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–The banana is too big. Do I need ____?

A. cut it up   B. to cut it up   C. to cut up it







科目:初中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:030

Read the following pictures, then choose the right picture for each part of the story.(先看图,理解故事大意,然后为故事各部分找出相应的图,并在句子后面的括号内填图


A.Sandy is eating a banan

A. He's hungry.(  )

B.Mr Baker is running to the river. He's taking off his shoes.(  )

C.It’s Sunday today. Mr Baker and his two children are going to the park. They have some

bread with them.(  )

D.Now he's swimming with Susie to the side of the river. She's OK. Good!(  )

E.Susie is throwing bread to the ducks. She's throwing it into the middle of the river.(  )

F.They are standing near the river. There are many ducks on the river.(  )

G. He's jumping into the river. Splash! Now he's swimming to Susie.(  )

H.Oops! Susie's in the river. Help! She can't swim.(  )


