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Billy ______ interested in English.   

[  ]

A. does  B. do  C. is  D. are


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

—What happened to Billy?
—He________because of his drink-driving.
A.is caughtB.was caughtC.has caughtD.had caught


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【小题1】Would you like to have dinner with ______(we)?
【小题2】Help _______(you) to some fish, children.
【小题3】I’d like three _______(cup) of tea.
【小题4】There _______(be) some water in the bottle.
【小题5】Is he a driver or a _______(cook)?
【小题6】Please give _______(he) some orange juice.
【小题7】Some ________(America) live in Hainan now.
【小题8】He _______(teach) in a school
【小题9】Please look at _______(Ann) family tree.
【小题10】Is your son a _______(work)?
【小题11】They are all ________ _______( office worker).
【小题12】My cousin Susan ________(study) in a new school.
【小题13】Who ________(look) after Rose?
【小题14】He _______(live) in China.
【小题15】 My friend helps _______(I )with my English.
【小题16】 My classmate Zhou Lan _______(have ) a dog.
【小题17】 Do you ________ (want) to go to Beijing?
【小题18】Does Billy ________(have) any friends in Haikou?
【小题19】Mr. Liang is our English teacher, we like _______(he) very much.
【小题20】_______(them) are in the same grade.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年云南省丽江市永北镇中学初一12月月考英语试卷 题型:单选题

My friend Billy lives _______ China.



科目:初中英语 来源:2014届重庆市江津区九年级上学期期末联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

The six-year-old Billy was seriously ill.

????????????? “Billy, what do you wish to do in the future?”

????????????? “Mom, I always want to be a fireman.”

????????????? His mom went to a fire station. She told a fireman about her son. She asked if it might be possible to give him a ride in a fire engine(消防车). The fireman said, “We can do better. We’ll make him an honorary(名誉的)fireman for the whole day. He can come to the fire station, eat with us and go out on all the fire calls. If you give us his sizes, we’ll get a real fire uniform for him.”

????????????? Three days later, that fireman dressed Billy in his fire uniform and drove him to the fire station. Billy was so excited. There were three fire calls that day. Billy rode in different fire engines and went out all the three calls.

????????????? Billy’s dream came true. He lived three months longer.

1.Did Billy want to be a policeman? ___________________________.

2.Who dressed Billy in his fire uniform? __________________________.

3.How many fire calls were there that day? _________________________



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年重庆万州岩口复兴学校初二上期中英语卷(第一组)(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Mrs. Jones is waiting for an important telephone call, but she has no vegetables at home, so she leaves the baby and says to her five-year-old son, “I’m going to the shops, Jimmy, and I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

While she is out, the telephone rings, and Jimmy answers.

“Hello,” says a man. “Is your mother here?”

“No.” answers Jimmy.

“Well, when she comes back, tell her Mr. Baker telephones.”

“What?” says Jimmy.

“Mr. Baker, write it down B-A-K-E-R.”

“How do you make a B,” asks Jimmy.

“How do I make B? Listen, little boy, is there anyone else with you? Any brothers or sisters?”

“My brother Billy is here.”

“Good, I want to talk to him, please.”

“All right.” Jimmy takes the telephone to the baby’s bed and gives it to Billy. When their mother comes back, she asks, “Does anyone telephone?”

“Yes,” says Jimmy, “a man. But he only wants to talk to Billy.”

1. Mrs. Jones is waiting for _____.

A.her friend

B.Mr. Baker


D.a call

2.Billy is _____.

A.Jimmy’s brother

B.Mrs. Jones’s brother

C.Mr. Baker’s son

D.Jimmy’s sister

3.There is no _____ in Mrs. Jones’s house.





4.When the telephone rings, Mrs. Jones is _____.

A.at home


C.with Jimmy



