me B.my C.mine D.myself
A.howeverB.but also C.so that D.as a result


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When you buy a T-shirt, or a fur coat in a store, it often carries a label(标签) telling who made it or from what store it was bought.
Indeed, some labels show the dress is famous and it is very expensive, so buyers secretly wish they might be carried forever. On the other hand, buyers who deal with the cheapest products(产品) would be pleased to do away with labels completely.
However, there is another label more important than the one showing from which store the dress was bought. When a person buys a fur coat, or a jacket, from a store, a label telling what the product is made of should be carried to it.
According to the law, this label must be carried. Besides telling what the product on show is made of, the label should be in clear English and be where one can find it easily. The information on the label must be true.
The reason for this label is that most buyers today don’t know exactly(确切地) what kind of fur or material they are buying. The buyer must believe in the store that sells the products or in what the labels say.
小题1: The law says that furs must carry a __________.
A.clean labelB.clear labelC.white labelD.secret label
小题2:This article is mainly about _______.
A.making furs and clothes
B.protecting buyers with law
C.keeping the buyer understood
D.businessmen and sellers
小题3: The writer doesn’t agree that ________.
A.labels are not true
B.clothing stores sell cheap dresses
C.all the products have labels.
D.buyers buy the clothes with labels
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.A T-shirt seldom carries a label.
B.A fur coat with a high price often carries a false label.
C.A label only says what material the product is made of.
D.Not all buyers know the material they are buying.

